«12. . .24,51724,51824,51924,52024,52124,52224,523. . .24,53924,540»
Welcome! Nice flag! Does kinda mean that you had other nations in NS (or even in TWI) before?
If you haven't received the information in the link below yet, please read it if you want to become active in this region; if you have any questions, feel free to ask them here at this Regional Message Board (RMB).
Welcome! |
You must be wondering what you can do here and how, what is expected of you and how to start role-playing… I’ll try to answer these questions in this dispatch.
First of all, if you haven’t done so already – go ahead and introduce yourself on our regional message board (RMB). You can post things like what country you’re from, if you’re new to NationStates or to role-playing (RP), what kind of a nation you want to create, and anything else you’d like to share.
Before we begin, Ostehaar was the original author of these sorts of dispatches. He was the successor before me and was a steady hand of stability, a calm mediator and an expert RPer. He wrote a dispatch like this years ago, however following his CTEing there is was a need for an active person to take over this dispatch into the future. This is a need as the Successor that I have met. Also big thanks to Dormill and Stiura who has given a lot of this dispatch a fresh coat of paint and some small rewrites in other places. This does remain largely Ostehaar's work though, or at least that's what I was told!
About the Region |
IC communication (in-character, meaning when we are role-playing) is done on the NationStates forums
OOC communication (out-of-character, from general chatting to world-building - you are the player who is writing stuff in this context) is done on the RMB and the forums
Telegrams are usually OOC
We don’t have offsite forums, but there’s a “mostly unofficial” Discord chat. It is an OOC space, and discussions about IC matters that go beyond brainstorming or getting advice should be done on the RMB or through telegrams.
We use the NationStates platform to create fun and interesting stories, about our nations, peoples, and leaders. We usually discuss ideas and plan RPs on the RMB and in OOC forum threads, and then co-write them as RPs, news, accounts, information, and history in dispatches and IC threads.
We have a democratically elected government (you can run for office) in-charge of several aspects of the region:
Facilitating RP and promoting world-building and cooperation in the region
Managing the region in terms of regional rules and standards
Recruiting new players and managing our embassies with other regions
For more information, you can read through the following dispatches when you get a chance:
The Constitution – It details the responsibilities of the various government officers and the Founder, as well as the processes of legislation and elections in the region. Of course, there’s no need to remember it all, but it’s there if you need it.
The Regional Rules and Conduct – That’s just… The rules. You know, don’t be a pain to others, don’t spam the RMB, and so on. The map rules are also there, but we’ll get to that in a minute.
The Monthly Report dispatch – Contains current and updating information about the region (recent stats of the region, weekly updates, important daily events, etc.).
Of course, most of us can. If you still have questions, you can do either of the following:
Post a question on the RMB; you’ll likely get an answer not long after.
Send a personal TG to any of the officers (listed in the WFE) or to an active member (ie someone on the map)
Your address for questions regarding specific RP rules is the Secretary of Role-Play (SoRP) (Dormill and Stiura). Feel free to tag him in your RMB post or to TG him.
About Role-Playing in the Region |
Our regional map is the basis of our RP, and it is therefore reserved for nations who actively engage in RP or plan to do so.
To be added to the map, send Ainslie a telegram with answers to several simple questions – they are listed in the Map Dispatch right after the image of the map itself.
Here in this region we don’t use NationStates stats at all. Population, economic status, main industries, defense budget – All of those things are up to you, the player, to decide (within reason, which we will get to later)! Make factbooks or dispatches describing your nation’s culture, history, religion, government, economy, climate, military, science, industries, people, corporations, trade deals, and anything else you can think of.
RP in this region is based on realism and modern-technology, so keep your nation in those limits. There are a few other guidelines we have in place to keep things balanced, for example:
Population should be no larger than 30 million
GDP per-capita should be no larger than $50,000 USD
Other than that – the limit is your own creativity. Feel free to look around and read other nations’ factbooks and dispatches for ideas. See for example:
Domanania's factbook which reveals a system of family-based conglomerates that affectively run his economy.
Ioudaia’s dispatch on his Multi-Role Stealth Aircraft.
Solaryia's History dispatch which walks you through the nation's history.
Najimam's dispatch which offers a rundown of his major islamic handicrafts company.
Baumes's dispatch outlining his multinational aircraft manufacturer Amsel.
Take some time to look around, get to know the other players and the region as a whole, and develop your nation. I recommend doing that before getting into RP.
You can get to the region’s ongoing RPs and events in either of the following ways:
Through the “Ongoing Events and Perpetual RPs” in the region’s World Factbook Entry which can be found through links such as 'News', or 'League'.
Through Ainslie’s RP Directory, which contains the region’s RPs, alliances, and collaboration threads
As a start, I recommend flicking through the recent posts in the regional news thread and posting some of your own, before moving on to more complex RPs. This would allow players of the region to get acquainted with your nation and your style. Another easy way to get going in TWI's role-play community is to see if there is anything happening in the League, our United Nations that for legal reasons is not the UN nor purports to be.
NS is full of useful guides on RPing and writing. This one, for example, is short and to the point. This has all the NSCodes. This thread explains about RPing warfare. There are many more RP guides and tip dispatches or threads around the site – feel free to explore and learn more about RPing. If you're looking for a guide or some sort of explanation of something, often others will know (or have) dispatches which explain various parts of RPing. Don't hesitate to write in the Regional Message Board (RMB) and ask if anyone knows of any particular guides to a certain aspect of RPing.
For any question on the region (or not), feel free to ask on the RMB or to any of the active members.
We put certain limits on IC population (and GDP per capita), check the part of the welcome dispatch under the header "Are There Limitations?"
Nhoor and Nicharia
I'll limit it to 30mil
What would your GDP per capita be?
(If tis how much citizens earn on average, ₹34,989
News. Following the visits by the Elenthros of Foreign Affairs of Roendavar and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Biaten, the Republic of Lesva on Cane Islo now welcomes the Prime Minister of UQs of Altera:
Tagging: Great Altera
Roendavar, Great Altera, and Corkair
The latest from Nhoor: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=337003&p=42185684#p42185684
Go to the Index | Go back to edition 1208 | 2024 A | This is edition 1208 | 2024 B | Go forward to edition 1209 | 2025 A
So̦nhire pē GRRh culstocaswlōme Canda̦r loq calydaqholiq ey Cow̦rvae̦ demher Zumɵrhēmidur
Cany’s New Year’s Eve message questions the existence of the RMA
SĀRRUC, 31 December 2024 | In the traditional New Year’s Eve message delivered by Nhoor’s head of government, Prime Minister Orumha Cany-Jwchmiqen looked back on an eventful year, both in Nhoor and abroad. She recalled several international events, such as the closing of Nhoor’s borders for Kaskalman nationals between January and May after reports of contagious anthrax cases in that country, the expansion of the Raedlon Organization of States (ROS) with Costavozka and Takiv in January and Corkair in October and the creation of a Minister for Raedlon Affairs, and the LGBTQ+ protests that followed crackdowns in Holy Karenland and the Lesvan State.
