by Max Barry

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The Lowest Overall Tax Burden in Circumference

World Census financial experts assessed nations across a range of direct and indirect measures in order to determine which placed the lowest tax burden on their citizens.

As a region, Circumference is ranked 28,241st in the world for Lowest Overall Tax Burden.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Republic of NowolukowiaAnarchy“Marching on an empty stomach”
2.The Kingdom of SveynlandInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Bridging Nations, Strengthening Bonds”
3.The Kingdom of BrythennicaNew York Times Democracy“Sic Dicit Dominus”
4.The Space between Spaces of The Tides of VulkanInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Be not Afraid”
5.The Colony of Circumference IFather Knows Best State“Veritas vincit”
6.The Republic of VenertiaDemocratic Socialists“Progress by, of, and for the People”
7.The League of Nations of Maritime CascadiaIron Fist Consumerists“Enjoyment of the Four Freedoms of the World”
8.The People's Republic of Dongfang HuliFather Knows Best State“Serve the People!”
9.The True and Legitimate Land of of DockystanCorrupt Dictatorship“Nahn 'aezam fi alkun”
10.The United Socialist States of HrafsneyrPsychotic Dictatorship“ᚡᛂᚱᚴᛆᛉᛂᚿᚿ ᛡᛂᛁᛉᛍᛁᚿᛍ, ᛍᛆᛉᛂᛁᚿᛁᛍᛐ!”