by Max Barry

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«12. . .6,6896,6906,6916,6926,6936,6946,695. . .6,7736,774»

I have no idea what your planning for Russia Russia 2022-RP, but your use of the Russian National Republic's flag is cool.

Bayfront International Territory wrote:huh.
Anyways, hello fellow delegate! How is your day going?

Good how about you?

Bayfront International Territory wrote:this is the teacher who was being really weird around you right
like getting uncomfortably close and sexual

idk what differences our school systems might have, but if this seems like a serious concern or if she is being extremely sexual, just straight up report her
from what I remember about what you said, she was just kinda being... near you though? so it might not be intentional, and in that case you could politely ask her to stop

Nah it wasn't my teacher

America RP wrote:I have no idea what your planning for Russia Russia 2022-RP, but your use of the Russian National Republic's flag is cool.

I have a few different ideas and this encapsulates one of them

Saint Pinole II wrote:Good how about you?

I'm fine, thanks

Russia 2022-RP wrote:Nah it wasn't my teacher


America RP

I wanna split my nation in two, and have a really wholesome Russia and a somewhat cursed Siberia.

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RIC: An Honorable Demise: 2025-2026 U.S Internal Politics

Portland: The CPUSA riots sieze direct control of the city of Portland, declaring the Portland Commune and calling upon the proletariat to rise against the Federal Government and sieze control. Portland is promptly flooded with National Guard and the CPUSA crushed, riots spread like rats in the days immediately following the crushing of CPUSA and death of Joe Simms.

Seattle: ANTIFA takes the chance following the Portland supression to sieze direct control of Seattle. Thousands of rioters storm the Mayoral office and the CHAZ is redeclared city wide. Copy cats riots in Minnesota are crushed by the Minnesotan National Guard. It takes a week before the USMC are authorized to move in and crush the SAZ with lethal force. Other Anarcho-Communist riots across the country are met with lethal force as the Chase Government panicks to react, causing further hate and division.

Atlanta: Chaos errupts as Atlanta is split between NBPP supporters and NSM Coalition supporters. As White and Black supremacists battle it out, the chaos is ended when Brian Kemp orders in the National Guard without approval from Oliver. This clear undermining of the Federal Government will spiral soon enough.

New York City: CPUSA, Anarchists, NBPP and NSM members across the city were able to riot freely due to the NYPD's constrainment from the Mayor, until Portland was crushed, then Oliver allowed the NYPD to go wild, with the Mayoral office standing to the side as tear gas and rubber bullets forced back rioters until eventually real bullets started flying between the NYPD and the various rioting groups. This bloody showdown ended with the NYPD's triumph with the bloody toll for all to see.

Chicago: MAGA Patriots, NBPP Supporters and CPUSA Members clashed as the city's traditional gang violence got thrown into the whole new measure of extreme. As the Mayor was unable to organize a response, the Governor ordered in the Guard and Chicago burned once again. The 4-way battle was finally ended with official support from the Army, without Oliver or Congress's approval. Caesar grows closer to the Rubicon.

Houston: MAGA members effectively occupied the city, turning into a Trump praising militia city as the Texas gun tradition worked against itself with the PD's either joining the MAGA miltias or quietly abandoning Houston. The National Guard would have to surround the city before finally moving in, in a brutal urban war unseen in America. The Sword of Damocles lowers.

Los Angeles: CPUSA and NBPP joined forces in burning the LAPD to the ground, while the LAPD fled the city and joined NSM Nazi gangs. Marines, without orders, moved in. In a repeat of 1992, the USMC moved in to LA, putting it under an undeclared Martial Law and gunning down Black Panthers, Communists and Nazis indiscriminately, while Korea Town once more formed their own miltias. Tick-tock.

San Francisco: The CPUSA amassed in strength here, yet they had to clash with roving Trumpist Militias to their north and Neo-Nazis in the rural south. Here, USMC forces, US Army troops and Navy security detachments moved through the city, block by block, gunning down anyone they saw in Red and taking the city back. Gavin Newsom was unavailable for comment about the lack of National Guard support for restoring order in California.

Washington D.C: Secret Service and Maryland National Guard secured D.C, with Oliver being sent to Ravenrock in Pennsylvania. Congress was practically left in the dark as senators and congressmen were locked inside the city "For their security". CIA and FBI agents backed by Air Force and U.S Army personnel secured Arlington and D.C's outskirts for the time being.

