- 1
Stories From Lycantine - Season Three "Another Flag Abandoned" (Ongoing, latest chapter is "Chapter Four: The First Skirmish")
- 2
Political Parties of Lycantine
- 2
The Calendar of Lycantine
- 3
Lycantine Naval Naming Convention
- 6
The National Anthem of Lycantine (Now with a vocal cover by me!)
- 7
OOC: Inspiration for Lycantine
- 7
Stories from Lycantine - Season Two "Before Democratization" (Completed as of August 28, 2024)
- 6
The Map of Anegana
- 5
Lyzantium - The Capital City of the Technocracy
- 4
The Big Five: Lycantine's Major Cities
- 3
Lycantine's Industry and Economic System
- 3
Lycantine's Military Doctrine and Current Mobilization Procedures
- 8
Lycantine's Stance on NS Stats
- 3
Mobilised Forces of Lycantine
- 3
Artificial Intelligence Weaponry
- 3
Lycantinean Atmospheric/Orbital/Interstellar Ships and Weapons
- 3
Armored/Mechavalry Forces
- 3
Lycantine's Ground Equipment
- 3
The Results of the 12 A.R Lycantinean Federal Elections
- 4
Stories from Lycantine - Season One