by Max Barry

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The World World Census

The Highest Average Incomes in the World

The World Census carefully compared the average spending power of citizens in each nation.

NationWA CategoryMotto
316,001.The Commonwealth of New AstroniaLiberal Democratic Socialists“Progress and Evolution”
316,002.The Democratic Republic of Zaber SuverdecairnInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Something about a former colony too mixed to be itself.”
316,003.The Empire of The CalicoDemocratic Socialists“Live laugh love ”
316,004.The Queendom of ArethusaCivil Rights Lovefest“I-I'm not feeling lonely or anything!”
316,005.The Queendom of MogamiLeft-wing Utopia“Don't worry too much about me, just leave me be”
316,006.The United Socialist States of BorodinoDemocratic Socialists“ПРОЛЕТАРИИ ВСЕХ СТРАН, СОЕДИНЯЙТЕСЬ!”
316,007.The Republic of EtruriiaDemocratic Socialists“You are an enemy of the Pantheon”
316,008.The Democratic States of Salty TearsAuthoritarian Democracy“Strength Through Freedom”
316,009.The Disputed Territories of Rom 81Iron Fist Consumerists“Might Makes Right”
316,010.The Sultanate of AlbarazilDemocratic Socialists“The first, last, and eternal”
«12. . .31,59831,59931,60031,60131,60231,60331,604. . .34,63934,640»