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Iran 2024 Roleplay wrote:Assad must go

Who must go?


Out of topic:
I used to think the Alawites were Shia Muslims until I delved deeper .

It was like the iceberg template. The more deep you go , the more weird it gets. It's like the Alawites are a cult group.

Poland 2024 RP wrote:Damn I’m pretty sure Aleppo only fell Yesterday.

Wasn't it 4 days ago? Besides these 'rebels' are well equipped from what I see. They aren't your average rebels , they are a special kind of rebels that we saw in the cold war .

[Please note that the above written post was completely based on personal thinking and bias , and I don't have proper evidence to prove such . So please spare me Erdogan .]

BangladeshModernRP wrote:Out of topic:
I used to think the Alawites were Shia Muslims until I delved deeper .

It was like the iceberg template. The more deep you go , the more weird it gets. It's like the Alawites are a cult group.

Well you see, back in the 1100's-1300's, there was these people called Turks. They were like very recently Muslimised, and then they saw these shiny new Churches in Anatolia. So they said "that looks cool, let's steal it". Then so came the Alewis and the Bekthasis and the Ahis

BangladeshModernRP wrote:Wasn't it 4 days ago? Besides these 'rebels' are well equipped from what I see. They aren't your average rebels , they are a special kind of rebels that we saw in the cold war .

[Please note that the above written post was completely based on personal thinking and bias , and I don't have proper evidence to prove such . So please spare me Erdogan .]

Well, yeah. They've been armed by Turkey. Turkey actually does have a fairly large and well-armed military, and a robust military-industrial sector. And Erdoğan did have quite a lot of time to invest into Syria.

I think Erdoğan's whole "let's cut a deal with Assad" phase a few weeks ago was basically the last chance. He knew the rebels he armed were ready to oust Assam, so he reached out, maybe find out how much he could profit from Assad before he overthrew him. When Assad didn't play ball, he just unleashed the Free Syrian Army on his ass.

The second part was pure speculation on my part, but the first one is true.

Modern Day RP China wrote:Well you see, back in the 1100's-1300's, there was these people called Turks. They were like very recently Muslimised, and then they saw these shiny new Churches in Anatolia. So they said "that looks cool, let's steal it". Then so came the Alewis and the Bekthasis and the Ahis

But from what I have seen alawis basically believe Ali to be a god , which is quite insane even from twelve imam sect standards.

Modern Day RP China wrote:Well, yeah. They've been armed by Turkey. Turkey actually does have a fairly large and well-armed military, and a robust military-industrial sector. And Erdoğan did have quite a lot of time to invest into Syria.

I think Erdoğan's whole "let's cut a deal with Assad" phase a few weeks ago was basically the last chance. He knew the rebels he armed were ready to oust Assam, so he reached out, maybe find out how much he could profit from Assad before he overthrew him. When Assad didn't play ball, he just unleashed the Free Syrian Army on his ass.

The second part was pure speculation on my part, but the first one is true.

I feel like Syria is about to go down another rabbit hole of how to govern a country properly.

On one side you got the Islamic Law
On the other you have secular democracy
Maybe a supreme leader of Syria fits your taste
You can always go back to a civil war over any minor disagreement.

Oh you don't like the Kurds? You can just send them to the shadow realms like Erdogan has been planning.

So we wish you good luck on your journey to hell.

I'm hoping SNA and Erdogan get f*cked over, the HTS stays true to its promises of moderating and joins up with SDF and Southern Rebels and this new interim government gains international recognition.

Iran 2024 Roleplay wrote:I'm hoping SNA and Erdogan get f*cked over, the HTS stays true to its promises of moderating and joins up with SDF and Southern Rebels and this new interim government gains international recognition.

Just saw a video . A classic video of Netanyahu congratulating Syrians from the golan heights .

Classic Netanyahu move for peace

I am now congraulating medals to nations boys it will be here in December 12.

Peru 2022 RP wrote:I am now congraulating medals to nations boys it will be here in December 12.

Let’s gooooooooo

BangladeshModernRP wrote:Just saw a video . A classic video of Netanyahu congratulating Syrians from the golan heights .

