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I second your answer. Esplius is in the top 93% (World) for Average Disposable Income - 9,589.03 Espalian dollars.
The centring of the flag on the S4 card...
Post self-deleted by East Denya-Aroyl.
Question of the Day:
What kind of image do you have as a desktop background or lock screen?
The name, make it something actually pronounceable.
My phone home screen is a pretty basic picture of the character Goblin Slayer I had found on google some years ago, while my laptop background is a rotating slideshow consisting of a mixture of US Warships and interactions between the Soviets and the US Navy during the Cold War.
hell o
heaven o
Question of the Day:
What are your favourite aquatic creatures?
The pufferfish . For it is ugly (affectionate)
Hey guys! Reminder that we only have like 2 responses to the question of the week, So please give me some more.
Question of the week: what is a fun fact about your nation’s military?
I like a lot of undersea critters, i come from a sailing family, my mom’s cousins race yachts, and my grandpa loves boating, a love I inherited. But my favorite has to be the hammerhead shark, for it just looks so dumb, but in a cute way.
I have a photo of my dog as my phone background, and it has a cool story. It is a picture of her from when she got into a bag of treats, ate everything in it, and got it stuck on her head.
Removing the one time I accidentally misread an issue and became a communist state with an economy controlled by ai.
I'm thinking hermit crabs count as aquatic, and for today, they're my favourite. I love that they all use different shells. I've been lazing on the beach, and suddenly a shell will wobble, a pair of "Mr Crabs"-type eyes will poke out, and then the strong legs appear, and the crab starts wandering off, leaving a little trail behind it that looks a bit like bike-tyre tracks.
The default. I took the time to disable all those annoying widgets, but I never bothered changing the image. There was a time in my life I could never have conceived of using the default* and would have thought anybody who did was a soulless corporate zombie. How prescient of the younger me - I proved myself right.
*Showing my age, but also at the time in my life when I would have felt that most strongly, having a computer whose background you could configure wasn't a thing, and having a phone wasn't a thing. My tastes changed over time, so if it had been a thing, the backgrounds would have changed too. Possibly in this order: a Helloween album cover, some Warhammer miniature, The Sisters of Mercy logo, a Jamaican flag / marijuana themed background, fractals, Celtic art, Pre-Raphaelites, then some pre-packaged-but-not-the-default image, a photo of the kids, and finally the default when the new device was needed.
I'll need to have a think about this one - sorry, no quick answer!
Also, reminder, the deadline for putting in your question of the week answers is Wednesday, so get them in soon!
Whales and dolphins and Turtles
Hermit crabs all the way. Damsel flies too (if those even count).
seals, they are just sea cats.
well I think capitalism is LAME (this is a joke for all intents and purposes)
Osiris Mid-Month Tournament
Alright you jokers, I saw you get the poll to be tied. Fine, you win, but if it happens again, I am just going to pick one based on what has been done less (or not as recently).

Osiris Joustink Tournament
13th January 2025
First, random scores are generated to determine which participants make it to the tournament proper, and they are seeded appropriately.
In each match, one team's Offence statistic is matched against the other team's Defence, adding those statistics to d20 rolls to determine whether that team scores a point. Each team gets three 'free' attempts to score, and then an increasingly unlikely chance to score up to five times more, rolling a d20 and adding their Stamina statistic to see if they meet the requirement to make the attempt (with the required result starting at 20 and then increasing by 2 each time), with both attackers and defenders adding their Stamina to their Offence and Defence in the ensuing clashes. If both scores are even, we enter Tiebreaker, in which it is a who-scores-first direct d20 clash between both teams' Offence and Defence.
Fancy having your own representatives involved in the next one? Enter here!
Want a version of the tournament calculator for your own nation's sport? Drop me a telegram or find me on the Osiris discord and I will be happy to try to help!

To see the spreadsheet behind all this, look here! I plan to upgrade it whenever I can think of how.

Osiris Superhero Tournament
13th January 2025
First, random scores are generated to determine which participants make it to the tournament proper, and they are seeded appropriately.
The events for each match are evenly randomised. Each participant then rolls a result, randomised between 1 and 20. They then add their modifier to the event - for example, a normal race tests their speed alone, while a maze race also tests their intelligence. Wrestling tests only brawn, while boxing needs speed too. Puzzles are tests of the mind, but figuring out how to demolish a complex structure in the fastest time goes a lot quicker when you can punch through it! This determines their match score, and the higher score proceeds. In the event of a tie, there is a second hidden randomisation that determines the winner as a 50/50.
Fancy having your own representatives involved in the next one? Enter here!

To see the spreadsheet behind all this, look here! I plan to upgrade it whenever I can think of how.
Great white and great hammerhead sharks, as well as the historically crucial food fish of cod/tuna/herring/mackerel/salmon. Different reasons obviously, but all ones I like
truth, one time I accidentally became communist and my economy instantly s4@t the bed.
Capitalism is LAME and this is not a joke.
Nah. I personally operate on sort of a mix of socialism and capitalism. While the economy is not controlled by us, the corporations are regulated and we have very good social services, like Europe.
"Like Europe". Do you mean "like EU"? I live in that. I hate it.
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