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Well I already changed my nation currency, due to knowing number of vote it has which I know gonna win.
🎶Second thing of Christmas is such a pain to me, riggings up the lights!🎶
Hi! Welcome to the region.
Hi New Harbourland and welcome to this humble region we called home.
I did a smart thing it resulted excellent on political freedom, there will be no whipping boys in politics just good old fashioned word spreading 😇
🎶Third thing of Christmas is such a pain to me, hangover!🤢🤮🤒🎶
Very new here (less than 60 minutes old). No Discord, thank you. Anything major I should keep in mind?
Well, hi and welcome and the currency on this continent is Fleur just let you (Wheath) know and feel free to change it as we here promoting unity and integrity and so enjoy your time! 😇
🎶Forth thing of Christmas is such a pain to me, sending Christmas cards!🎶
You should join the WA. That way, you can endorse other nations and, most importantly, endorse our WA delegate.
Welcome Bashtel!
Hello my sovereign friends
Curious. Cause of death is old age 100%. Cool.
Holy smokes impressive! 😮
Guys I joined currency union
As did I comrade!
Does increased 'income equality' increase or decrease 'economic freedom'?
Generally lower economic freedom will increase income equality I've found.
Commendations can be repealed and rewritten. Wheath believes in commending all commendable nations, to show support for commendable actions and nations. Although many believe the Commendation to not be commendable, the nominee is commendable, and should have commendation.
Comrades I believe it is in the interest of peace and prosperity as a whole to further cooperation among our nations by the formation of an Alliance of the Isles. It will be like the UN but exclusively for our people. Our diplomats seek answers from our fellow nations!
New Blackhaven and Wheath
That is an interesting idea, if there's more substance to it I would be happy to give you the authority to make it happen. I presume we would want to use regional polls for voting matters.
I think It is a bad idea we need to stay as a region not as an alliance.
This is a fair point and if any UN or League of Nations type body were established here, which is just an idea at the moment I will insist that membership be optional.
I am all for an alliance - but those with little, love to share.
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