The small but noted rise of Throngism in Nhoor, which caused some riots, was also addressed by the prime Minister. “Many of you have been confused by the Council of High Judges’ ruling in February that the Throngist Party of Nhoor should not be forbidden, despite the fact that its ideology is all but democratic”, she said. “Especially after the fall of the Throngist regime of Lesva in January, this ruling may have seemed contradictory. Our country is however tolerant and knows freedom of speech and freedom of opinion, which means that people may be Throngist, as long as they don’t use violent means to achieve their goals – but this applies for all political parties.”
A surprising remark involved the Secretariate of Raedlon Military Affairs (RMA), the military component of ROS. In light of the recent involvement of the Western Isles Democratic Alliance (WIDA) in protecting and securing the Republic of Lesva after the recent bombing of Cane Islo, Mrs Cany asked herself out loud why ROS maintains the RMA at all, which seems neither active nor effective, and why it doesn’t seek integration in WIDA instead, a question which will surely ruffle a couple of feathers in the corridors of ROS in the next month.
The Prime Minister also used the occasion to announce an official visit by herself and the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Mr Acāver Jā̦, and Budget and Trade, Ms Odarvī Phostaqh, to the Republic of Lesva as early as this Friday, to affirm the relations between our countries, which have been rather steadfast in the last year. A further official state visit will take place from 13 to 16 January, when King Oskar III and Queen Johanna of Talvistova, who have accepted an invitation by Their Majesties King Elerha and Queen Calavī, will come to Nhoor.
While the Prime Minister traditionally delivers an earthly and usually political message on New Year’s Eve, it’ll be King Elerha’s turn tomorrow on New Year’s Day, which in Nhoor coincides with its Independence Day, to reflect in a spiritual way on current societal matters in our country.
Rhuch pw ƨoqō iscom Lesimham culstoche gil rhwsagil cu RRRh Onnwqhdar Munustadar jan Rāylwch pw Runānaj
Raedlon Affairs Minister Onnwqh asks ROS nations for clear policy on Lesva
SĀRRUC, 29 December 2024 | Following the bombing campaign that was unleashed by the Lesvan State on the Republic on Lesva on Cane Islo recently, Minister of Raedlon Affairs So̦na Onnwqh has written to his ROS member state counterparts as well as the outgoing Secretary General of the Raedlon Organization of States, Arti Sirel (Solaryia), and the upcoming Secretary General, Jōgzav Tagvan (Takiv), to ask them to review the member states’ policies on dealing with the Lesvan State.
Currently there is no common policy regarding the Lesvan State and the Republic of Lesva, with some ROS member states doing business with one and other member states with the other. An attempt to discuss the matter during the last meeting of the Council of Representatives in Belantica in October didn’t result in a decision. As Nhoor has recognised the Republic of Lesva, Minister Onnwqh hopes that the nations that so far interacted with the Lesvan State now have seen the criminal behaviour of the Scadi-regime of the Lesvan State and urges them to reconsider their opinions.
“That bombing campaign was barbarous and completely unnecessary, and I am glad that many nations so far have already pledged or sent support to Cane Islo to restore the island to its former glory”, the Minister said, who added that a donation campaign in Nhoor to help Cane Islo that was set up immediately after the bombings started, has so far raised Ꝙ 1,949,422 (about IAD 448,367).
Broca hot e̦nƨe̦ch mey Casānisoch pw Repwydo̦sa̦lana “IsleVision”
Broca thirteenth in IsleVision Song Contest
VIDA CAVILAS (RB), 24 December 2024 | Nhoor’s entry in the IsleVision Song Contest, Taqws nho cimbrunon e ta̦vay ataypese̦m oca̦r, nhā urrun oso̦nhie̦se̦m wnho nōqwn or Urrun for short, performed by the band Broca has ended 13th or 14th out of 17 contestants following the decision by the votes of the audiences and juries of the participating nations. Winner was Avrazhim’s Fear the Riders, performed by Tamar ben Shimo; the Nhoor jury gave them just 1 point. The song Lying with Strangers by Narrīsa Raene from The Tsunterlands however ended up in second place as with the national votes from Nhoor. Holy Karenland’s song Arkum Tzumber by Odeson Gorenov ended last; it received no points from Nhoor.
People on social media in Nhoor are unhappy with the result; Summer Rain by Esa Lecina from the Republic of Lesva received most points from the Nhoor public but came out only third. “It is obvious that negative publicity about the Lesvan State unjustly blurred people’s opinions about this fantastic song!”, one comment said. “People must have been bribed to vote for Avrazhim”, another one read.
The official results list Nhoor’s entry as 13th place out of 16, but the fourth place is shared between Watch Ya Back by Fr!zz from Tricklandia and Mayomankan by Zapāyihual from The United Partitions, which allows the argument that places 5th to 16th are in fact 6th to 17th. Singer Nācirtir Juvey confesses himself disappointed: “It would have been nice to have reached the top-10”, he said. “I think we had a good song but it didn’t reach people fast enough.”
Next year’s edition will likely be hosted by this year’s winner, Avrazhim.
Dīplomasīnhoch pw valwsire nhar ja̦nvarera · 1209
Diplomatic changes as of January 2025
SĀRRUC, 20 December 2024 | The Diplomatic Service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced a number of staff changes that will take effect on 1 January 2025. Most notably, Nhoor’s representative to The League of TWI Ms Calavī Ulerh’s term will end this year; she will be replaced by Mr Aa̦n Vayda, who has served as the Nhoor ambassador to Keverai in the past four years. Mr Vayda in turn will be replaced by Mr Īrtesin Jā̦, who has been the Nhoor representative to The Western Isles Climate Response Council (TWICRC) in the past four years; the new representative to TWICRC will be Ms Āro Chasy-Saƨytech.
Next, it was announced that a decision was made to appoint an ambassador to the Republic of Lesva, the part of the country that has its power base on Cane Islo and which enjoys diplomatic recognition by Nhoor, as opposed to the Lesvan State, which controls the mainland of the country. However, following the attack on Cane Islo by the Lesvan State earlier this week, which has been strongly condemned by the Nhoor government, this ambassador will not take up residence on Cane Islo for the time being. It was announced that Mr Uba-Menhin Beq, currently still the ambassador to Dormill and Stiura, will be given this responsibility.
