by Max Barry

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The World World Census

The Largest Arms Manufacturing Sector in the World

World Census special forces intercepted crates of smuggled weapons to determine which nations have the largest arms industry.

NationWA CategoryMotto
340,781.The Borderlands of N73328Moralistic Democracy“N”
340,782.The Free Land of Glacier National ParkScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Come for the wildlife, stay for the snowcones.”
340,783.The County of CsongradFather Knows Best State“Ad Astra”
340,784.The Republic of DonraairufutiyubiNew York Times Democracy“To a Better Tomorrow”
340,785.The United Socialist States of HackneyScandinavian Liberal Paradise“…”
340,786.The Adventures of The Butter GuyInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Butter Your Turkey! Butter Your Ham!”
340,787.The Puppet State of PuppetaliaLeft-wing Utopia“There are no strings on me!”
340,788.The Dominion of BorathaConservative Democracy“जयराज, veRy nICE!”
340,789.The Quiet Quorum of DahodahLiberal Democratic Socialists“Still here, still united”
340,790.The United Socialist States of Gaeilge PeoplesDemocratic Socialists“Tiocfaidh ar la”
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