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Whoops 😅, happy new year!
Happy New Year and Cards Season 4 everyone!
Happy new year!
Both me and my parent nation The Bahamian States are uncommon. I am fine with it.
Breaking News! The Red Polls Party has staged a uprising in Nassau Harbor! The government has condemned the party from the Houses. A replacement Bahamian Polls Party has been installed in the Red Polls place.
Regency of Sodor, I see you went with the very nice Railworks banner. Myself, I'm still deciding on how I want my card to look.
What if we got a new flag for the region?
Dang…. Britt Allcroft had passed away few days back….
Gone but not forgotten
Thanks for shaping childhood and bringing The Railway Series to the television and inspire others to do so…..
Flag designs should be distinctive. It almost seems better to upload a thematic image as the "flag," and upload the flag design to create a custom "banner," in the instance of Season Four cards...
i hate art. why must i do art. i am not very bright in terms of art.
I got 2 billion people!
Hey, if your nation dissolves, how long do you have to remake it?
If you are talking about "ceasing to exist," the answer is "it depends." Since you have a population of around two billion, it will remain reserved for as long as we are aware. (I believe I have heard the NS team may, in the future, allow these reserved nations to be refounded by new players.)
Lol! Victor Tanzig’ Sodor Short! Pink Douglas: Buddha, you fat *******! You cheated me!
That what happens when drunken Scots tried reach enlightenment!
Buddha: Sorry Douglas, you look better in pink! 😁😂🤣😂
There’s a card SNAFU, apparently I sold Kirksea card for 27.61 but I didn’t as I priced it 0.05 something not right… I facing trouble from Skalliad/The Republic of CFPuppet because of it, does any of you shed some light in this situation as I tried to sort it out…
The card trading system essentially matches lowest asker with the highest bidder, and then the transaction occurs between the two values. It looks like there was an especially high ask, someone met it with a high bid, and then your lower ask meant the first ask was rejected in favor of your cheaper ask, with 27.61 being the midpoint of the 55.00 bid and your lower ask.
I could be wrong, it's sort of confusing. However, I think you should remove your current bid of 40.01. It looks like you are trying to repay the other person, but anyone else with the card can also run along and steal your 40.01 (little less, see bottom of this post) bank. (Edit: it's also possible this other person/these two other people will try to take advantage of you in the confusion, so be careful)
My advice: take down your 40.01 bid, talk to a member of NationStates' admin team, then solve the problem.
Another thing to note.: especially with a Common card, NS has mechanic for reducing price inflation (purposely trading your own card between your puppets to make it appear, at a glance, to be worth more) by taking a percentage of bank. So the buyer might pay 5.00 bank while the seller gets only 4.00 bank.
Card situation is dealt with as I simply buy from a card with a price that will cover but a problem it that bunch of yahoos sell the card which I had no choice to buy six of them… any you want to buy Meropis off from me, let me know, it Midland is the problem…
Yeah, this whole situation makes me real suspicious of those other people. Unfortunate this is how it resolved.
Oh sick I have a card now
Time to buy it ig
I am the new WA delegate. Thank you all.
Regency of Sodor, Rusrunia, Kaulga, and Gindo Shi
If you have not endorsed me, please do so.
Could I have more power for the isles. I would just like to discuss it. If anyone doesn't think I should get more power, then I won't.
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