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It will probably be after Thanksgiving Ends. At this point, it's impossible to stop the horde that is known as Christmas shoppers. So once Thanksgiving ends, the rest of November is when you get to start those decorations (Like there are that many days left in November after Thanksgiving anyway)
Unironically, the start of November.
No. May i remind you that i have wmds? You are the worst part of Christmas.
Post by 42 Tons of Pasta suppressed by Tethys 13.
December 1st. If you start a second early i am going to use my nation’s nukes on you.
Post by 42 Tons of Pasta suppressed by Tethys 13.
Hey Tethys 13, you are great at your job, i really like the work you do. Keep it up. Also, i gotta ask, where does your name come from? Are there other Tethys? Either way, keep it up, you are great.
Best wishes
Cthulhu, president of 42 tons of pasta 🇮🇹
Post by 42 Tons of Pasta suppressed by Tethys 13.
Also does anyone know quick ways to grow population?
best way I know is to help the causes of death and make it mostly old age so that people can have more children.
Post by The Pavlov suppressed by Tethys 13.
What are WMDs used for in game all I know is they just make your country seem cooler.
Post by The Pavlov suppressed by Tethys 13.
Also how do I get endorsed and endorse other people. And How do I get a roll In this region?
Post by The Pavlov suppressed by Tethys 13.
How do I join the military of this region? Also, How do I raid people/regions?
Please do not double-post, and especially do so more than that, as that is spamming. If you have more to say and are the most recent to message, please use the 'Edit' function to add to your previous message.
Now, to answer your questions;
- WMDs have no in-game purpose beyond being a Policy on your nation page, and affecting what issues you can get.
- As for Endorsements, this might help:
How do I join the World Assembly?
To do this you need a valid email provided to your nation in the Settings tab. Then, go to the World Assembly tab, and you should see a button labelled ‘Apply to Join’. You will then be sent a confirmation email. As a note, you cannot have more than one nation in the World Assembly, even with different email addresses. Doing so can, in some cases, result in the moderators deleting your nation.
How do I endorse another nation?
Simply go over to that nation’s page (such as through the links to the Guardians and Pharaoh above), scroll down to the bottom, and click on the ‘Endorse’ button.
What do endorsements do?
Endorsements have several key functions, primarily affecting the Regional Delegate. The nation with the most endorsements in each region is thus elected as Regional Delegate, and as a result our Delegate and Guardians having a high endorsement count is essential to regional security, to prevent invaders from supplanting our government with one of their own. Such an occurrence is highly uncommon in a region such as ours, but there are those who would relish the opportunity. In addition, Regional Delegates have a greater impact on resolutions in the General Assembly and Security Council, as their vote is bolstered by the total number of endorsements they have received.
But what do endorsements do for me?
To start with, two endorsements are required before you can submit a proposal to the World Assembly, if that interests you. For nations seeking to improve their statistics through issues, on the other hand, endorsements are strongly tied to two statistics – the first of course being World Assembly Endorsements, and since less than 10% of nations in NationStates are part of the World Assembly, even a single endorsement is enough to get a top 10% badge, and two will get you into the top 5%! Many will be satisfied with that, and that is fine – however, more endorsements will accelerate the growth of the other notable statistic, Influence.
So how does endorsing the government benefit me?
Aside from the more selfless benefits described earlier, Osiris maintains and enforces caps on endorsement counts, for regional security. The general cap is 20, while endorsing the government doubles the cap to 40, and becoming a Citizen through our offsite forum increases it again to 70, enabling speedier growth of Influence. One benefit of high Influence is that it makes it more difficult for your nation to be forcibly ejected from Osiris, though that is a rare occurrence, as we prefer not to resort to such measures.
What if I do not want to?
That is perfectly fine, as long as you do not breach the endorsement caps. We are not trying to force you to play this game our way – I spent my first decade in this game quietly working on my nation without troubling myself with any of these matters, and that is a perfectly valid way to enjoy this game.
