by Max Barry

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The World World Census

The Highest Foreign Aid Spending in the World

The World Census intercepted food drops in several war-torn regions to determine which nations spent the most on international aid.

NationWA CategoryMotto
11.The People's Socialist Republic of UrgabahScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Struggle, Solidarity, and Socialism!”
12.The Empire of NagaroshaDemocratic Socialists“Be afraid. Be very afraid.”
13.The Serene Compassionate Utopia of SafjScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Live Life How You Choose; Live It Well.”
14.The Benevolent Queendom of Divine CervineDemocratic Socialists“Where the deer’s swift leap startles the wild bee”
15.The Kingdom of MerconitonitopiaPsychotic Dictatorship“Fear God and Keep His Commandments”
16.The Peace Loving Nation of Berzerkeley CaliforniaCivil Rights Lovefest“Make love, not war”
17.The Republic of SthalinPsychotic Dictatorship“Motto”
18.The Worker's Paradise of Soviet ArkansasIron Fist Socialists“In Soviet Arkansas, Hog Calls You!”
19.The Imperial Commonwealth of Eastfield LodgeDemocratic Socialists“Manducate pisces fragemanaque solani tuberosi!”
20.The Culture of Free SocialismLeft-wing Utopia“Of each according to ability to each according to need.”
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