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hi guys
Honestly, I feel like the way to go with this would be Brains. Mostly because, if you look back at egyptian mythology, the gods are depicted visually similar to mortals and more "all-knowing". Simply being incredibly smart - I feel - would characterize this region very well.
I swear this poll is skewed - I'm thinking everyone has a Z-day hangover, and are still craving brains!
I'm voting tactically. I find it hard to imagine a divine being with brains, and I don't associate ancient Egyptians with speed, so I'd have gone with "brawn". But since "brains" and brains combos are furthest ahead, I'm going with the "brains and brawn" combo.
Tethys 13, The Wooden Empire, Total drama 2, and The Other Margaret
Does this region have any roleplay worlds?
Greetings! I ceased to exist in Wintercrest. Now I am here.
Sorry. Is Osiris one of those regions where you cannot mention other regions? If so, I sincerely apologize...
Once again, people have been answering this one already... which is perfectly fine!
Question of the Day:
What did you vote on the poll, and why?
Communistic Anarchy and Nature, Flautun, Total drama 2, and The Other Margaret
I voted a combination of brains + brawn too. Given the thematic overtones of Osiris, namely Egyptian gods and unending desert, I thought it would make a lot of sense for our hero to be indomitable if not necessarily the fastest.
*Reads news headlines*
I may cancel my internet connection later today, and live happily without knowing what is happening in the world.
Yeah living in 'Merica right now and it's getting a little crazy, honestly don't want to make this about politics. But it's not going to be getting any better here. Just hope things just stay okay
I think I already explained my choice in my previous answer to the QOTD, but I chose brains. Simply because Egyptian gods were portrayed as all-knowing beings. However, after considering everybody else's explanation of what they chose and why, I believe Brains & Brawn would be the better pick.
Question of the Day:
What powers or power categories should be included in the next poll, and how many different powers do you think they should have? (Powers must be able to be summed up in a word or two).
Communistic Anarchy and Nature, The Wooden Empire, and Total drama 2
Overall, a double would be better, but I feel brawn+speed or all around would be too powerful. So Brain+Speed it is!
Like I have been saying in my previous messages, I feel it would make so much sense for our superhero to have some necromancy. Since Orisis is focused a lot on the dead it would work very well. Also, I can see how necromancy is soul manipulation, as perhaps this hero could be a reaper of some sort. Collecting the souls of the dead and using them as assets to fight. Perhaps putting loyal souls into powerful bodies and being able to use them constantly as long as their opponent can't directly affect the souls.
Greetings, leaders
Greetings! We ceased to exist in The Grand Patriot Empire of Algerheaven, and then restarted here.
Welcome to the desert! :D
i love darkness
and the only acceptable order is the osiris fraternal order
Good evening! I'm once again reminding you all that the Sekhmet Legion exists!
Pharaoh: Arkadia Universalis
Heir Apparent: none
Imyr Muaat: Big Boyz
Wir Diyu: Notanam
The Pharaoh is head of state in the Osiris Fraternal Order. He holds the World Assembly Delegate seat and oversees all matters.
The Heir Apparent is the next person who will become Pharaoh. The Heir Apparent is appointed by the Pharaoh and confirmed by a vote. The Heir Apparent is also responsible to hold the second most WA endorsements in the region.
The leader of the Sekhmet Legion is the Imyr Muaat, who is appointed by the Pharaoh.
The Wir Diyu is the second highest rank in the Sekhmet Legion. This position is filled by appointment by the Pharaoh and/or Imyr Muaat.
The Sekhmet Legion is the military force of the Osiris Fraternal Order. It consists of citizens of Osiris who have volunteered to serve their region.
The Sekhmet Legion is responsible for ensuring the security of Osiris, for carrying out military operations in the interests of Osiris and for assisting the allies of Osiris when needed.
The Sekhmet Legion has two goals: Be the most efficient GCR military in NationStates and be the most fun military you can be in. We want to make sure we accomplish those goals and we want to have a blast doing it! If you want to serve your region, be involved in raiding, or just want to have a blast, the Sekhmet Legion is for you!
You can enlist by clicking here. The Sekhmet Legion welcomes all raiders who aren't banned from the Osiris Fraternal Order. You are welcome here! All you need to do is apply for citizenship first.
You can also join the Sekhmet Reserves, without having to become a citizen:
Why not join it?
And if you don't want to, endorse the Pharaoh!
Step 1. Join the World Assembly!
Step 2. Go to the Pharwoof's nation page! nation=arkadia_universalis
Step 3. Scroll to the bottom of the page!
Step 4. Click on the endorse button!
Step 5. Congratulations, you have successfully endorsed the Pharwoof!
Dispatch written by Durmengrad Prime. Facts in this dispatch may or may not also be the opinions of the Osiran government. The desert expands.
Summon a-10.
Osiris Superhero Creation
Stage 2 of the poll has ended, with the combination Brains and Brawn as the winner! Plenty of people liked the idea of speed or an all-rounder as well though, so while thinking and squaring up will be the hero's primary tools of engagement, they will likely not be a snail (aww), just a little slower than a jack-of-all-trades.
Stage 3 is up! In this one, we are finally choosing the hero's powers, including some suggested by various people (though not those I did not understand or took to be jokes, or which would go against the results of the second poll). As stated, I plan to pick the highest voted two of these, though if there is a third that clinches a close spot, I could allow it.
Expect further Superhero event announcements tomorrow!
Question of the Day:
What are you voting on the poll and why, and what would be your second choice?
Communistic Anarchy and Nature, The Wooden Empire, Durmengrad Prime, Flautun, and 3 othersTotal drama 2, All Mummified Things, and The Other Margaret
Even if also considered boring. Yes, I will be voting for the option I've been very vocal about, Necromancy. Seeing immortality already having 2 votes, I can imagine it helps with the lore a bit. An immortal reaper that basically takes people's souls as a Job. sure sounds like the average Reaper character but I'm sure we can make something work once we are able to perhaps work on the lore of this character. Plus not a lot of the other options are insanely unique either. Might as well go for something we are kinda building up to with the Theme of Osiris.
First Choice: Fisticuffs/Weaponry
Second Choice: Immortality/Regeneration
Why?: Yeehaw! IYKYK.
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