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Q and A with King Emillio Myles(WIP)
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Truth about western maps.
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Anti (Western)European laws.
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We swear to the party !!!!!!!!
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Sacred War (Africanized Version)
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Defending the HeadQuarters of Revolution (Africanized Version)/ March of volunteers
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V Put (Africanized Version) / Volga Boatmen (Africanized Version)
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Bad*ss Inspirational Stalin Quotes/ Quotes about UCA
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Polyushka Polye: (African version) / To Serve Russia (African Version)
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Red Army is the Strongest: White Army Black Baron (African Version)
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My nation in Civilization
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The Balance of Power in U.C.A/ My 8 values Chart (its pretty accurate )
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Royal Family
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UCA's Leaders
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Yes another song has captureed the hearts of many UCA citizens
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Katyusha (African Version)
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Uinted Communist of Africa's Military
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Whoops we made Africanized killer Lions
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The Truth of Communism
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We found water