by Max Barry

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by North east bigtopia. . 3 reads.

Constitution of the People's Republic of North East Bigtopia


We the citizens of the People's Republic of North East Bigtopia, in order to advance and defend our interests, provide for the common good, protect life and liberty, and secure property for the individual and state, do hereby proclaim and create from this date forth a Nation State and its Government dedicated to the enactment of those actions hitherto stated.


---Section 01: There shall exist an Executive Branch of the Government headed by a President. The President shall be elected via decennial popular vote by the citizens of the Nation State.
---Section 02: The President shall be empowered to authorize or veto legislation submitted by the Legislative branch, shall be empowered to negotiate and enact treaties with foreign powers on behalf of the Nation State, and shall be empowered to supremely command the armed forces of the Nation State.
---Section 03: The President shall create, dissolve, and amend at their discretion executive offices answerable to the President and responsible for undertaking administrative duties or delegated executive powers as directed or distributed by the President.


---Section 01: There shall exist a Legislative branch of the Government that shall comprise two assemblies of representatives named the Parliament and the Senate. Members of both assemblies shall be equally empowered to propose, debate, and vote upon legislation.
---Section 02: The Parliament shall comprise 1 representative per 1,000 citizens and shall convene once every 6 months or as requested by the President, whichever is more frequent. The Senate shall comprise 1 representative per 10,000 citizens and shall convene once every month or as requested by the President, whichever is more frequent.
---Section 03: Both assemblies must approve by popular vote any legislation that shall be passed to the President for authorization or veto. An office for the communication of legislation between the assemblies shall be created to facilitate this requirement.
---Section 04: A committee of representatives from both assemblies shall be formed to propose, debate, and vote upon legislation between sessions of the assemblies. This committee will be known as the Politburo. Its membership shall be determined by the President.
---Section 05: Any legislation passed by the Politburo in between sessions of the assemblies shall be subject to a vote of confidence in both assemblies at their next occurring sessions. Failure to pass a vote of confidence in either assembly shall result in said legislation being suspended from law until reauthorized by popular vote in both assemblies.


---Section 01: There shall exist a Judicial branch of the Government that shall comprise Civil, Criminal, and Constitutional courts at various sub-levels based upon the political structure of the Nation State. Each lower court unit shall be subordinate in authority to its higher court unit.
---Section 02: Judges shall be appointed by the President, shall be citizens in good standing of the Nation State, shall be free of criminal record or dubious repute, and shall hold a qualification in law deemed equal to the level & manner of the court to which they would be employed.
---Section 03: Citizens, organizations, and Government agencies of the Nation State shall have the right to present a dispute to a court relevant to the nature of that dispute in order to seek a binding judgement or resolution to said dispute, starting with the lowest relevant court unit in the political subunit of their residence. Should the Judge of the relevant lower court unit deem the dispute to be of a nature surpassing the scope of that court unit, he may defer the dispute to the next higher relevant court unit in the relevant political subunit of residence by the presenting party of the dispute.
---Section 04: Should the presenter of the dispute disagree with the judgement or resolution decreed by the Judge of the handling court unit, they may appeal to have the dispute heard by the next highest relevant court unit in their political subunit of residence. A Court of Appeals shall be formed to examine, approve and deny these requests as deemed necessary. The membership of this Court of Appeals shall follow the same requirements as outlined in Section 02 of this Title.
---Section 05: An office shall be created to enforce professional standards, audit the procedures of the court, and to investigate complaints against members of the Judiciary. The leadership of this office shall be appointed by the President.


---Section 01: There shall exist a procedure for enacting amendments, revisions, & additions to the Constitution. That procedure shall be detailed in this Title and shall suffer no deviation.
---Section 02: Amendments, revisions, & additions to the Constitution may only be proposed by assembly representatives of the legislative branch. These proposals must first be approved by a popular vote in all assemblies of the legislative branch.
---Section 03: Having been approved by popular vote in all assemblies of the legislative branch as per Section 02 of this Title, a joint gathering of all representatives from all assemblies of the legislative branch will be convened. This joint gathering shall be known as a Special Congress.
---Section 04: The proposals must then be presented to the representatives of the Special Congress for debate and amendment. Once all debate and amendments have been considered and either enacted or dismissed by popular vote, the Special Congress shall then either approve or dismiss the proposals based on a two-thirds majority requirement for approving the proposals.
---Section 05: Should the proposals have been approved via a two-thirds majority by the Special Congress, the proposals shall be considered legislation and then be presented to the President for either approval or veto, as per the President's executive powers listed in Section 02 of Title 1.

North east bigtopia