Further new appointments are Mr Qorhud Gusymareqh, who has been named as the new Nhoor ambassador to Martenyika, while Ms Ulerh has been proposed as the new ambassador to Talvistova and Mr Conhan Vasi̦ny, currently still the ambassador to Thromsa, as the new ambassador to Nentia in a bid to boost relations with these two Argean countries that are relatively close to Nhoor. The new ambassador to Thromsa will be Mr Losan Ocwrwta. Lastly, Mr Zamha-Rhoja̦d Taƨɵ̦qer has been named ambassador to Hanselans, an archipelago west of Corkair.
Cōdeta mey W̦rsa̦nha gwrtwnhe Canda̦r E̦qhdar pwr Munusta
Prime Minister Cany condemns coup d’état in Yursea
SĀRRUC, 14 December 2024 | Prime Minister Orumha Cany has condemned the coup d’état that occurred in the Commonwealth of Yursea two days ago, which saw the Yursean military take control of the capital city of Halwey and the residence of the Yursean president, and place the country under martial law.
“Democracy cannot be thrown into the bin when elected officials do not act according to everyone’s wishes”, Cany said, who added that she is worried about the population of Yursea who now see their rights and freedoms curtailed and called upon the leader of the coup, Chairman of the Transitional Authority Council Brigadier General Josiah Hester, to restore his country’s lawful government as soon as possible.
In the meantime, Foreign Minister Acāver Jā̦ has recalled all non-essential staff of the Nhoor embassy in Yursea and invited the Yursean ambassador to Nhoor, Colonel Jeremey Blackson, to explain the recent developments in his country.
Nhōr wcustēre mey Casānisoch pw Repwydo̦sa̦lana “IsleVision”
Nhoor will participate in the IsleVision Song Contest
SĀRRUC, 30 November 2024 | For the first time, Nhoor will be participating in the IsleVision Song Contest, an annual international grand prix to determine the best song of The Western Isles. A national contest that took place at the start of the month was won by the band Broca with their song Urrun (Nothing), which means that they will defend Nhoor’s honour in Vida Cavilas, in The Republic of Baumes. Last year, Baumes’s entry Meu Amor won the Contest that took place in Visconde de Assumpção in Thromsa, which meant that they were to be this year’s host.
Broca, consisting of Nācirtir Juvey (vocals), Pharus Ƨīmeqh (guitar), Ējod Amher (keyboard, electronics), and U̦mār Pɵssa̦ƨiqh, is relatively new in the Nhoor music scene. It was formed during its members’ time at university, but although they enjoyed local fame in Cinharda since 2019, they were first discovered nation-wide last year with their song Arcalast sɵn Jiremhwnɵs (The Grammar of Friendship), which topped the charts for several weeks in the spring of 2023. They have written some songs in English, but most of their output is written in Nhoor.
The song Urrun (Nothing) or with its complete title Taqws nho cimbrunon e ta̦vay ataypese̦m oca̦r, nhā urrun oso̦nhie̦se̦m wnho nōqwn (I want to give you everything, but I’ve got nothing) is also written in Nhoor and deals with a feeling of not being good enough in the eyes of the person you love, expressed most clearly in the refrain Enc, enc nōq ēnēsenwq rēde tā̦r, vada urrun oso̦nhie̦se̦m wnho nōqwn (Why, why would you love me, ‘cause I’ve got nothing). The song has a simple matter-of-fact character, and Broca has confirmed that they won’t dress up spectacularly and that there won’t be any elaborate décor.
“We know that the IsleVision audience likes a lot of fancy stuff, but it wouldn’t match the character of our song, so there will be no shiny uniforms or trapeze acts or dancing armadillos. We discussed it in the band, and we decided that we will be wearing some clothes though”, Juvey joked during the press conference after their national win.
Experts think that the unfamiliarity of the Nhoor language may be a reason for the audience of The Western Isles not to chose Nhoor’s song. Nhoor’s entry isn’t the only one in a local language: Wangano’s Out of the Dark, performed by LAKO, will have some lyrics in Chinese, and Talvistova will enter with Täytyy Yrittää (Gotta Try), by Jarmo Niminen.
Munusta jan Rāylwch pw Runānaj henna LGBTQ+ pw so̦de req Jōrhosoch pw Ƨa̦nsiloririq hwhoromhahen acamese̦m Rholazdar cu Parlamenticu
Members of Parliament urge Raedlon Affairs Minister to discuss LGBTQ+ rights with Takiv chancellor
SĀRRUC, 20 November 2024 | A majority of members of Nhoor’s parliament has urged So̦na Onnwqh, the Minister for Raedlon Affairs, to discuss Nhoor’s view on LGBTQ+ rights with the Takivaj Chancellor Raznak Nogva after the latter’s silence on the matter in the light of international developments made the news recently. The majority consisted of the representatives of the socialdemocrat party COJ, the environmentalist CRh, the liberaldemocrat SIQ, and the small intellectualist party OJ.
Where a number of nations have adopted or supported the LGBTQ+ rights charter that was issued by The Tsunterlands last month, other nations decided to limit the rights of this minority group, with the Lesvan State turning a pride into a state propaganda march lead by that nation’s leader’s sister. The Takivaj Chancellor seemingly caught in the crossfire between support for LGBTQ+ groups and its desire to do business with the Lesvan State, has not uttered a word on the matter. The parties speaking up in Parliament are of the opinion that Takiv should focus its attention more on the Raedlon Organization of States (ROS) and its fellow member states instead of on a controversial and only partially recognised nation on yonder side of Argus.
Minister Onnwqh has answered Parliament that his colleague Acāver Jā̦, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, already summoned the Takivaj ambassador in September to discuss the Takivaj approach to Lesva. This was however due to the fact that Nhoor does not recognise the Lesvan State as a nation and that Takiv and other ROS nations didn’t take this in account when dealing with the Lesvan State.
Miruchea̦ cu Zolacu hevacuvanese̦m eqi ruhute̦tiswlovoreqi nho treynon
Zola citizens evacuated after train derailment
QENHĪMH, 17 November 2024 | About 400 inhabitants of the town of Zola in northern Jōnsoch pw Ta̦rleqh have been ordered to evacuate the area after a cargo train carrying toxic chemicals derailed, causing two wagons to emit smoke and subsequently catch fire. Professional emergency services have been called in to deal with the materials, although the onset of snow is delaying their arrival.
The train was on route from Sārruc to the north when it derailed during a track change near Zola’s western railway station. Several of the train’s 19 wagons derailed, but the materials in only two of them seem to have been compromised. The train driver was unharmed and managed to get into safety.
Zola, north of the larger town of Qenhīmh, is located between two adjacent sets of railway lines (including a high speed railway line) that connect the north with the south. The western quarter of Zola closest to the tracks and the railway station where the accident happened has been evacuated, while the other residents of the town have been advised to keep their doors and windows closed until further notice. One elderly resident was taken to the hospital with signs of a heart attack possibly related to the upheaval.
