by Max Barry

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The World World Census

The Highest Average Incomes in the World

The World Census carefully compared the average spending power of citizens in each nation.

NationWA CategoryMotto
315,951.The Community of Moler Barber CollegeLibertarian Police State“Barbering, Cosmetology, Esthetics”
315,952.The Protectorate of Card Season 183Authoritarian Democracy“Mass-Production”
315,953.The Free Land of Awesome KyubimonDemocratic Socialists“Fox Tail Inferno”
315,954.The Republic of Swiss Farmer 21Corrupt Dictatorship“Unity, Discipline, Work”
315,955.The Empire of Imperian hanCorrupt Dictatorship“чем дальше в лес тем больше шкибиди доп ес ес”
315,956.The Republic of Birch 263Authoritarian Democracy“A million mile from home”
315,957.The 4 Calling Birds of 3 French HensLeft-Leaning College State“Hens like to cluck.”
315,958.The United States of GermanyNationsDemocratic Socialists“We have countryballs”
315,959.The Republic of DordrechtNew York Times Democracy“Dordrecht Netherlands”
315,960.The Fiefdom of Astesia UrbicaAuthoritarian Democracy“I have served, I will be of service”
«12. . .31,59331,59431,59531,59631,59731,59831,599. . .34,63934,640»