by Max Barry

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The Longest Average Lifespans in The Free Nations Region

Nations ranked highly have lower rates of preventable death, with their citizens enjoying longer average lifespans.

As a region, The Free Nations Region is ranked 4,282nd in the world for Longest Average Lifespans.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Scientific Super Colliders of VostrovLiberal Democratic Socialists“First, you must get a cat. Get the Meow.”
2.The Free Land of IremiaLiberal Democratic Socialists“Plus Ultra”
3.The Sunny Land of Moka PamplemoussesScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Live under the sun, lay under the palm trees”
4.The Commonwealth of Democratic KraisScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Freedom and Commonwealth”
5.The Federation of NarvatusPsychotic Dictatorship“Truth over all”
6.The Federal Republic of The Earths peopleDemocratic Socialists“Democratiam primum”
7.The United States of EmahaLeft-wing Utopia“By The People For The People”
8.The Federated United States of SulivanniaLeft-Leaning College State“United We Stand”
9.The Socialist Federation of BalkanturistanLeft-wing Utopia“Para todos todo”
10.The Fedəration of My NationLiberal Democratic Socialists“non erit tibi hoc”