by Max Barry

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The Most Pacifist in the West Pacific

Nations ranked highly pursue diplomatic solutions rather than military ones in the international arena, have small or nonexistent militaries, and peace-loving citizens.

As a region, the West Pacific is ranked 12,511th in the world for Most Pacifist.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Smokin Green Land of DiscGolfLandLeft-wing Utopia“May The Course be with you!”
2.The People's Socialist Republic of UrgabahScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Struggle, Solidarity, and Socialism!”
3.The People's Hindu Matriarchy 🚩 of ShaktirajyaLiberal Democratic Socialists“Mata Devi Matrubhumi - Mother Goddess, Motherland 🚩”
4.The Holy Empire of Muad-DibLeft-wing Utopia“It's the Golden Path or Bloodbath!”
5.The General Disassembler of VaraniusPsychotic Dictatorship“To gently lie and prove the lie true”
6.The The Wheel Weaves Empire of SindriaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“happily braindead NationStates”
7.The Friendly Republic of SensorlandLiberal Democratic Socialists“Venu al ni, amikoj!”
8.The Federal Republic of Hamburg NeoLeft-wing Utopia“For The People”
9.The People's Ambient Technocracy of MathemataniaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“The integral of e to the x is f of u sub n!”
10.The Archipelagic Paradise of LiberilliaCivil Rights Lovefest“Every Day a New Sun”
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