by Max Barry

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Hello to you guys especially the new people. Welcome to the Hive!

Hello hive, what a wonderful day!
You know this letter, ð, is my favourite thing to say!
It’s easy to pronounce, easy to understand!
But if it’s difficult for you, I’ll lend a hand!

Another nice day in the Hive! Hope everyone is doing well. Lightly snowing sometimes here in Canada.


Hello, all. Hope everyone's having a good day


Well, I just had a strange set of issues. First I got the one about bug meat, and then I got one about hunting my nation's national animal. If you look up what "Formicidae" means, you'll see the irony.

Quo spavedestatertor

I exist now. Time to eradicate every single human within a 100 mile vicinity to up my economy by a little bit.

Quo spavedestatertor wrote:I exist now. Time to eradicate every single human within a 100 mile vicinity to up my economy by a little bit.

… Well that’s one way to do it…

Quo spavedestatertor

Quo spavedestatertor

Trilobitoria wrote:Well that’s one way to do it…

Hey, it works.

I looked away for a day and Snakefield is no longer a democracy. As an ambassador this is.. this is interesting to say the least-

Hello! The new state of the Lennon Republic of Imagining is dedicated to building a society based on John Lennon's dream of a brotherhood of man. We are happy to join the Hive!

Elyia wrote:Thanks for the response!

My pleasure!

Trilobitoria wrote:Hello guys

Inocria wrote:Hello, hello. Can someone hear us?
We are Republic of Inocria from Ukraine.

Tetrahedra wrote:Hello, all. Hope everyone's having a good day

Quo spavedestatertor wrote:I exist now. Time to eradicate every single human within a 100 mile vicinity to up my economy by a little bit.

The Lennon Republic of Imagining wrote:Hello! The new state of the Lennon Republic of Imagining is dedicated to building a society based on John Lennon's dream of a brotherhood of man. We are happy to join the Hive!

Hello and welcome to Hive! I hope you've all been settling in nicely. If you need any tips, feel free to ask.

New Pryskiva wrote:hello hive

as seen from this quote, I’m Pryskiva.


Welcome back, both of you.

Trilobitoria wrote:Hello hive, what a wonderful day!
You know this letter, ð, is my favourite thing to say!
It’s easy to pronounce, easy to understand!
But if it’s difficult for you, I’ll lend a hand!

I, too, believe ð is an excellent letter. Might I ask your thoughts on þ?

Athanes Empire wrote:Another nice day in the Hive! Hope everyone is doing well. Lightly snowing sometimes here in Canada.

I'm doing great. I've really been feeling the festive spirit lately. How about you?

Quo spavedestatertor wrote:Hey, it works.

Does it?

A Puppet of My Nation wrote:Might I ask your thoughts on þ?

I don't like the thorn, I prefer the use of theta. If we use the thorn, then phi/theta get confused.

I suppose one could argue Cyrillic exists, though...

DAIRYC wrote:I don't like the thorn, I prefer the use of theta. If we use the thorn, then phi/theta get confused.

I suppose one could argue Cyrillic exists, though...

þorn is a great letter

A Puppet of My Nation wrote:My pleasure!

Hello and welcome to Hive! I hope you've all been settling in nicely. If you need any tips, feel free to ask.

Welcome back, both of you.

I, too, believe ð is an excellent letter. Might I ask your thoughts on þ?

I'm doing great. I've really been feeling the festive spirit lately. How about you?

Does it?

Þ Is just the middle child, forgotten.

I only just joined


Hello everyone I'm excited to be here, my name is Louis L and I will become the greatest leader you all have ever seen.

Convenient that your welcome-telegram contains a guide on how to block recruitment ads heh.
Anyways, hello everyone! Returning to this game after probably 4-5 years of absence.

Hey, does any nation want to be the one accused of doing corruption with our previous President in our current (Acting) Presidents “I'm totally not trying to become a dictator” statement? It can absolutely be a baseless lie.

Elyia wrote:Hey, does any nation want to be the one accused of doing corruption with our previous President in our current (Acting) Presidents “I'm totally not trying to become a dictator” statement? It can absolutely be a baseless lie.

Well I’m bored, so sure.

Welcome to all returning or newcomers here to the Hive. We appreciate everyone. Also tons and tons of snow now outside. Surprisingly warm temperatures though.

It's interesting how the nations are in favour of the WA resolution but the delegates are against and are, in the process, swinging it in the direction of not passing



I have a youtube channel
Just search @StarforceStates
Pls sub :(

Brother, may I have some oats?

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