by Max Barry

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The Most Advanced Public Transport in MJT

World Census experts captured, tagged, and released trains in order to identify which nations have the most extensive, well-funded public transportation systems.

As a region, MJT is ranked 10,954th in the world for Most Advanced Public Transport.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Lost Cause of KostaneInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Freedom At Any Price”
2.The Realm Past the Horizon of MerethinLeft-wing Utopia“Memories fade, but legends never die”
3.The Dictatorship of The Binarian EmpireFather Knows Best State“Holy Diver, star of the masquerade!”
4.The Sublime Republic of Dasi DasiInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Kidneys for Days!”
5.The Engineer of SimoniaCivil Rights Lovefest“There is an impostor among us.”
6.The Full Moon Land of ZhidaoleCorrupt Dictatorship“找到你的力量,大满月人!”
7.The People's Republic of Morris GriffinCivil Rights Lovefest“Meow”
8.The Friendly Dictatorship of TildurlandFather Knows Best State“Long Live the Grand Coalition!”
9.The Pederal Na Kapuluan of The Indios BravosInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Kaluwalhatian sa Kapuluan! Luwalhati sa Diyos!”
10.The Krasnoyarskian Commune State of Serbian EFather Knows Best State“Geneva Convention? How about Geneva SUGGESTIONS *cough*”
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