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NS thinks I’m better than my main Simonia? Impressive.
I'm better than you! :D
Roblox Name 0, Commonu, Neo-Hermitius, and Alvosa
And I didn't even get any votes… :(
I hope the others come here soon.
Roblox Name 0, Commonu, Neo-Hermitius, and Alvosa
*slides in*
Hey guys. Do you miss Simonia? I kinda do.
Roblox Name 0, Commonu, and Alvosa
*comes in*
Don't worry. We'll be fine. Simonia will visit soon.
If only if Majestiaball wasn't assassinated and we don't have to evacuate here…
Aprinia just update everything already!
Got it.
Wow. This seems a lot more like home.
But our new home will never be the same as our old one.
Yay I’m the best nation here!
Don't worry guys. I'm not a spy. I'm one of your former Simonosphere friends.
We all know that.
I can't believe I let this nation CTE. :/
Roblox Name 0, Commonu, and Alvosa
Then welcome back!
Roblox Name 0, Commonu, and Alvosa
You're not alone. Ediva and Aralgia CTE'd too.
Here comes our beloved embassy island!
Hi EBI! I'm here too!
If there is one thing about Simonia that's intriguing is that their NS territory is right here on this region, but Simoniaball is in Anegana.
Is that everybody?
No. Seriously voluntarily moved to North Majestia. But everyone else is here. Including Doratica.
At least the original 25 (minus Simonia of course) are here. Though why is Doratica here?
Well…we have a bit of an anti-aggression pact.
Is this Old Majestia?
You mean pre-community Majestia? It's modeled off of it, but the banner is from success Majestia.
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