Zaschey ōlsīƨechā rholasoch pw rhwsa cu RRRh
Corkair sixth member state of ROS
ALBANY CITY (Belantica), 6 November 2024 | The Raedlon Organization of States has now six member states. During last week’s annual summit in Belantica, The Republican Union of Corkair was formally admitted as a Candidate Member State for the duration of six months and with today’s signature by the president, this step has become official.
“We welcome Corkair to the club”, Minister of Foreign Affairs Acāver Jā̦ commented. “Although ROS remains a young organisation that needs to find its way in international politics and in relation to its member states, I think Corkair’s membership will contribute greatly to the region’s stability and the government is looking forward to working with them.”
Founded in 1956 by Catholic, Socialist revolutionaries, Corkair in its present form is a relatively young nation. Recently the nation has become more prominent in the international politics of the Western Isles and its president Mr Murphy Cormac toured the member states of ROS in September to make sure the then current member states Belantica, Costavozka, Solaryia, Takiv, and Nhoor were willing to accept Corkair as a member state. With Corkair’s oil and natural gas reserves now being in closer reach of ROS nations however, economists ask themselves why Corkair’s accession has taken so long.
Ƨuntirte pw ƨa̦rtir jan LGBTQ+ pw so̦dej egemarcalōbane sw̦nh COJ, CRh s VM
COJ, CRh, and VM to sign Tsunter LGBTQ+ rights charter
SĀRRUC, 14 October 2024 | A parliamentary majority of the socialdemocrat Workers’ Party of the Dominion (COJ), the environmentalist Nature Party (CRh), and the centre-right Citizens’ Initiative (VM) indicated on Monday that they will sign the non-binding Charter on the Protection of Rights of LGBT People that was issued in The Tsunterlands in the wake of crackdowns on LGBTQ+ people and institutions in Holy Karenland and the Lesvan State in recent weeks.
“If it weren’t clear already, Nhoor respects and supports the LGBTQ+ community and will continue to do so in the future”, VM leader Nobus Cemhijy stated. “Any excuse to limit the personal freedom of individual citizens is a wrong one and deserves our anger!”, CRh leader Geda̦ronhī Īƨy commented.
The signing is to be interpreted in a symbolic manner, as it is incompatible with Nhoor legislation on personal freedoms, which comes forth from Duvactist tradition and can generally be interpreted as more progressive than many foreign laws. It is for this reason that several other parties in Parliament have indicated not to be willing to sign the Charter, which they consider ‘alien’ to Nhoor’s customs.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the meantime, in line with other nations including Takiv and neighbouring Belantica, has issued a travel warning for all Nhoor to reconsider travelling to Holy Karenland and advises any Nhoor citizen who may currently be in that country to leave it immediately. Nhoor currently has no top level diplomatic relations with Holy Karenland. Nhoor’s travel warning for the Lesvan State is already at the highest possible level, due to the fact that Nhoor does not recognise that country.
Wcēnhire nho arhadragoch pw erodromon van Candavan unsarune sw̦nh Cōrwnwsw̦n
Government approves construction of military airfield near Canda
SĀRRUC/CANDA, 13 October 2024 | Defence Minister Armhad Cellichen announced this morning that the government has approved the construction of a new military airfield near the town of Canda in Orleqh province. In the popular television breakfast programme Cirvasan Ataypese̦m Tā̦r? (‘Do You Want A Croissant?’) he said that the base will support the operations of transport and fighter aircraft and will become the largest such base on Nhoor territory.
The new airbase will be located in the centre of Nhoor, unlike its seven existing counterparts in Centoros, Chwrdunis, Heydandē̦rrelte, Mhaler, Nosy, Orīn, and Tortoly that can be found closer to Nhoor’s external borders. The Canda base can therefore be seen as the future ‘spider’ in a web of air defence, the Minister explained. The costs for the project are estimated at Ꝙ15 billion (IAD 3.45 billion); the project is scheduled to start in 2025 and finish by 2032.
One of the reasons of the construction is to keep Nhoor’s defence forces in line with its partners at the Raedlon Organization of States (ROS). Canda, located at lake Targwna in the very centre of Nhoor, connects the southeast, the west, and the north of Raedlon.
The construction plans also mean that Nhoor is in the market to expand its fleet of aircraft. The Minister said that negotiations with foreign suppliers are ongoing but didn’t want to go into details about it. The new base will host to two newly to be created fighter squadrons, one transport and reconnaissance squadron, and one air training squadron, while an existing squadron currently located on another airbase may also move to Canda.
LGBTQ+ pw rasytīmhana sas so̦ramhome so̦rhi gurch pw cwrdasw̦rh mey Ramo pw Cariney
Further protests by LGBTQ+ organisations against draconian laws Holy Karenland
SĀRRUC, 11 October 2024 | The LGBTQ+ community took to the streets again today, this time to protest recent draconian laws adopted in Holy Karenland against gender variety and expressions of a sexual orientation that is not heterosexual. The matter was even addressed by members of Parliament, who called upon the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to downgrade relations and travel advice with the South Mesder Nation if the laws are not dropped.
“It is beyond our comprehension how any government could turn against the personal freedom of its own citizens like this”, Arcod Nhestarāzy, leader of the socialdemocrat party COJ, commented, calling upon the Karenthian government and parliament to reconsider.
In practice, the Nhoor LGBTQ+ community as an action group advocating tolerance towards the LGBTQ+ community has little to do in Nhoor itself: due to Nhoor Duvactist customs that allow relationships and marriages of more than two people (the Prime Minister herself has two husbands), homo- and bisexuality do not raise any eyebrows, although multi-member relationships composed of only men or only women are not that common.
LGBTQ+ pw rasytīmhana so̦ramhome eqi varnipwmelireqi mey Lesimhanhoch pw Chorocey
Protests by LGBTQ+ organisations after crackdown in Lesvan State
SĀRRUC, 28 September 2024 | Members of the LGBTQ+ community in Nhoor have protested today against a recent crackdown against the LGBTQ+ community in the Lesvan State. The dictatorial regime of the Lesvan State lead by Marshal Iuna Scadi had several people arrested after a night club was claimed to be a ‘front for a counter-revolutionary operation’. The protests in Sārruc and other cities in Nhoor were conducted in a mostly calm fashion; in Silīmh, one person was arrested after trying to engage in indecent behaviour with a police officer.
Dīplomasīnhoch pw suhemhire req artin pw rhwsariq hōlwrusyteme sw̦nh Nhōrwsw̦n
Nhoor intensifies diplomatic relations with a number of countries
SĀRRUC, 27 September 2024 | The Dominion of Nhoor has engaged in more intensive diplomatic relations with a small number of countries in The Western Isles, a spokesperson of the Diplomatic Service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has confirmed. It concerns nations which are either relatively close to Nhoor or to Raedlon, or which are members of the same international organisations as Nhoor. For this purpose, ambassadors will be exchanged with The Republican Union of Corkair, The Germanic Kingdom of Kaskalma, The Forumnial Kingdom of Kravato, The Occidental Commonwealth of Thythe, and The Second Commonwealth of Yursea as of October. Discussions with three more nations are underway.
