by Max Barry

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by Usmoth. . 154 reads.

Francis Duverger

Emperor of Clogro
Francis Duverger

Personal Info





Sexual Orientation:


Magic User(?):

0, Possibly 1

Ideology Info

"If I could end this war right now with a net gain in a respectable treaty, I would. But my friends the Ostreans and the Obryans are not so kind as I!" - Francis Duverger debating within his parliament.

Francis Duverger is the Emperor of of Clogro. He leads one of the most powerful nation in the Allies.

Early Life

Francis Duverger was born to a middle class family in Rorbon. His father was a political idealist and his mother worked at the home. His great grandfather was the famous Francis the Great, who came close to conquering all of the west and restoring the Merican Empire. He was always told stories of how his great grandfather led the armies of Clogro to victorious battle time and time again but was ultimately murdered by a witch.

It was these stories that allowed him to push on when his parents died and he had to live alone. He went into politics with the hopes of restoring the once great Clogro Empire.

It took seven years, but he was finally recognized as a legitimate royal by the parliament, who reluctantly agreed to his reign following the death of the last Director of Affairs.


Instead of becoming Director of Affairs, he declared himself Emperor of the Clogro People. He became extremely unpopular in parliament, and a divisive figure among the public.

He intended to restore Clogro's former glory, starting with domestic work. Unfortunately about a year into his efforts the war had started and he was forced to poor enormous sums into the military. He struck first, sending troops into Ostrean land without the approval of Parliament.

  • Militarization - Francis Duverger began massive increases in military spending, which has increased 700% in order to counter the growing Ostrean threat.

  • Infrastructure Construction - Understanding the need for strong infrastructure if he intended to expand Clogro any further than the outstretched country already was, he began huge road, bridge, and rail projects. This also helped his popularity.

  • Mercantilism - Choosing to fight his war economically even against his allies, Duverger has strict tariffs on all imports. This helps pay for his militarization and infrastructure projects.

  • Magic Ban - Probably the most controversial decision He's made aside form continuing the war is the banning of magic. He spends a great deal to round up all magic users to have them executed and their wealth redistributed. This has made him unpopular by some- especially magic users- but very popular among those lower class who fear magic users.