Detroit: The city itself falls into chaos as Trumpists, Nazis, Communists, Anarchists and Black Panthers all battle it out. The chaos spreads as far south as Toledo but the Governor of Ohio is considerably quicker to send the National Guard at rioters then the governor of Michigan. Detroit falls back under control after an intervention from the Ohio National Guard linking up with the Michigan National Guard.

Philadelphia: The old capital of America's riots are among the worst. With all blends of radicals in Pennsylvania, the Pennsylvania National Guard and the U.S Army having to surround the city to cut off any potential for the rioters to spread outside of it. In a slow but steady advance into the city, many are shot dead, many soldiers fall, and once the city is clear, the streets are blood red. The Union takes harsh breaths in attempt to survive.

Ravenrock: It's clear what the writing on the wall is, the U.S can't support its allies currently, and once the D.C lockdown is over, the Senators like Rand Paul, Sanders and others that put him in power will definitely remove him. Oliver can either quietly accept his resignation and go down as a failed President elected on a steal, or he can listen to the Generals, Directors and Admirals in his ear and Cross the Rubicon. The choice seems clear.

America RP wrote:

Iran 2024 Roleplay

Figured I'd make a canon reason why Oliver isn't responding to foreign requests.

Ukraine 20s rp wrote:Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine



SRIC: Both chambers of Congress were taken under the direct protection of the Secret Service, being taken to the Pentagon's underground bunker layers. They were being kept there "as long as the emergency lasts", and many Senators (mainly Trumpists), even tried to physically leave the Pentagon but were subdued. Those who saw this, realized what was coming and accepted their fate. They were gathered up by Secret Service members and taken back to the Capitol Building and back to their offices. Many assumed they would be able to resume their duties and began thinking about how to capitalize politically off this situation and Oliver's down fall. Then the bombs went off.

RIC: Oliver appeared on a preset emergency conference room in Ravenrock, stepping up to the hastily built podium and looking at the camera before saying,

"My fellow Americans, I have come here today to announce that Congress has had bombs detonated in its sacred halls. The men and women of Congress are dead, slain by terrorists. In this unprecedented emergency, I hope my fellow citizens can forgive me, but I invoke a State of Emergency and declare nation-wide martial law. To our allies and enemies across the world, know that America may be under stress, but we are still capable of defending ourselves. God bless America, and God bless our men and women in uniform protecting this country."

Camera cut. The Rubicon is crossed.

OOC: Russia 2022-RP, Ukraine 20s rp, BangladeshModernRP, Iran 2024 Roleplay, Am Yisrael Chai 2024 RP, French Republic 2020s RP, Bayfront International Territory (Bayfront your still NASA right?), Lithuania 2022 RP, Britain Modern RP, Brazil Modern Day RP, Modern Day RP China


SRIC: Both chambers of Congress were taken under the direct protection of the Secret Service, being taken to the Pentagon's underground bunker layers. They were being kept there "as long as the emergency lasts", and many Senators (mainly Trumpists), even tried to physically leave the Pentagon but were subdued. Those who saw this, realized what was coming and accepted their fate. They were gathered up by Secret Service members and taken back to the Capitol Building and back to their offices. Many assumed they would be able to resume their duties and began thinking about how to capitalize politically off this situation and Oliver's down fall. Then the bombs went off.

RIC: Oliver appeared on a preset emergency conference room in Ravenrock, stepping up to the hastily built podium and looking at the camera before saying,

"My fellow Americans, I have come here today to announce that Congress has had bombs detonated in its sacred halls. The men and women of Congress are dead, slain by terrorists. In this unprecedented emergency, I hope my fellow citizens can forgive me, but I invoke a State of Emergency and declare nation-wide martial law. To our allies and enemies across the world, know that America may be under stress, but we are still capable of defending ourselves. God bless America, and God bless our men and women in uniform protecting this country."

Camera cut. The Rubicon is crossed.

OOC: Inarusha 2022-rp, Yougrain 20s rp, Bangeyelashmodernrp, I ran away 2024 roleplay, Am yisrael tea 2024 rp, Ffarm republic 2020s rp, Gayfront national state (Bayfront your still NASA right?), Lithiumuania 2022 rp, Britta filter an modern rp, Brazilla modern day rp, Modern day rp chaiyea

yes I'm NASA, why?
does this involve me

I can come up with Orbital weapons if you want and can provide the funds for it

Bayfront International Territory wrote:yes I'm NASA, why?
does this involve me

I can come up with Orbital weapons if you want and can provide the funds for it

Things are basically going to hell. Do you also control Space Force?