This is the Golden Book of Ma'at, the full guidebook for Osiris. As a reference for new nations and for our revered government officials on all of the workings of the Osiris Fraternal Order, we trust you will find what you seek in these gilded pages.
1: What is Osiris?
2: Getting Involved
3: Reigning Government
4: Executive Government
5: Law
6: Legislature
7: Security
8: Military
9: Template Policy
10: Graphics Policy
11: Titles & Honours
12: Endorsement Cap Policy
13: Embassy Policy
14: World Assembly Voting Policy
Osiris is one of three Sinkers, a region designated for conducting the refounding of nations alongside Balder and Lazarus. It is governed by the Osiris Fraternal Order, a meritocratic, monarchist, and raider Sinker government extant in various forms since 2013. It is the largest raider region, the largest Egyptian themed region, and the largest constitutional monarchy in NationStates.
The Osiris Fraternal Order maintains a discord server and an offsite forum, linked below!
To get involved in the government and culture of Osiris you can become a citizen! This opens up confidential channels, the ability to vote on legislation, and the ability to rise the ranks of government! As a meritocracy Osiris rewards hard work and visionary thinking in all of our areas of government, and we'd be happy to have you!
The full reigning Government of Osiris is listed below, see the following sections for specifics of the nature of each position. Note that de facto positions elected to power by the Pharaoh and not by law will not be included in this list unless they are presently occupied, whereas all legally bound positions in addition to Viziers shall be included regardless of occupation. Lesser positions such as Sub-Viziers may be included if occupied.
Guardians are listed from left to right in the line of succession, including the Heir Apparent.
PHARAOH: Arkadia Universalis
CHIEF VIZIER: The Badger State
VIZIERS: Malphe II [FA], Luna State [CA], Tethys 13 [GA], Big Boyz [WA]
SUB-VIZIERS: Big Boyz [GA], Notanam [CA]
WIR DIYU: Notanam
CHIEF SCRIBE: Concorde Dawn
GUARDIANS: Tethys 13, Dragonian Alliance, Cretanja, Federation of the Resentine Kingdom
PRIESTS: Valerievna, Nebemakhet, Cretanja
The Pharaoh, appointed as heir by the previous Pharaoh, is the head of the Osiris Fraternal Order and serves as the head of the Executive Government from whom all authority in this area is derived. The Pharaoh delegates their authority to Viziers to organize their particular Vizierships and fields of Osiran affairs. Many positions stem from this; Sub-Viziers serve as the deputies of their respective Viziers, and Chief Vizier oversees the entirety of the Executive as the right hand of the Pharaoh. The currently extant Vizierships are shown below.
FOREIGN AFFAIRS: diplomatic missions and treaties with other regions!
GAMESIDE AFFAIRS: gameside outreach, the question of the day, and telegrams!
COMMUNITY AFFAIRS: cultural events, festivals, and publications!
WORLD ASSEMBLY AFFAIRS: how we vote, and why!
Osiris is a Constitutional Monarchy, and henceforth recognizes the rule of law within its domains; our central constitution is the Scroll of Horus, ratified in 2017 to adapt to a changing environment, from which is built a wide variety of
secondary acts to deal with legislative, judicial, and cultural matters, in addition to our
diplomatic treaties. Judicial hearings are overseen by the Priests, a council of three judges who serve by appointment of the Pharaoh to oversee court by the laws of the region.
The Council of Scribes functions as the legislature of Osiris, composed of every Osiran citizen and vested with voting on proposed resolutions, foreign treaties, and the confirmations of appointments brought before them. The Council represents one of the strongest checks to the power of the government in the region, with the capability of recalling any government position in dire circumstances. This body is headed by a Chief Scribe, who may be accompanied by a Deputy Scribe, who organizes votes and formally sees them into law. Any citizen can propose a resolution to the Council of Scribes, including amendments to the constitution, subject to the vigorous debate of these carved halls.
