by Max Barry

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China modern rp

Anyways I’ll see y’all in 2.5 hours 🫡

Featured hopper, Bayfront International Territory, and East african federation 2022rp

Cuba 2022 rp wrote:(what about their flag)

bro had zero hesitation with that flag

Featured hopper, China modern rp, and East african federation 2022rp

China modern rp wrote:Anyways I’ll see y’all in 2.5 hours 🫡

again, good luck 🍀

Featured hopper and East african federation 2022rp

school lockdown again???
non drill

Featured hopper and East african federation 2022rp

East african federation 2022rp

Bayfront International Territory wrote:school lockdown again???
non drill

What now lol

China modern rp

I’m finally free

Featured hopper, Cuba 2022 rp, and East african federation 2022rp

China modern rp

There’s no way I didn’t get a good enough score to keep an A

Featured hopper, Cuba 2022 rp, and East african federation 2022rp

Cuba 2022 rp

China modern rp wrote:There’s no way I didn’t get a good enough score to keep an A

What if you got a 38%

Featured hopper, China modern rp, and East african federation 2022rp

China modern rp

Cuba 2022 rp wrote:What if you got a 38%

I would kill myself

The 39% is for the chem final; I need a 68% for this class

Featured hopper, Cuba 2022 rp, and East african federation 2022rp

Cuba 2022 rp

China modern rp wrote:I would kill myself

The 39% is for the chem final; I need a 68% for this class


Featured hopper, China modern rp, and East african federation 2022rp

East african federation 2022rp wrote:What now lol

they didn’t tell us

China modern rp wrote:I’m finally free


China modern rp wrote:There’s no way I didn’t get a good enough score to keep an A

I can’t tell if you mean you got a score lower than that or higher

Cuba 2022 rp wrote:What if you got a 38%


China modern rp wrote:I would kill myself

The 39% is for the chem final; I need a 68% for this class

also good job

Cuba 2022 rp wrote:Ahhh


Featured hopper, China modern rp, and East african federation 2022rp

I’ve been doing this dumb thing where I take random music or soundtracks and put them into a playlist, to create a movie for myself which I watch in my head along with the soundtracks while on a bike ride or doing other tasks

my newest one is 165 songs long
help me

Featured hopper and East african federation 2022rp

East african federation 2022rp

Bayfront International Territory wrote:hmm
I won’t say what I want to say to this
not because it’s rude or offensive it just makes me really angry


Featured hopper

China modern rp

yo Cuba 2022 rp is it okay if I replace the Turkey independence wars map with my own since im RPing it now

Featured hopper, Cuba 2022 rp, and East african federation 2022rp

China modern rp

PIC/IC: (following the meeting with Basu) Zhu has begun a rapid militarization program in the FRC, claiming that a strong military is necessary in these times of instability and chaos. Additionally, more surveillance along the border with the CCR has been implemented, as Zhu pledges to remain vigilant to anything the pretender state tries.

Featured hopper, Karnata, and East african federation 2022rp

China modern rp

PIC: Zhu requests a meeting with Qin, to which Qin accepts, and Zhu travels to Beijing to meet with the northern dictator.

"Greetings, Zhu," Qin said as Zhu entered the meeting room.

"Hello, Qin," Zhu returned, shaking her hand. "Thank you for meeting with me. I have momentous news."

"Yes, I believe you mentioned something about India?" Qin prompted.

"Indeed, I did," Zhu confirmed. "I met with Viceroy Basu, and I was able to convince him to renounce all of his economic and military ties with the CCR and Tibet."

Qin raised her eyebrows. "Did you now? And how did you manage to accomplish such a feat?"

"I had to give him some concessions, but nothing I wasn't willing to agree to," Zhu answered. "Do you see what this means, now? We can finally end this conflict with the CCR and Tibet once and for all."

"That is amazing news, Zhu. But what will happen once we have defeated them, of no doubt I believe we will?"

"After we defeat the pretenders, the alliance of convenience we currently hold will no longer be necessary. Each of us will be able to take the path we want to take," Zhu said.

They looked into each other's eyes, and an unspoken communication seemed to occur. They knew that once Tibet and the CCR were out of the picture, another war would begin. To finally, truly unite China.

Qin smiled and nodded slightly, and Zhu nodded in turn. "I see," Qin acknowledged. "I can't say it hasn't been a pleasure, Zhu. Good luck."

"Good luck, Qin," Zhu replied smiling. "I'll see you out there."

Featured hopper and East african federation 2022rp

Lithuania 2022 rp

China modern rp wrote:snip

I remember the days when every post about qin melli was met with Austria simping over her

Featured hopper, Cuba 2022 rp, China modern rp, and East african federation 2022rp

China modern rp

America 2020s RP wrote:Ooooh oooh can I kill em can I kill em?

SIC: A new Peregrine Spyplane is dispatched to Zonguldak.

Flying at Mach 12 at 90000 feet, the Spyplane fires a missile at the Turkish positions.

With ungodly amounts of kinetic energy, the missile slams into the Turkish positions. Likely killing most of them and defeaning whoever survived.

Ohio 2023 rp wrote:IC: The Kurds use their mobile Artillery to their advantage and begin a "move and shoot" bombing campaign on the fortified Turks, meanwhile the Russians launch a Land and Sea attack on Zonguldak.

With overwhelming force from the GDF and Russian forces, Zonguldak is taken easily, and many fragmented Turkish soldiers are killed.

Kurd Kurd
The bombing campaign on the fortified Turks in the mountain is successful for the most part, as the Turks have trouble responded to and destroying the mobile artillery, but they refuse to give up.

tagging The union of european statesFrance 2022-rp as well

Featured hopper, France 2022-rp, The union of european states, and East african federation 2022rp

China modern rp

Lithuania 2022 rp wrote:I remember the days when every post about qin melli was met with Austria simping over her

too true

Featured hopper and East african federation 2022rp

Cuba 2022 rp

China modern rp wrote:yo Cuba 2022 rp is it okay if I replace the Turkey independence wars map with my own since im RPing it now


Featured hopper, China modern rp, and East african federation 2022rp

Cuba 2022 rp

Lithuania 2022 rp wrote:I remember the days when every post about qin melli was met with Austria simping over her

Those were the days

Featured hopper, China modern rp, and East african federation 2022rp

Lithuania 2022 rp

China modern rp wrote:too true

Cuba 2022 rp wrote:Those were the days

Idk why but it feels different without austria

Featured hopper, Cuba 2022 rp, and East african federation 2022rp

Cuba 2022 rp

Should we make the quote of the week the featured region meteor thing since that was the first (of many) nations to visit our region?

Featured hopper, China modern rp, The Featured Region Express, and East african federation 2022rp

China modern rp

Cuba 2022 rp wrote:Should we make the quote of the week the featured region meteor thing since that was the first (of many) nations to visit our region?


Featured hopper, Cuba 2022 rp, Spanish republic 2022 rp, The Featured Region Express, and 1 otherEast african federation 2022rp

Post by East african federation 2022rp suppressed by China modern rp.

East african federation 2022rp

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