by Max Barry

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The World World Census

The Most Influential in the World

World Census experts spent many evenings loitering in the corridors of power in order to determine which nations were the greatest international diplomacy heavyweights.

NationWA CategoryMotto
341,041.The Crusader Kingdoms of Holy HipposPsychotic Dictatorship“Atheism is banned.”
341,042.The Commonwealth of SOUTH GORGONSKYACorporate Bordello“The strong will stay, the weak will be conquer”
341,043.The Duchy of MontalberoInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Libertas et Iustitia”
341,044.The Community of The true AncapistanCapitalist Paradise“Profit at any cost.”
341,045.The Colony of SkanichuehDemocratic Socialists“All things in balance”
341,046.The Confederacy of FlexassippiRight-wing Utopia“Think of the children!”
341,047.The People's Republic of JiguoLeft-Leaning College State“Jiguo. Chicken. Tottenham Hotspur. In that order.”
341,048.The E5 Series Shinkansen of The Featured Region ExpressIron Fist Consumerists“Traveling The Featured Regions of Nation States by Rail”
341,049.The Peaceful Abode of Melaka SultanateFree-Market Paradise“الله سلامتکن سلطان”
341,050.The Republic of GU 53rd FleetInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Justice, Piety, Loyalty”
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