- 1
Euchalsiderian Design Harmonization Bureau
- 1
Great Graft Crisis / Cypharisseis Secession Crisis (1817-1819)
- 5
Uncountable Mackerel
- 1
Panoplia 2 Multi-Mission Missile System
- 1
Anthrinion Air-dropped Multiple Missile Rack
- 1
SC-350-5 Yanshuf Long-Range Stealth Cruise Missile
- 1
EA-273-17 Bombulios Supersonic Cruise Missile
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Anthrini Artillery Rocket / Guided Surface-to-Surface Missile
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Behnam Tomer Double Zephyr High Speed Trainset
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Tomer/Tamar 180 mm Self-propelled Gun
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Dipylon Short/Medium Range Self-propelled Air Defense System
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Air Defense Missiles
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Camelopardalis Sector Radar Systems
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Hawk's Nest Hemispheric-Coverage Radar System
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OX-825 and OX-826 Tracked Chassis
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Red Rice
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ON-73 Attack Helicopter
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Materials and Materials Science Companies
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Barracuda-class Multi-mission Corvette (WIP)
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West Star Satellite Navigation and Communication System