The Council of Guardians is responsible for helping ensure the security of Osiris; by maintaining high endorsement and influence counts they are able to safeguard the delegacy against potential attackers, in addition to acting as a check to the power of the Pharaoh in case of a rogue delegate. Only the most trusted members of Osiris are appointed to serve as a Guardian.
The Sekhmet Legion is the military arm of the Osiris Fraternal Order, a raider organization founded in 2013 to exert the will of Pharaoh throughout NationStates. The Legion is split between the Active Service and Reservist branches, the former comprising leadership and soldiers that actively attend update operations, whereas Reservists back up the Active Service Legionnaires by supporting the occupations they begin.
To learn more about raiding and our activites within it see the Reddened Book of Ma'at, and you can apply to Active Service here or as a Reservist
here! Please note that Active Service required Osiran Citizenry, whereas a reservist role does not.
The below templates are to be used for official Osiris forum announcements, and similar posts such as embassy updates and dispatches. Modify the formatting code as is necessary but maintain the likeness and style of the text and image.
Below is the forum header template for Osiris Fraternal Order announcements.
[align=center][size=150]XX.XX.XXXX DMY/MDY [b]TITLE[/b][/size] ---[/align]
The most pertinent graphics of the Osiris Fraternal Order are held below; this includes flags, banners, and forum and dispatch headers. Note that these are all de facto and not legally enshrined, and can be changed by decree of the Pharaoh at any time. Further note that these have been designed in whole or in part by Hazel-Malphe Vytherov, and it is hoped that they and their derivatives remain subject to her preferences in use.
It is expected that these graphics, among coinciding manners, shall be flown on the region of Osiris and its properties. Furthermore, the below colour codes shall be considered the primary colours of Osiris for use in its World Factbook Entry & dispatches.
The Osiris Fraternal Order maintains a system of honours enshrined by the Regional Traditions Act, and a system of titles enshrined by the
Nobility and Honours Act. These are awarded by the Council of Scribes and by the Pharaoh respectively to exemplary Osirans who have made great contributions to our region.
A list of awards can be found in the Osiran Historical Library here.
Endorsement caps are placed upon Osiris to ensure proper security. The General Endorsement Cap applies to nations that are not endorsing the Pharaoh, whereas the Resident & Citizen Contributor Endorsement Caps apply to nations that are endorsing the Pharaoh of their respective demographics. Endorsement levels are monitored by the dutiful scribes of Gameside Affairs, who will warn you via telegram if you are over your cap.
There are a number of ways to reduce your endorsements if you go over your cap. Firstly, you can telegram nations endorsing you and ask them to withdraw their endorsements. This is slow and unreliable but you will be given breathing room if you communicate this intention. Secondly, you can resign from the WA or leave the region until after the next game update, which will completely reset your endorsements to zero. Alternatively, you can raise your endorsement cap! For instance, if you're a resident contributor you have an endorsement cap of 40. If you violate this, you can simply apply for citizenship and raise your endorsement cap up to 70.
Note that endorsement caps may change at any time by behest of the Pharaoh.
As of present, endorsements are monitored via the appropriate thread by Gameside Affairs volunteers. These volunteers are responsible for sending informative telegrams to endorsement cap violators, and requesting ejection for repeat offenders. See the pertinent thread for a more detailed guide to this process.
Embassies are accepted on the discretion of the Pharaoh, but must be processed via the regional forums embassy application process. Our policies are visible here.
14: World Assembly Voting Policy
The Pharaoh votes according to the majority consensus of the Citizens of Osiris, presently conducted via a vote held on the Osiris discord server for every World Assembly proposal that reaches vote. The Pharaoh maintains the legal right to vote as they will, but is committed to the maintenance of this precedent.
The Pharaoh exercises their individual discretion exclusively in engagement with resolutions that concern the wellbeing of Osiris, and otherwise will never approve any proposal or vote against the consensus of the citizenry.