Classic Netanyahu move for peace

What dah UN doin

Iran 2024 Roleplay wrote:What dah UN doin

Just a chill guy probably trying to write a condemnation letter. Though the source is unreliable, I have seen footage of Israel bombing Syria today [Could be fake]

BangladeshModernRP wrote:Just a chill guy probably trying to write a condemnation letter. Though the source is unreliable, I have seen footage of Israel bombing Syria today [Could be fake]

They've been bombing Syria for a while. Striking arm depots originally but now theirs artillery strikes in Syria around the Golan Heights. I ask about the UN because their supposed to have a buffer region there.

Peru 2022 RP wrote:I am now congraulating medals to nations boys it will be here in December 12.

Not totally sure what you mean by this, but hell yeah!

Iran 2024 Roleplay wrote:They've been bombing Syria for a while. Striking arm depots originally but now theirs artillery strikes in Syria around the Golan Heights. I ask about the UN because their supposed to have a buffer region there.

They are nowhere to be seen. But I am waiting for the Israeli victim card to pop up . It's taking a while this time . Maybe they'll say that they are protecting the land from the curse of the middle east not to confuse with the honourable Syrians .

BangladeshModernRP wrote:They are nowhere to be seen. But I am waiting for the Israeli victim card to pop up . It's taking a while this time . Maybe they'll say that they are protecting the land from the curse of the middle east not to confuse with the honourable Syrians .

“As optimistic as l am, realistically the position of Syria’s new government is unknown and taking that opportunity to destroy potential weapons that could be used against Israel and Syria’s own population isn’t a bad call.

If Syria’s government is friendly, l could see an alliance with Israel forming VERY easily”

I don’t think they know how geopolitics works.

Guys, i need a list of border changes to make!
I FINALLY finished the map borders and outline, but i need a list of things to change from IRL borders.

Bayfront International Territory wrote:Guys, i need a list of border changes to make!
I FINALLY finished the map borders and outline, but i need a list of things to change from IRL borders.

There is a Chinese Magadan puppet state in Vladivostok and the Far East. I'll send you the map on discord

Post self-deleted by BangladeshModernRP.

French Republic 2020s RP wrote:“As optimistic as l am, realistically the position of Syria’s new government is unknown and taking that opportunity to destroy potential weapons that could be used against Israel and Syria’s own population isn’t a bad call.

If Syria’s government is friendly, l could see an alliance with Israel forming VERY easily”

I don’t think they know how geopolitics works.

Bro cringe logic

Israel knows very well that they'll have the backing of the united states even if they break their agreement over the Golan Heights. Because Israel can always say , "We made a pre-emptive invasion to save the nation"

And I don't know if you have seen reports but it seems Israeli tanks were spotted near Damascus meaning this could genuinely mean a invasion.

"Syria has a right to defend itself"

Would definitely want to hear your thoughts of this matter

French Republic 2020s RP wrote:“As optimistic as l am, realistically the position of Syria’s new government is unknown and taking that opportunity to destroy potential weapons that could be used against Israel and Syria’s own population isn’t a bad call.

If Syria’s government is friendly, l could see an alliance with Israel forming VERY easily”

I don’t think they know how geopolitics works.

Wait whose this quoting

Iran 2024 Roleplay wrote:Wait whose this quoting

Tim Halfington from 22nd Aldrich Boulevard, obviously.

Iran 2024 Roleplay wrote:Wait whose this quoting

Israel is basically playing HOI4 . But instead of you watching the numbers go up , it's real people

But it's quite ironic that we went from Oct 7th justified the situation in Gaza to Hezbollah is a terrorist organisation so we should destroy Lebanon to Iran is a nuclear power and the puppeteer of the axis of resistance to I just want more land in Syria .

The excuse gets worse and worse .

You know after finals week (this week) I’ll be on winter break for a while… maybe I’ll finally have time to create the constitution for the new federation

Brazil Modern Day RP wrote:You know after finals week (this week) I’ll be on winter break for a while… maybe I’ll finally have time to create the constitution for the new federation

Good for you

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