America RP wrote:Things are basically going to hell. Do you also control Space Force?

no I don't control space force
that's military

also how long should it be until things to back to normal? I wanna know when I can do normal RP again


SRIC: Both chambers of Congress were taken under the direct protection of the Secret Service, being taken to the Pentagon's underground bunker layers. They were being kept there "as long as the emergency lasts", and many Senators (mainly Trumpists), even tried to physically leave the Pentagon but were subdued. Those who saw this, realized what was coming and accepted their fate. They were gathered up by Secret Service members and taken back to the Capitol Building and back to their offices. Many assumed they would be able to resume their duties and began thinking about how to capitalize politically off this situation and Oliver's down fall. Then the bombs went off.

RIC: Oliver appeared on a preset emergency conference room in Ravenrock, stepping up to the hastily built podium and looking at the camera before saying,

"My fellow Americans, I have come here today to announce that Congress has had bombs detonated in its sacred halls. The men and women of Congress are dead, slain by terrorists. In this unprecedented emergency, I hope my fellow citizens can forgive me, but I invoke a State of Emergency and declare nation-wide martial law. To our allies and enemies across the world, know that America may be under stress, but we are still capable of defending ourselves. God bless America, and God bless our men and women in uniform protecting this country."

Camera cut. The Rubicon is crossed.

OOC: Ruia 2022-rp, Ukraine 20s rysyvajbp, Banglamodernrp, N 2024 roleplay, Am yisraigvvel chai 2024 r, French republic 2020s, Bayfront international tetory (Bayfront your still NASA right?), [nation]Lithuania 2022Brimodern rp, Brazil modern p, Modern day rpna

RIC: Le Pen gives her condolences to the US, especially considering the exact same thing happened to France about a year ago.

French Republic 2020s RP wrote:RIC: Le Pen gives her condolences to the US, especially considering the exact same thing happened to France about a year ago.

this but britain said it

Britain Modern RP wrote:this but britain said it

You had a terrorist attack a year ago?

Jesus, the Chechen wars decreased Grozny's population from 399,688 in 1989 to 210,720 in 2003


SRIC: Both chambers of Congress were taken under the direct protection of the Secret Service, being taken to the Pentagon's underground bunker layers. They were being kept there "as long as the emergency lasts", and many Senators (mainly Trumpists), even tried to physically leave the Pentagon but were subdued. Those who saw this, realized what was coming and accepted their fate. They were gathered up by Secret Service members and taken back to the Capitol Building and back to their offices. Many assumed they would be able to resume their duties and began thinking about how to capitalize politically off this situation and Oliver's down fall. Then the bombs went off.

RIC: Oliver appeared on a preset emergency conference room in Ravenrock, stepping up to the hastily built podium and looking at the camera before saying,

"My fellow Americans, I have come here today to announce that Congress has had bombs detonated in its sacred halls. The men and women of Congress are dead, slain by terrorists. In this unprecedented emergency, I hope my fellow citizens can forgive me, but I invoke a State of Emergency and declare nation-wide martial law. To our allies and enemies across the world, know that America may be under stress, but we are still capable of defending ourselves. God bless America, and God bless our men and women in uniform protecting this country."

Camera cut. The Rubicon is crossed.

OOC: We need 3 billion rockets, Money please , Ibrahim raisi l, Wanted for war crimes, The country of islamophobe, [nation]Aliens right?[/nation] (Bayfront your still NASA right?), [nation]Lithuania Commonwealth when ?[/nation], British looter, [nation]Brazil 👎👎👎[/nation], [nation]Turkey Stronk💪💪💪[/nation]

RIC:The foreign advisor of Bangladesh gives his condolences and hopes the USA will soon recover from this calamity

SRIC: Bangladesh would like to hold onto the military advisors sent by the USA.

Has Brazil been taken ?

Oriental Perla wrote:Has Brazil been taken ?


Oriental Perla wrote:Has Brazil been taken ?

Yes, do you want to RP here?

Yeah gotta burn some Burmese villages today

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