by Max Barry

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The World World Census

The Most Stationary in the World

Long-term World Census surveillance revealed which nations have been resident in their current region for the longest time.

NationWA CategoryMotto
325,621.The Republic of Airstrikers23Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Victory!”
325,622.The Republic of LolseriaMoralistic Democracy“Might Makes Right”
325,623.The Republic of TechaurimCorporate Bordello“Tech and Science equals Richness and knowledge”
325,624.The Kingdom of SatvahanInoffensive Centrist Democracy“जननी जन्मभूमिष्च स्वर्गादपि गरियसि”
325,625.The Republic of WestittyNew York Times Democracy“Mission Accomplished”
325,626.The Republic of Delize and danzonLiberal Democratic Socialists“Semper es vigilens ”
325,627.The Former Autonomous Region of IbleniaIron Fist Consumerists“Unity makes strength”
325,628.The Republic of Saint Spa Vilis HaveFather Knows Best State“By The People For The People”
325,629.The Republic of Chimoreian Imperial Legion XXXVIIMoralistic Democracy“Ave Merciam”
325,630.The Republic of Airstrikers24Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Victory!”
«12. . .32,56032,56132,56232,56332,56432,56532,566. . .34,64034,641»