That which is natural and good,
Upon all things of creation,
From which is distilled Ma'at,
The prerogative of all Pharaohs
- Information for joining the regional military:
This is the Reddened Book of Ma'at, the full guidebook to the functioning of the Sekhmet Legion of Osiris. Whether you are a legionary reviewing our code or a curious visitor, we trust you will find what you seek in these crimson pages.
1: What is Raiding?
2: Joining the Legion
3: Mission Protocol
4: Ranks
5: Graphics
6: Templates
7: Awarded Ribbons
Raiding is the action of conquering enemy regions by claiming their delegacy.
The delegate holds supreme power over their region, and is elected by which nation in the region has the most endorsements. This means that an organized military can aggressively coup a delegacy by moving several of their own nations into an enemy region at once, at a particular time, and ensuring they have the most endorsements in the region; this is called jumping.
Once the region is taken, it must be reinforced to prevent counterattacks by other players. For this we reinforce the initial force that jumped into the target region with pilers, more players who couldn't participate in the jump but can shore up the defences of the occupation afterwards.
PUPPET: a secondary nation used for military gameplay.
TARGET: the targeted region of a raid.
UPDATING: the action of participating in the takeover of a target.
PILING: the action of moving your puppet into the target after the initial takeover.
The Sekhmet Legion is the military arm of the Osiris Fraternal Order; it has worked closely with raider and political allies to conquer enemy regions in the name of Ra for nearly a decade. It has participated in some of the greatest raids in history, maintaining both a piling and an updating force to achieve greater heights. It is split between the Active Service and Reservist branches; the former engages in operations more closely and comprises the leadership of the military, whereas the latter supports them in long term engagements and carries lesser time restraints.
You can join Active Service by signing up to our forums, applying for citizenship, and then applying for the Sekhmet Legion. Alternatively, you can sign up for the Reserves using the below form, without any need to become a citizen or join our forums!
Everything in private Sekhmet channels is strictly confidential. Do not quote or paraphrase anything in any private Sekhmet communication or channel without confirmation from the Imyr Muaat.
All members of the Legion are privy to operational plans, and will be notified when a new engagement is entered, and ordered to pile by the limitations defined in the order. Do not endorse any more nations than your orders dictate! Legionnaires active on the organization's discord will be notified of jumps to participate in, and Legionnaires not present on our discord will be notified through the NS site.
The Legion maintains a Google Document containing the full roster and mission logs of the organization, available for all members of the Legion on the discord server & forums. Note that this is considered a confidential document. Furthermore, we maintain a plethora of resources for the tutelage of new recruits in the most contemporary raiding practices, tools, and ethics.
The Legion has a rank system designed to indicate authority, seniority and experience; each rank is a sign of significant prestige, and are awarded neither lightly nor frequently. Members are promoted or demoted according to the will of the Pharaoh and their assigned representatives.
All ranks are permanent positions with the exception of the Imyr Muaat, which is a temporary position appointed by the Pharaoh to serve as commander at their behest. The Imyr Muaat or Pharaoh may choose to incorporate further temporary positions, but only the below listed ranks are permanent. Reservists moving into Active Service may be granted a higher starting rank by the Imyr Muaat's discretion.
WIR DIYU: the generals.
NEKHET: the officers.
KEIJEN: the veterans.
SENENY: the rank & file.
AHAUTY: the trainees.
QERY: the recruits.
UHAMU: the heralds.
MEDJAY: the rangers.
SHEMSHU: the retainers.
All Legionaries are obligated to fly some variation of the Flag of Sekhmet on their puppets; traditionally this is a red & black variation of the primary Osiris flag, as shown below.
However, we encourage you to make your own versions of the Sekhmet flag! So long as it's a derivative of an Osiris design in some capacity you can fly it on your puppets.
Below is the forum header template for Sekhmet Legion announcements and reports. Note that its usage is not strictly mandated for reports!