So̦ramhore so̦rhi wrunwchā Lamharrwch pw rholaswnasw̦rh cu RRRh eqi gwrhosiqi mey Zaschee̦y
Protests against potential Arzanan ROS membership after murders in Corkair
NHESTARRUC, 22 September 2024 | Small crowds gathered in the northern cities of Nhestarruc and Lod today to protest against northern neighbour Arzana applying for a ROS membership. The news that 17 people died in the Corkairi town of Thoirbá yesterday as a result of a gunfight between smugglers and local authorities caused some unrest in the five provinces closest to Arzana; the criminal cartels operating in that country are most active in the south, close to the border with Nhoor, and many locals fear that crime will escalate if border controls are eased following an Arzanan membership of ROS.
Public Security Minister Gwzorī Tī̦stely in a comment said that she understands the concerns of the people. “The government shares the same concerns and we have impressed on the Arzanan President Correa that more needs to be done to limit a spread of Arzanan criminal activities to its neighbours if it wants to become a member of ROS.”
Earlier this month, Arzanan President Correa visited Nhoor as a charm offensive to discuss exactly this, but the Minister thinks that it may take years before criminality in Arzana is curbed to a sufficient level to allow Arzana to join ROS. “Recent events in Corkair prove that they are not there yet”, she said.
Corkair is currently an applicant nation of ROS; it is expected that the member states will discuss the application on their next summit in Belantica in October.
Tōƨɵ gil suhemhiregil pē vaqcīntanalƨē̦ req Lesimhanhoch pw Chorociriq nw̦vansanhe Jā̦dar Munustadar
Minister Jā̦ nuances his response to neighbours’ dealings with the Lesvan State
SĀRRUC, 8 September 2024 | On Sunday, Minister of Foreign Affairs Acāver Jā̦ has given further comments on his decision to summon the ambassadors of Solaryia, Takiv, and Graedon two days ago regarding their decision to enhance relations with the so called Lesvan State, as the Treaty of Sārruc clearly puts those nations in the right: Articles 38 to 40 of the Treaty state that
Article 38 : Each Member State, Associate Member State, and Observer has the right to develop its cultural, political and economic life freely and naturally. In this free development, the Member State and Associate Member State shall respect the rights of the individual and the principles of universal morality.
Article 39 : No Member State, Associate Member State, or Observer or group thereof has the right to intervene, directly or indirectly, for any reason whatever, in the internal or external affairs of any other Member State, Associate Member State, or Observer. The foregoing principle prohibits not only armed force but also any other form of interference or attempted threat against the personality of the Member State, Associate Member State, or Observer or against their political, economic and cultural elements.
Article 40 : No Member State, Associate Member State, or Observer may use or encourage the use of coercive measures of an economic or political character in order to force the sovereign will of another Member State, Associate Member State, or Observer and obtain from it advantages of any kind.
“Of course fellow members of the Raedlon Organization of States, and especially Graedon, since it is not a member state yet, have the right to conduct their own foreign policies”, the Minister explained. “As members or prospective members of ROS however, I would have expected that governments at least consult with their fellow member states before unilaterally engaging in relations with a nation the international status of which is controversial.
“As I explained on Friday already, the status of nationals of partially recognised countries within ROS will be dubious as they have the right to visit some countries but are considered illegal immigrants in others. Unless full border controls are reinstated however, it will be difficult to control the passage of these visitors from one ROS member to another. In this context we will need to discuss the creation of a common visa policy for ROS. The issue also touches trade: if products from the alleged Lesvan State enter ROS through Takiv or Solaryia, they may easily end up on the Nhoor market, where they are illegal for purchase and will probably end up on the black market.
“To summarise: the Treaty of Sārruc is there, but I would ask the member states to interpret it not just to their own advantage but to take the fellow member states in consideration. It is this message that I conveyed to the respective ambassadors on Friday.”
Some members of parliament, particularly members of the conservative CCJ, already commented on social media that the government should increase border controls with Solaryia and Belantica again. Similar sounds also emerged from the extra-parliamentary Throngist Party of Nhoor (SCNh) that doesn’t seem very keen on the prospect of dealing with an increased presence of State-Lesvans on Raedlon and in Nhoor in particular.
Behen nho Cadra Lāsten sō̦t Ōcōrwnhaā̦sa̦ pw Mwrasy obosyta̦e̦ im beriƨwcich sw̦nh Parlamentwsw̦n
Parliament to agree to appoint Queen Kadra as Queen-Regent retroactively
SĀRRUC, 7 September 2024 | A majority in Parliament will likely vote on Monday to name Queen Kadra as Queen-Regent retroactively from 1978 to 2000, it has emerged. Queen Kadra’s communications office has replied that the 82-year old member of the Royal Family will be very honoured if this will come to pass.
King Armhad V, who officially ruled from 1971 to his death in 2017, was admitted to a mental institution in 1978, where he spent the remainder of his life. While he had no further close relatives apart from Queen Kadra, who was the Queen-Consort of Armhad V’s cousin King Urhod V during his short reign from 1967 to 1971, Queen Kadra assumed the leading role of the Royal Family as its most senior member and represented the Family and Nhoor on several occasions, however without ever being officially named Queen-Regent. After Armhad V’s dead, two successive Chairpeople of Parliament became Acting Heads of State, until Elerha Maximus of Havalland, a very distant relative of Armhad V’s, was accepted as the new King in 2020.
“The fact that the Queen has never been named Queen-Regent, while in practice very much acting as such, is an omission that we now hope to rectify”, MP for the liberal party LC Brēd Oƨɵmar, who filed the bill, explained. “As for the period between King Armhad V’s death in 2017 and the accession to the throne of King Elerha in 2020, we intend to name Queen Kadra Queen-Regent without annulling the Acting Headships of State of Their Relevancies Ōphɵd Carōmhīqh and Leymhī Arcarany-Ƨach. In practice, Queen Kadra was already at an advanced age and had already reduced her official duties by then; her appointment as Queen-Regent for that period will therefore be mostly symbolic.”
Mr Oƨɵmar’s bill is supported by a majority of at least 117 of 199 seats, as the liberaldemocrats (SIQ, 41 seats), Citizens’ Initiative (VM, 38), conservative agrarians (CCJ, 24), and liberals (LC, 14) have announced to vote in favour. The Nature Party (CRh, 11 seats), and the Future of the Dominion (OJ, 3) will vote against, while the socialdemocrats (COJ, 68) have announced that they will let their members decide for themselves.
