by Max Barry

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The Fourth Dimension wrote:cyptopir


Dia Liaporia wrote:I see why... use this

where I go?

New Halo wrote:where I go?

anywhere you like lmfao

Dia Liaporia wrote:anywhere you like lmfao


In today's news:

Representative Andy Ogles (Republican, Tennessee), has proposed amending the 22nd amendment which limits presidents to only serving two terms.

Under Ogles' proposal, President Trump (and only President Trump) would be allowed to serve a third term as President

Peatiktist wrote:In today's news:

Representative Andy Ogles (Republican, Tennessee), has proposed amending the 22nd amendment which limits presidents to only serving two terms.

Under Ogles' proposal, President Trump (and only President Trump) would be allowed to serve a third term as President

Dia Liaporia wrote:anywhere you like lmfao

I suck

Welcome Ashthland, Distancel, Yurro-Miroslavia, Ruthenia-Brunswick, Green Lake2, Amelian Liberal Party, Amelian Libertarian Party, Geok, Siesque Cuesee, Ordel Vuuve, LongBanana, Eridana, Smucker, Commisars Socialist Unions, Reik of Burgundy, Humanida, Tank Division V, Ilymeda, Tomodashi, Western Atlantic Union, Yazhou diguo gongheguo, Traciller, Giga steel, Matrix Smith, Pokemon Resort Colonies, Vardenreach, Tankdriver, Hatangory, Torbania, Paulidelphia, Nictopia Scy

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This is an automated message.

Peatiktist wrote:In today's news:

Representative Andy Ogles (Republican, Tennessee), has proposed amending the 22nd amendment which limits presidents to only serving two terms.

Under Ogles' proposal, President Trump (and only President Trump) would be allowed to serve a third term as President

Fake news. I'm nominating Grover Cleveland. By our powers of necromancy and racism combined, our campaign shall be unstoppable.

Peatiktist wrote:In today's news:

Representative Andy Ogles (Republican, Tennessee), has proposed amending the 22nd amendment which limits presidents to only serving two terms.

Under Ogles' proposal, President Trump (and only President Trump) would be allowed to serve a third term as President

wow yet another example of direct pandering without any chance of doing anything meaningful, groundbreaking

Euricanis wrote:wow yet another example of direct pandering without any chance of doing anything meaningful, groundbreaking

I mean yeah, even if it get past Congress it'll never make it past 3/4 of state legislatures.

But the fact that they have the sheer audacity to propose it is extremely concerning.

Is that the foundation of a history factbook I see?

✠ ✠ ✠
Men will never, never stop rewriting history. Constantly, we discover new things, every day, clearing the languages ​​that have been lost. Indeed, all history is made by scribes. However, at this beginning, human discipline will remain engraved in our brains. Men will never have the know-how that our stories have benefited from. In short, a question: Will man change over the years? Is there progress here? Or just go with the flow? Man must adapt constantly and faster and faster.
The creation of man from a secular POV
The humanization of the planet is reflected in the increase of Cro-Magnons, our ancestors. Since prehistory, human occupation has been through conquests of lands, seas and other versions of ourselves. A Neanderthal. Enemies and/or brothers?

Around 15,000 BC, the retreat of the glaciers allowed humans to disperse across the world. Humans mastered agriculture around 10,000 BC. The horse, man's noblest conquest, around 3,500 BC.

God created Man in his own image

Then God said, "Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the wild animals of the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth." So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth." God said, "See, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food. And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food." And it was so. God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.

The Legend of King Hagar

Read dispatch

New Halo wrote:I'm banned from trr

that's honest to god depressing

The Fourth Dimension wrote:cyptopir

cypto :3c

Peatiktist wrote:In today's news:

Representative Andy Ogles (Republican, Tennessee), has proposed amending the 22nd amendment which limits presidents to only serving two terms.

Under Ogles' proposal, President Trump (and only President Trump) would be allowed to serve a third term as President

andy ogles may not have a public career for much longer

Ci Arovannea wrote:andy ogles may not have a public career for much longer

Mara, you're back?

Ci Arovannea wrote:andy ogles may not have a public career for much longer

Given he's a representative in Tennessee, I somehow doubt that

Silvamar wrote:Given he's a representative in Tennessee, I somehow doubt that

Le silva.

Dia Liaporia wrote:Tungstan

TRR nation reference?

The Fourth Dimension wrote:cyptopir


Garfield Republics wrote:Bring down your economic freedom

That will do the trick

Hmm, alright thanks

Hello, and salutations. My fellow nations

Kazan- wrote:TRR nation reference?


Peatiktist wrote:In today's news:

Representative Andy Ogles (Republican, Tennessee), has proposed amending the 22nd amendment which limits presidents to only serving two terms.

Under Ogles' proposal, President Trump (and only President Trump) would be allowed to serve a third term as President

Is there anything else to the proposal or is that it

Ci Arovannea wrote:cypto :3c


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