[align=center][size=150]XX.XX.XXXX DMY/MDY [b]TITLE[/b][/size] ---[/align]
Below is the gameside telegram template for Sekhmet Legion recruits. This may be sent for recruits not accessible via discord.
[b]Welcome to the Sekhmet Legion, Tajnid <nameOfRecruit>![/b] Your application to the Sekhmet Legion has been accepted! For a full guide to the workings of the Legion see [url=https://www.nationstates.net/page=dispatch/id=1694896][b]the Reddened Book of Ma'at[/b][/url], you have been entered into the Legion's roster and henceforth will be included in the mailing lists for Legion orders. If you wish to engage in our discord, join using the invite below. [i][u]https://discord.gg/<invite>[/u][/i] If you have any questions about your new position please reply to this telegram! [i]<signature>[/i]
Awards are given by discretion of the Pharaoh for operational milestones, heroic actions, or completions of historic missions. All extant ribbons are below; mission count ribbons may be claimed by any soldier if they have grounded cause to have earned it, whereas all underlined ribbons can only be awarded by the Imyr Muaat or Pharaoh.
Conflict is that essential essence,
The compelling aether of great works,
Such empowered in observance of Ma'at,
The engagements of every Imyr Muaat
I hope this helps!
Same goes for you, no spamming! Though I appreciate the compliment, and the answer to the Question of the Day, very kind of you. Now, to answer your questions:
- "Tethys 13" was created as the 13th and only inhabitable planet of the Tethys star system, an aquatic world at the distant edge of a galactic empire that had quite forgotten it. I have never created any other Tethys nations, and did not even know about puppet use for the first decade in this game, but having a number in my name has caused some issues in the past - disqualification from certain events, for example, as the detection software has flagged me as a likely puppet.
- Population grows daily, and the increment varies, but cannot be increased by active ingame means.
I hope this helps too!
How do I use the message board? I am new using this form.
Endorsements can only be exchanged between two nations in the World Assembly that are also in the same region.
Sign up for a forum account on our forums @ https://osiris.valthost.com/index.php and apply for Citizenship and the Legion.
You're using it right now! :3
I love it when my cheese production goes down even though I got rid of cars :D
Post by The Pavlov suppressed by Tethys 13.
What is a raid?
Post by The Pavlov suppressed by Tethys 13.
Also What do WMDs do in this game because I once saw that in Iraq they cause a bunch of oil
The Pavlov, this is your second warning. Please do not spam on the message board. Your questions have already been answered, or links to resources with explanations supplied, in the replies you have received.
The Wooden Empire, Ibereia, and Yoiiatin
How do you get an endorsement cap of 70 as I am currently waiting on 40?
The Leader Of Yoiiatin.
2:11 PM EST.
What kind of doctor fixes broken websites?
A URLologist.🤣
Thisbia, Ibereia, Yhudfg Khanate, and Yoiiatin
Question of the Day (suggested by The Wooden Empire):
What crimes against humanity/war crimes have been committed inside your Nation's border by a Foreign Nation/Entity in a War or a Terrorist attack. How severe was it? What was your nation's response?
During World War II, when the Germans and Italians jointly invaded the Peninsular Empire, horrible atrocities were committed on ethnic groups such as the Basques and Muslims in Spain and Portugal. Killing fields were set up in occupied territories, and labor camps not unlike ones propped up in Eastern Europe appeared in major cities with high Basque and Moorish populations. It was a mass murder, with at least 1.5 million individuals dying in the years during and after the war due to bad conditions and effects from starvation and lacerations from beatings.
The nation responded by constructing massive cemeteries in the wake of the war dedicated to those killed by the Nazis and Italian Fascists.
Once a year families/ancestors of those who were killed come together and light candles and float them into the sky in the city of Zaragoza to commemorate the dead.
Thanks bro
The attack of the crusaders, for a more details look at my factbook on it, but basically a bunch of people attacked us and slaughtered countless innocent civilians, just because we worship Cthulhu. Of course when they tried to kill president Cthulhu himself he obliterated them.
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