Lamharrwch pw bevadunhast umey Nhōrum ōnhunswcāvame E̦qhdar pwr Munusta
Prime Minister welcomes Arzanan guests to Nhoor
SĀRRUC, 7 September 2024 | Prime Minister Orumha Cany-Jwchmiqen has welcomed president Bernardino Correa and several ministers of Arzana to The Dominion of Nhoor in what is the first stop of their recently announced official tour of Raedlon to create goodwill among the members of the Raedlon Organization of States (ROS) regarding a potential Arzanan membership request of the organisation.
While the Arzanan intentions of joining ROS have been outspoken in the last couple of weeks, interest to become a member of ROS is also rumoured to circulate among the government of The Republican Union of Corkair, although official announcements have not been made in that matter. It is however no public secret that the government of Nhoor is increasingly unsatisfied with the way things are going – or rather not going – within ROS, the recent criticism of Minister of Foreign Affairs Acāver Jā̦ on fellow member states regarding their decision to engage in relations with the Lesvan State being a prime example of this. It is possible that the government will want to delay the acceptance of new ROS members until existing issues within ROS have been solved.
And the fact that Arzana had felt it necessary to engage in this tour to convince the ROS members of accepting it as a future member state, is not for nothing either: criminal cartels are very powerful in Arzana and pose a threat to the country’s rule of law. Especially in the south, near the border with Nhoor, murders by criminal gangs are common and the government of Nhoor fears that the Arzanan mayhem may leak into Nhoor if Arzana is added to the free movement scheme between ROS member states.
During the three day visit, which started in Nhoor’s capital Sārruc in the south, the Prime Minister and her guests will on Monday take the high speed train to Nhestarruc in the north, from where they will move on to the town of Nesyta̦rwch on Nhoor’s side of the border with Arzana for a meeting with Arzanan minority organisations and a discussion about border protection and general security in Nhoor that could be jeopardised should Arzana’s cartels get access to the ROS market.
Back in Sārruc, a meeting with King Elerha Maximus is also part of the official programme.
Solarhinā Jōrhōchā Grādɵnwch pw barhen gillwrdache jondi qhorhedemandi gil Lesimhanhoch pw Chorocille
Solaryian, Takivaj, and Graedonic ambassadors summoned for approach to Lesvan State
SĀRRUC, 6 September 2024 | Minister of Foreign Affairs Acāver Jā̦ has summoned the ambassadors of Solaryia, Takiv, and Graedon to ask them for an explanation of their recent engagement in relations with the so called Lesvan State. Several self-proclaimed officials of that entity, which is unrecognised by Nhoor, paid visits to two of the aforementioned countries on Raedlon today, Graedon and Solaryia, while Chancellor Nogva of Takiv recently advocated for the opening of relations with occupied Lesva.
Takiv and Solaryia are fellow member states of the Raedlon Organization of States (ROS), one of them even bordering Nhoor itself. Nhoor recognises the Republic of Lesva instead, which de facto only controls the island of Cane Islo, off the coast of continental Lesva. While Graedon is not a member of ROS, Nhoor has good relations with that nation, which it sees as a potential member state of ROS.
“It is disappointing to see that two fellow members of ROS are maintaining active relations with an entity that has not been recognised by the entirety of ROS’s member states”, Jā̦ commented. “This is yet another example of ROS failing to establish a common foreign policy. Suppose that citizens of this alleged nation enter ROS on a visum for Takiv or Solaryia; what will these people do when they have to travel through Nhoor? Their passports aren’t recognised as valid by our police or customs so in practice that will mean that these so called State-Lesvans can be arrested here as illegal aliens.”
It is expected that the subject will become a hot item on the agenda of the upcoming regular annual summit of ROS that will take place in Belantica in October.
Gamerha nho prusōboch pw berhon sɵn craytisin li Cemhirai̦li culstoche gil Cōrwnille
Government asked to finance Keverai’s disaster recovery plan
SĀRRUC, 2 September 2024 | The Nhoor-Keveraite Association NhCC, a non-governmental organisation that supports Keveraite expats and immigrants in Nhoor as well as bilateral relations between the two countries in general, has asked the Nhoor government and Nhoor insurance companies to fund Keverai’s disaster recovery, for the sake of the continuation of the historical relation between Keverai and Nhoor, the Ministry of Emergency and Disaster Management has confirmed. The call came as financial institutions from Ainslie refused to renew Keverai’s Cyclone Bond, citing the growing likeliness of cyclones and other natural disasters in the future due to climate change.
“Nhoor has had a special relationship with Keverai since the Imperial War, when Nhoor soldiers helped liberate Keverai”, Minister Gwzorī Tennwqh-Tānhar explained. “Back then, Nhoor already sent financial support to the small Argusian nation for reconstruction purposes. The NhCC asks our country to step in once again; they argue that although there is indeed an increased risk of cyclones, the Bond has been in place for ten years, during which time a payout was never needed. I will of course have to discuss this with the rest of the government and any interested insurance companies.”
Initial responses to the NhCC’s request have been mixed, with many experts citing a potentially great financial risk if a cyclone were to hit Keverai hard, and recommending spreading the risk over several insurance companies in and outside Nhoor, potentially making this a ROS project.
So̦ramhore so̦rhi Lāstesw̦rh qese sw̦nh wrunwchwnwsw̦n pē Velsw̦ch pw rholaswnē cu Jōnsoch pw Jā̦cwstirecu
Possibility of Wellsian Eastern Tripartite membership incites protests against Queen
SĀRRUC, 17 August 2024 | The Sārruc Capital Police have had to remove a few dozens of protesters in front of the Sanhirhōty Palace in the city centre several times this morning. The protests were directed at Queen Calavī Victoria, the Wellsian wife of King Elerha Maximus, following the news that Wellsia is in the process of requesting membership of the notorious Eastern Tripartite, a small international organisation whose member states, currently Balnik and the Lesvan State, are generally considered to be dictatorships.
The protests weren’t well coordinated, which explains the fact that different groups ended up in front of the Sanhirhōty Palace at different times. “We are talking about various pro-democracy and human rights organisations who took the initiative to organise spontaneous protest manifestations in front of the Palace,” a police spokesman explained. “None of the organisations had requested a demonstration permit so the police urged them to vacate the street. After discussion with the city council, it was decided that they could protest on one of the central squares. We also dispatched a detail to check the Prada li Gālali, where the Wellsian embassy is located, but no protests were taking place there.”
The Sanhirhōty Palace is the official working residence of the King and members of the Royal Family with official duties. As it was a Saturday, the Royal couple was not in Sārruc but in their main living residence, the Amhordēqh Castle outside the city of Chur. “The protesters could have known that, since the Royal Standard wasn’t flying over Sanhirhōty Palace”, the police spokesman clarified. “No demonstrations seem to have taken place in Chur either, but you will have to ask my colleagues there for more details.”
