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Hey, thanks for joining Odrus! Please introduce yourself and if you have any questions feel free to message me
Agadar, Dutchland-uk-prussia, Storalia, United great britian, and 93 othersBhumidol, Bhikkustan, Great-Imperialonia, Balnik, Libra project, Cottoria, New aapelistan, Dashgrinaar, Doppler, Jagellion, Alantania, Remodio, Arconia confedercy, The pacific peace union, Miklania, Onchi, The dregselian kingdom, Segentova, Aklinia, Gherrum, The buddhist kingdom, Wadden-amrum, Dalltis, Callumstan, Eurania, Athara magarat, Camtholia, Mou et sharaal, The archipelago islands, Xrevaro, Noronica, The grand royal commercial prefecture, Realm of councilry, The empire of the rising cross, Eutristan, Eskaeba, Grand illon, Sinwaba, Gudao, Kowashi, Locuterris, Corindia, Ainslie, Pacific peace union, Ipland, Belle ilse en terre, New nvrads, Muerainia, Republic of free alabama, Konich, The scandnavian union, Dragao do mar, Karahar, Wefristania, Aerinburgh, South St Maarten, Medu, Mahanti, Creative name, Ethaurorus, Yorrkon, Habertland, Samaj, Tracera, Old kent road, Brulafi, Lolap, New jacobland, Solaryia, Serpoje, Closnia, Anlandian, Aeteros, Deratchigemun, Wimberlisk, Borisuelo, Lodestara, Yursea, Esterazdravo, Swedesttanossa, Milerya, Linconia, Vacrus, Baumes, Talkunia, Hdisar, Wangano, Askusia, Kyrek, Takiv, Lusitania do ocidente, Novorijeka, and Gevindar
Storalia, Bhikkustan, Balnik, Cottoria, and 40 othersNew aapelistan, Dashgrinaar, Doppler, Jagellion, Alantania, Remodio, The pacific peace union, Miklania, Aklinia, Gherrum, The buddhist kingdom, Wadden-amrum, Dalltis, The archipelago islands, Ventlimer, Realm of councilry, Sinwaba, Corindia, Taziristan, Pacific peace union, Ipland, Wellsia, Muerainia, Karahar, South St Maarten, Mahanti, Coastal st maarten, Habertland, Gamadion, Samaj, America murica, Closnia, Borisuelo, Baumes, Daekong, Talkunia, Hdisar, Askusia, Lusitania do ocidente, and Gevindar
Hey! Thanks for joining! If you need any help with anything feel free to message me. Check out our Constitution and rules too when you can
Bhumidol, Bhikkustan, New aapelistan, Dashgrinaar, and 16 othersAlantania, Remodio, The pacific peace union, Aklinia, The buddhist kingdom, Wadden-amrum, Ventlimer, Sinwaba, Pacific peace union, Muerainia, Karahar, Mahanti, Habertland, Old kent road, Borisuelo, and Gevindar
If you ever do RPs, if you need background my main nation is Anacove States
Bhikkustan, New aapelistan, Alantania, Remodio, and 14 othersThe pacific peace union, Aklinia, Oglassa, The buddhist kingdom, Wadden-amrum, Ventlimer, Sinwaba, Pacific peace union, Ipland, Muerainia, Karahar, Mahanti, Habertland, and Samaj
Oh ok great. Yes we'll be doing the Constitutional Convention first once a few more people join, and then I have some more planned down the line
Bhumidol, Bhikkustan, Alantania, Remodio, and 12 othersThe pacific peace union, Aklinia, Ventlimer, Sinwaba, Pacific peace union, Karahar, Frencin, Mahanti, Habertland, Samaj, New jacobland, and Serpoje
Yeah Anacove with its 2 billion people didn't have too many civil rights so i wanted to start anew with civil rights and you know Svalbard is a pretty cool place
Bhikkustan, Remodio, The pacific peace union, Aklinia, and 5 othersVentlimer, Sinwaba, Pacific peace union, Muerainia, and Mahanti
Alright man, got the map updated for ya
Bhumidol, Bhikkustan, Remodio, The pacific peace union, and 6 othersAklinia, Astrolands, Ventlimer, Sinwaba, Pacific peace union, and Mahanti
Thanks bro
Remodio, The pacific peace union, Aklinia, Ventlimer, and 4 othersSinwaba, Pacific peace union, Ipland, and Mahanti
Bhumidol, Remodio, The pacific peace union, Aklinia, and 4 othersVentlimer, Sinwaba, Pacific peace union, and Mahanti
SHanghielos, awesomeness at its finest glad that you're here
Remodio, The pacific peace union, Aklinia, Ventlimer, and 3 othersSinwaba, Pacific peace union, and Mahanti
I do like the constitution its pretty fair but we should a least have a little bit of nuclear weapons just in case of war but mostly we should have nuclear defense systems so we can defend against it just in case it is used against us.
