by Max Barry

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The Most Politically Free in Eastern Europe

These nations allow citizens the greatest amount of freedom to select their own government.

As a region, Eastern Europe is ranked 7,178th in the world for Most Politically Free.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Reign of SpainAnarchy“...goes mainly down the drain.”
2.The Peninsulae of MichiganAnarchy“What's good for Michigan is good for the Michigander.”
3.The Partition of IndiaAnarchy“1.4 Billion People Can't Be Wrong”
4.The Ghost of Bobby FischerAnarchy“Yes, this is all wonderful news, Pablo.”
5.The Bolivars of VenezuelaLeft-wing Utopia“1 USD = BsS 44,230,000”
6.The Redundancy of North DakotaAnarchy“Consistently ranked among the nation's top two Dakotas”
7.The Colony of PalestineAnarchy“Let My people go!”
8.The Emirate of Ghost of AfghanistanAnarchy“Something something land war in Asia”
9.The Theocracy of Ghost of ArabiaAnarchy“When in Arabia, do as the Arabians don't”
10.The Republic of Ghost of CaliforniaAnarchy“Hang ten bruh”
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