by Max Barry

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by The Diversely United State of Leftist Assembly Founder. . 1,173 reads.

Law Writing Guide of The Leftist Assembly


Determine which of the following describes the legislation you are attempting to pursue, and copy and paste the code into your own dispatch (check Rules for how you should name your dispatch):




The bill seeks to [purpose of the bill].


The bill shall be implemented [time period of implementation].







[box][size=140][b]Proposed Law[/b][/size] 


[list=1][*]Write your proposed laws here[/list][/box]




The amendment seeks to [purpose of the amendment].


The amendment shall be implemented [time period of implementation].







[box][size=140][b]Existing Law[/b][/size] 


[b]Article [number][/b]

[list=1][*]Copy and paste the exact wording of the entire existing Article here[/list][/box]

[box][size=140][b]Proposed Law[/b][/size] 


[b]Article [number][/b]

[list=1][*]Copy the existing Article here with your intended amendments[/list][/box]




The amendment seeks to [purpose of the amendment].


The amendment shall be implemented [time period of implementation].







[box][size=140][b]Existing Law[/b][/size] 


[list=1][*]Copy and paste the exact wording of the entire existing Act here[/list][/box]

[box][size=140][b]Proposed Law[/b][/size] 


[list=1][*]Copy the existing Act here with your intended amendments[/list][/box]


Article - a section of the Constitution

Act - a statute law contained within the Code of Laws

Bill - a proposed new law before it is passed into an Act

Section - the first indent, shown by 1, 2, 3, etc.

Subsection - the second indent, shown by a, b, c, etc.

Supersubsection - the third indent, shown by i, ii, iii, etc.

Clause - a line of law



  • If a new law (which becomes an Act if passed):

    [1/2-word Name] Bill
    For example, Executive Capacities Bill
  • If an amendment to the Constitution:

    Constitution Amendment ([2-word description])
    For example, Constitution Amendment (No Criticism)
  • If an amendment to a non-constitutional law:

    [Name] Amendment ([2-word description])
    For example, Electoral Conduct Amendment (Extended Voting)
  • Make it the name of your dispatch; it should not be mentioned again in the bill

  • Your bill should only ever address one law (i.e. the Constitution or one Act); if your change affects several laws, make one for each


  • Keep the Purpose statement to one sentence, preferably as succinct as possible

  • If you are both author and signatory (i.e. GA member proposing your own bill), merge both into one title: 'Author/Signatory'

  • The time specified under Implementation should apply to the entire bill, not differing by section

Existing Law

  • If a new law, this part is not needed

  • If an amendment to the Constitution, the affected articles must be included in full

  • If an amendment to an existing law, the whole Act must be included in full

Proposed Law

  • If seeking to remove an entire Act, the following text should be placed in this part:

    [i]The [Name] Act shall be removed.[/i]
  • When referring to time, it should be listed as "[word] days" or "[word] weeks" when equal to a full week (e.g. three days, four weeks)

Writing Clauses

  • A clause is one sentence - there should be no full stops within it

  • Keep each clause short, and don't include reasoning (e.g. because, due to, to allow for)

  • If a clause needs to be a little longer, break it up into subsections or supersubsections

  • Only punctuation allowed at the end of a sentence is a colon (:) if it is followed by subsections - no full stops, commas, or semicolons