Bhikkustan, Remodio, The pacific peace union, Aklinia, and 6 othersVentlimer, United nations of christopia, Sinwaba, Pacific peace union, Ansulte, and Mahanti
Here's the thread: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=335322
Bhumidol, Bhikkustan, Alantania, Remodio, and 7 othersThe pacific peace union, Aklinia, Ventlimer, Sinwaba, Pacific peace union, Mahanti, and Talkunia
Bhikkustan, Remodio, The pacific peace union, Aklinia, and 3 othersVentlimer, Sinwaba, and Mahanti
Hey, welcome!
Bhumidol, Bhikkustan, Alantania, Remodio, and 6 othersThe pacific peace union, Aklinia, Ventlimer, Sinwaba, Pacific peace union, and Mahanti
Bhikkustan, Remodio, The pacific peace union, Ventlimer, and 3 othersSinwaba, Ipland, and Mahanti
I see you have colonies
Bhikkustan, Remodio, The pacific peace union, Ventlimer, and 3 othersSinwaba, Ipland, and Mahanti
Haha yeah I probably won't use them for RP purposes any time soon but might down the line
Bhumidol, Bhikkustan, Remodio, The pacific peace union, and 3 othersVentlimer, Sinwaba, and Mahanti
Hey Greenland you're here nice. Vancouvia, this is my new ally. Nordic countries, unite!
Bhikkustan, Remodio, The pacific peace union, Oglassa, and 4 othersVentlimer, Sinwaba, Pacific peace union, and Mahanti
Haha we certainly have a northern theme going
Bhumidol, Bhikkustan, Remodio, The pacific peace union, and 4 othersVentlimer, Sinwaba, Locuterris, and Mahanti
You all seem like a nice bunch :)
Vancouvia, Bhikkustan, Polar svalbard, Democratic socialist republic segentova, and 9 othersBritish columbian states, Remodio, The pacific peace union, The dregselian kingdom, Ventlimer, Sinwaba, Pacific peace union, South St Maarten, and Mahanti
nice too see another new face
Bhikkustan, Remodio, The pacific peace union, Oglassa, and 3 othersVentlimer, Sinwaba, and Mahanti
Thank You
Bhikkustan, Remodio, The pacific peace union, Ventlimer, and 3 othersSinwaba, Pacific peace union, and Mahanti
Hello all, thank you for inviting me to your region. I'm new to this game so if I could get information about this that would be great! And thank you again for the invitation
Bhikkustan, Great-Imperialonia, Polar svalbard, Remodio, and 5 othersThe pacific peace union, Ventlimer, Sinwaba, Pacific peace union, and Mahanti
Nice to have you, If you need any help just ask Vancouvia or i can help, My other country has 2.6 billion citizens so i have been around a while
Bhikkustan, Remodio, The pacific peace union, Oglassa, and 4 othersVentlimer, Sinwaba, Pacific peace union, and Mahanti
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