by Max Barry

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The Most Average in Reality

World Census staff took time out to pay tribute to those most overlooked of nations: the determinedly average.

As a region, Reality is ranked 11,497th in the world for Most Average.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Principality of Satanic AtheistsInoffensive Centrist Democracy“God Is Fictitious, But Satan Is Real”
2.The Borderlands of Upper IrelandInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Unity”
3.The United Kingdom of Pax CanadianaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“We’re Sorry, Eh?”
4.The Helvetic Lands of Alpine DemocracyNew York Times Democracy“Unus Pro Omnibus, Omnes Pro Uno”
5.The Democratic Republic of Iron RangersInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Solidarity Forever”
6.The Humdrum Doldrums of Boring PeopleDemocratic Socialists“No Fun Intended”
7.The United Kingdom of Jews and GypsiesDemocratic Socialists“Unité Nous Renforce”
8.The Commonwealth of Freed AnimalsLiberal Democratic Socialists“Animal Equality”
9.The People of GLBTLeft-wing Utopia“By The People, For The People”