by Max Barry

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The Most Developed in The Amaranthine Isles

The World Census compiles a "Human Development Index" by measuring citizens' average life expectancy, education, and income.

As a region, The Amaranthine Isles is ranked 2,534th in the world for Most Developed.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Master of the Aetherlands of The United Vex ImperiumInoffensive Centrist Democracy“From the Saint, Under the Star, For the Imperium”
2.The Principality of Regency of SodorLeft-Leaning College State“Thrive without kings”
3.The Grand Duchy of MindeScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Screaming Inside Our Hearts”
4.The Democratic Republic of FlowerhopeNew York Times Democracy“Logical Brain Nationstates”
5.The Commonwealth of BenstatiosCivil Rights Lovefest“Please let us do our thing”
6.The Commonwealth of EliethyiusCivil Rights Lovefest“Insert Generic Motto Here”
7.The Republic of New PenguinDemocratic Socialists“ex penguins ad penguins”
8.The Allied Nations of Rectangular IslandDemocratic Socialists“God, Homeland, Liberty”
9.The Free Land of Eastern CeldastaniaLeft-wing Utopia“Peace and Justice”
10.The Empire of LeimporthPsychotic Dictatorship“Strength Through war”
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