by Max Barry

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The Most Extensive Public Healthcare in Equilism

World Census interns were infected with obscure diseases in order to test which nations had the most effective and well-funded public healthcare facilities.

As a region, Equilism is ranked 3,465th in the world for Most Extensive Public Healthcare.

NationWorldTheresa-Nightingale Rating
1.The Collective of Uiiop687th16,675.95
2.The Interstellar Republic of Isaris914th15,732.48
3.The Matriarchy of Lahmere933rd15,689.33
4.The Five Fingered Discount of Ivetnia1,281st14,684.49
5.The Federal Republic of Evanisia2,016th13,295.22
6.The Most Serene Republic of Jenalia2,273rd12,911.85
7.The Rum and Sodomy Complex of The Admiralty2,452nd12,664.78
8.The Republic of Zawikhiztan2,790th12,238.72
9.The Toppled Regime of The True Czar4,072nd10,964.39
10.The Crimson King of Westwind4,296th10,778.04
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