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs didn’t want to comment on the matter. Minister of Royal and Religious Affairs Tonhae̦ro Arcarany however said that despite being the daughter of King Himilco XII of Wellsia, Queen Calavī’s priorities concern the Dominion of Nhoor, and that her position is not politically related to any political action or opinion of the Wellsian King or the Wellsian government.
E̦ch pw Nhāsɵlteƨy li Sārrucili nhargāā̦rhe orh scandalero iscom twtusoch pw drochim
Sārruc’s First Councillor sacked amid domestic violence scandal
SĀRRUC, 6 August 2024 | Utired Rānharsw̦n, First Councillor of the Province of Sārruc, has been dismissed as First Councillor and as a member of the Sārruc Provincial Council altogether after his husband Ƨwqws Prōsy and his wife Jije̦no Abresuqh and their two children left their main residence in the capital amid a domestic violence scandal. Shortly after his dismissal became public, the local police issued a warrant to arrest Rānharsw̦n for attempted murder, but so far he has not yet been apprehended. The national Police Force of Nhoor has started a manhunt.
The first attention to the case was given two weeks ago, when a neighbour called the police after he heard Mrs Abresuqh screaming in the garden and an ambulance came by later to transport Mr Prōsy to the hospital. Mrs Abresuqh had confirmed to the press that her husband Rānharsw̦n in fact often hit her other husband; the evening that the police was called, he had hit Prōsy several times with a bronze statue. Prōsy left the hospital a couple of days afterwards; he and Mrs Abresuqh have stayed away from the press.
While he was First Councillor, it was difficult to file a lawsuit against Rānharsw̦n, but the members of the Provincial Council came back from summer recess for an emergency meeting today to end his Council membership; Councillor of Budget Ms Pherhī Īlīmhar was appointed First Councillor shortly afterwards. The Provincial Parliament in the meantime was intending to issue a binding advice to end Rānharsw̦n’s Council membership as well, but with several members still on holiday, it was a matter of a couple of days more before the quorum could be reached.
Bosw̦ced Cōrs, the Minister of Regional and Local governments, declared himself shocked by the events. “Citizens who are serving in public office enjoy a certain immunity against prosecution”, he explained. “Currently only murder and proven embezzlement allow immediate arrest. It is very unfortunate when a third party suffers because of the crimes of officials without the police being able to do anything against it.”
Utired Rānharsw̦n had been First Councillor of Sārruc since 2014. Until recently, he had enjoyed a high popularity.
Rutu̦līhast pw rumɵveƨōb ƨocache sw̦nh secw̦rītīsw̦n, rws cen uqaranaca untwtus cemenhe aqqhar
Police raiding warehouse for weapons make unexpected discovery
PANNIRTE, 27 July 2024 | A police razzia in an industrial area outside the town of Pannirte in the province of Heyna in northeastern Nhoor that was tipped off by the national Police Force about the presence of illegal weapons and other explosives, made an unexpected – and indeed rather weird! – discovery. Apart from an arsenal that could overthrow a minor government, they found boxes full of miniature plastic action figures – of Rostyslav Andrij, the leader of Yektov!
“The resemblance with the premier of Yektov is striking”, the Pannirte police commissioner Qebed Mensy explained; “I think that some of the wax museums in the Western Islands may contact the designer of these action figures to get some pointers on his appearance. Apart from that, the casing mentions that’s him so anyone still in doubt won’t be left in the dark for long. The main question here is of course ‘Why???’”
Pannirte’s police were tipped by the national Police Force about arms being smuggled into Nhoor by sea from the east. The combined national and Pannirte’s forces made efficient work of catching and neutralising the arms. Only the four guards who were present at the time were arrested. “That is disappointing, for they most likely know nothing about the greater operation and its leaders”, Mensy elaborated.
The weapons and the action figures have been seized by the Ministry of Domestic Affairs (under which falls the national Police Force). Although there are clear instructions as to what should be done with the weapons, a spokesperson of the ministry said that it wasn’t obvious what had to be done with the action figures.
“Nhoor legislation makes the unauthorised distribution of someone’s image illegal, so the Ministry will first have to find out if these action figures were made by a legal firm”, a spokesperson said. “If not, and/or if the premier of Yektov, Mr Andrij, has objections against his image being distributed like this, we are under legal obligation to destroy all action figures. If the production company is legal and if Mr Andrij has no objections, the Ministry may sell the action figures – but probably not within Nhoor.”
Armhad Cellichen bergeme cō phalis pw Munustamhanaph eqi cābinetoch pw valwsireqi
Armhad Cellichen back at key Ministry following Cabinet reshuffle
SĀRRUC, 5 July 2024 | In the government reshuffle that took place today, Minister of Parliamentary Affairs Armhad Cellichen was appointed Minister of Defence, a move that sees the former First Minister back on a key position in government. An additional piece of musical chairs concerned the three Ministers of Health, Education, and Emergency and Disaster Management, who exchanged places, and the appointment of Pwqad Te̦qhīseqh as the new Minister of Parliamentary Affairs. After former Defence Minister col. Pharus Parhecuch’s surprise announcement earlier this week that he would leave the government, Prime Minister Orumha Cany took the opportunity to replace him and implement these additional changes.
Armhad Cellichen was First Minister (as the term for Prime Minister E̦ch pw Munusta was translated in English back then) briefly in 2019. Parliament forced him to relinquish the post following the scandal involving a former Defence Minister handing information to a criminal organisation, despite the fact that that happened when his predecessor Sanhad Bōra̦ was First Minister.
Cellichen’s appointment to one of the heavier portfolios in government got only few bad responses from Parliament. Previous attempts by the government to ‘get him back’ were thwarted by the former Parliament, but Cellichen founded his own party since, the Vastona jan Miruchea̦j (VM, or Citizens’ Initiative), which has been the third largest in Parliament since the 2022 elections. In January 2023, Cellichen already became half-part of the government again as the newly created Minister of Parliamentary Affairs; now he is back in government completely, and has therefore vacated his parliamentary seat and stepped down as leader of the VM.
Some nations have been tug but just as part of the context.
Anyone got any ideas whether I'm allowed to release factbooks on or control the Central Canal directly?
You can. Others can correct me if im wrong but the CC is yours to do with as you want - there may be some existing cannon on the CC with other nations you can bring in but that's up to you.
News. Following the visits by the Elenthros of Foreign Affairs of Roendavar, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Biaten and the Prime Minister of the Alteran UQs, the Republic of Lesva on Cane Islo now welcomes the Premier of the Yektosk Republic:
Tagging: Yektov.
