by Max Barry

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The World World Census

The Most Influential in the World

World Census experts spent many evenings loitering in the corridors of power in order to determine which nations were the greatest international diplomacy heavyweights.

NationWA CategoryMotto
41.The Constitutional Monarchy of SomeseniLeft-wing Utopia“Peace, Justice and Freedom”
42.The Social Democracy of Super Happy LandInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Live Superly Happy!”
43.The Federal Republic of BrakanistanLeft-wing Utopia“learn, develop and adapt”
44.The WitchOfTroubleInElectricBlue of New EestiballLeft-wing Utopia“Instead of office chair, package contained bobcat.”
45.The Corporate Federation of MaritzalIron Fist Consumerists“Together As One”
46.The European Union of Slavonia and SrijemScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Bolje ispast glup nego iz aviona”
47.The Parliamentary Republic of TrixelandLeft-wing Utopia“For the good of the people, for the good of the nation”
48.The Federal Republic of ChronusCivil Rights Lovefest“Liberty is not the daughter but the mother of order”
49.The Holy Roman Empire of TF1 TASK FORCE 1Civil Rights Lovefest“Not So Holy, Not So Roman,”
50.The Hetalian FairyFriend Kingdom of LeranditaleNew York Times Democracy“Furina de Fontaine!”
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