by Max Barry

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The Largest Arms Manufacturing Sector in Dabble Zealous Oscar Crimson

World Census special forces intercepted crates of smuggled weapons to determine which nations have the largest arms industry.

As a region, Dabble Zealous Oscar Crimson is ranked 19,381st in the world for Largest Arms Manufacturing Sector.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Disputed Territories of SalmagundiInoffensive Centrist Democracy“'Many Things Slapped Together' sounds better in Latin”
2.The League of KalbanCapitalist Paradise“Ex Astra Unum”
3.The Meritocratic Voluntary Union of AkoheisarCapitalist Paradise“From each by their gifts, to each by their ambition”
4.The Republic of EphesusInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Eep?”
5.The Nomadic Peoples of Inko TisfamoInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Coming Soon”
6.The Republic of GalbanumCivil Rights Lovefest“Free Mottos, enquire within!”
7.The Sacred Republic of HalicarnassusNew York Times Democracy“For Poseiden and the people!”
8.The Reciprocity of Cinnamon and ChocolateDemocratic Socialists“Mmmm...”
9.The Rogue Nation of Nomanisan IslandScandinavian Liberal Paradise“When everybody's special, nobody is special.”