Rad now I can justify building a gigantic over-budget definitely-not-the-Esso-Northumbria Oil Tanker over worries the canal would be closed
I can definitely tell you that it won’t be allowed through the Southern Canal
thats the nicest thing you could've said
(its built under the rationale of "Oh [expletives arent allowed], we cant get through the CC and dont have any tankers big enough to make the trip to keep our oil flowing")
It hardly matters. IRL, there are a lot of "post-Suezmax" and "post-Panamax" (bigger than the maximum size allowed by those canals) supertankers hauling the world's oil around. For tankers and container ships, bigger is better/cheaper, even with the longer distance traveled.
I just realized I completely forgot to mention this would've been in like the 50's and 60's pre-supertankers, hence namedropping the Esso Northumbria
Obviously yes nowadays with things like evergreen and the seawise giant adjacent ships its not a super big deal if you cant traverse the canals
Hello ! I'm Gostatopolis, here to engage with this fantastic community
Ioudaia, Talvistova, Kaskalma, Takiv, and 2 othersNovorijeka, and Nentia
Welcome aboard!
FWIW, skimming Randopedia indicates that the late 50s were when the first supertankers were built. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oil_tanker#The_supertanker_era
As the article notes, once shipowners realized how cheap supertankers were to operate, they stopped worrying about fitting through the canals.
But it really doesn't matter IC. If you want your nation to have a white elephant or giant boondoggle, it has one.
The fantastic community welcomes you! If you want a spot on the map, which you'll need to RP with us, please see the rules in this dispatch:
Welcome! |
You must be wondering what you can do here and how, what is expected of you and how to start role-playing… I’ll try to answer these questions in this dispatch.
First of all, if you haven’t done so already – go ahead and introduce yourself on our regional message board (RMB). You can post things like what country you’re from, if you’re new to NationStates or to role-playing (RP), what kind of a nation you want to create, and anything else you’d like to share.
Before we begin, Ostehaar was the original author of these sorts of dispatches. He was the successor before me and was a steady hand of stability, a calm mediator and an expert RPer. He wrote a dispatch like this years ago, however following his CTEing there is was a need for an active person to take over this dispatch into the future. This is a need as the Successor that I have met. Also big thanks to Dormill and Stiura who has given a lot of this dispatch a fresh coat of paint and some small rewrites in other places. This does remain largely Ostehaar's work though, or at least that's what I was told!
About the Region |
IC communication (in-character, meaning when we are role-playing) is done on the NationStates forums
OOC communication (out-of-character, from general chatting to world-building - you are the player who is writing stuff in this context) is done on the RMB and the forums
Telegrams are usually OOC
We don’t have offsite forums, but there’s a “mostly unofficial” Discord chat. It is an OOC space, and discussions about IC matters that go beyond brainstorming or getting advice should be done on the RMB or through telegrams.
We use the NationStates platform to create fun and interesting stories, about our nations, peoples, and leaders. We usually discuss ideas and plan RPs on the RMB and in OOC forum threads, and then co-write them as RPs, news, accounts, information, and history in dispatches and IC threads.
We have a democratically elected government (you can run for office) in-charge of several aspects of the region:
Facilitating RP and promoting world-building and cooperation in the region
Managing the region in terms of regional rules and standards
Recruiting new players and managing our embassies with other regions
For more information, you can read through the following dispatches when you get a chance:
The Constitution – It details the responsibilities of the various government officers and the Founder, as well as the processes of legislation and elections in the region. Of course, there’s no need to remember it all, but it’s there if you need it.
The Regional Rules and Conduct – That’s just… The rules. You know, don’t be a pain to others, don’t spam the RMB, and so on. The map rules are also there, but we’ll get to that in a minute.
The Monthly Report dispatch – Contains current and updating information about the region (recent stats of the region, weekly updates, important daily events, etc.).
Of course, most of us can. If you still have questions, you can do either of the following:
Post a question on the RMB; you’ll likely get an answer not long after.
Send a personal TG to any of the officers (listed in the WFE) or to an active member (ie someone on the map)
Your address for questions regarding specific RP rules is the Secretary of Role-Play (SoRP) (Dormill and Stiura). Feel free to tag him in your RMB post or to TG him.
About Role-Playing in the Region |
Our regional map is the basis of our RP, and it is therefore reserved for nations who actively engage in RP or plan to do so.
To be added to the map, send Ainslie a telegram with answers to several simple questions – they are listed in the Map Dispatch right after the image of the map itself.
Here in this region we don’t use NationStates stats at all. Population, economic status, main industries, defense budget – All of those things are up to you, the player, to decide (within reason, which we will get to later)! Make factbooks or dispatches describing your nation’s culture, history, religion, government, economy, climate, military, science, industries, people, corporations, trade deals, and anything else you can think of.
RP in this region is based on realism and modern-technology, so keep your nation in those limits. There are a few other guidelines we have in place to keep things balanced, for example:
Population should be no larger than 30 million
GDP per-capita should be no larger than $50,000 USD
Other than that – the limit is your own creativity. Feel free to look around and read other nations’ factbooks and dispatches for ideas. See for example:
Domanania's factbook which reveals a system of family-based conglomerates that affectively run his economy.
Ioudaia’s dispatch on his Multi-Role Stealth Aircraft.
Solaryia's History dispatch which walks you through the nation's history.
Najimam's dispatch which offers a rundown of his major islamic handicrafts company.
Baumes's dispatch outlining his multinational aircraft manufacturer Amsel.
Take some time to look around, get to know the other players and the region as a whole, and develop your nation. I recommend doing that before getting into RP.
You can get to the region’s ongoing RPs and events in either of the following ways:
Through the “Ongoing Events and Perpetual RPs” in the region’s World Factbook Entry which can be found through links such as 'News', or 'League'.
Through Ainslie’s RP Directory, which contains the region’s RPs, alliances, and collaboration threads
As a start, I recommend flicking through the recent posts in the regional news thread and posting some of your own, before moving on to more complex RPs. This would allow players of the region to get acquainted with your nation and your style. Another easy way to get going in TWI's role-play community is to see if there is anything happening in the League, our United Nations that for legal reasons is not the UN nor purports to be.
NS is full of useful guides on RPing and writing. This one, for example, is short and to the point. This has all the NSCodes. This thread explains about RPing warfare. There are many more RP guides and tip dispatches or threads around the site – feel free to explore and learn more about RPing. If you're looking for a guide or some sort of explanation of something, often others will know (or have) dispatches which explain various parts of RPing. Don't hesitate to write in the Regional Message Board (RMB) and ask if anyone knows of any particular guides to a certain aspect of RPing.
For any question on the region (or not), feel free to ask on the RMB or to any of the active members.
Please note the two key limits: no more than 30 million people, and a GDP per capital of $50,000/year. (US dollars if there's an ambiguity.)
Ye, essentially it would be Talvistova's first attempt at a proto-supertanker of sorts in response to something preventing access to the central canal and have nothing big enough to transport oil without it, and it 10000% turns into a white elephant through maintenance cost. Mostly just kickin around ideas while I keep getting my feet under me
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