by Max Barry

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The World World Census

The Most Zombies in the World

The following nations have the greatest number of zombified citizens.

2,211.The State of Warren Allen6,007,000,000
2,212.The Res Publica Sanctus of Deus Sol Invicto6,006,000,000
2,213.The Protectorate of Anony Mouse6,006,000,000
2,214.The State of Hackaway6,006,000,000
2,215.The State of Meilleure6,003,000,000
2,216.The Brutality of Salty Sea Dog6,003,000,000
2,217.The District of Gina Scalia6,003,000,000
2,218.The Dominion of Small Hadron Collider6,003,000,000
2,219.The Shinobi of The Kagemusha6,002,000,000
2,220.The Unitary Crusader State of Order of the Saint Dumas6,002,000,000
«12. . .219220221222223224225. . .34,06834,069»