by Max Barry

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by Caracasus. . 273 reads.

Forest Tales.

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The following is a compilation of the fortnightly storytelling posts in Forest. Every week, a theme is selected and nations in Forest (and allies who wish to post via the embassy) are encouraged to post stories from their nation. The aim is to give the rest of the world a bit more insight into how your country works, what sorts of things your people do and what tales they might tell.

Theme: Power


Parsoh – Independent city state 200KM north of Caracasus

High in the night sky, fireworks burst and showered. Crimson, blue and gold sparks catching the breeze and drifting out into impossible, fragile flowers. The smell of gunpowder filled the air, each fresh burst illuminating the tracers of smoke from the last.

The Caracasusian operative dragged herself into position so the weight of the railings would prop her up and coughed. It felt as if another two ribs had broken. As blood froth pooled on her lips, she painstakingly entered the code into the machine's arming sequence and pressed confirm.

When the armed gunmen burst into the warehouse, she had already succumbed to her wounds.

Five days ago. Caracasusian Military Intelligence – Nineday House

The holoscreen tracked the device as it climbed high into the air. The short red dashed line broke apart. Seven, then fourteen new blips appeared, each with their own trajectory.

Below, on the sparsely delineated landscape representing northern Caracasus three green dots appeared and climbed. In a dry, parched voice the engineer explained to the gathered military personnel that the events displayed were slowed down for ease of observation. It was, she noted, a demonstration of a worst case scenario – Caracasusian anti-missile defenses breached or bypassed by a multi warhead missile with unknown payloads. Her voice felt thin and fragile, but it carried. In the silence of the watching eyes it was deafening.

The gathered commanders watched in fascination as first one, then two, then ten of the red dots vanished. A second or two passed, then the remaining four winked out of existence.

She had explained everything more or less, stumbling over and clarifying those parts of her job where sheer technical jargon was incomprehensible to her audience. She could sense their annoyance, these gathered men and women. They depended on information and intelligence and here they were to be led by the hand by her. Guided through the technical details. She explained, as best she could, how the device worked. How it was possible to use modified gauss gun technology to project the interception missiles at speeds previously unheard of, cutting down on the size of the projectile and indeed allowing for more fuel to be utilized for stabilization once in the air. Truth be told, they weren't even missiles in the strictest sense of the word – rather relying on intense lazer bursts to detonate incoming weapons.

Cowed by the sheer weight of scientific and mathematical jargon, the gathered commanders beat a tactical retreat to what they did understand. This new device stopped missiles at close range. Good enough.

She had done what she could, now ahead lay a battle with Nineday House and her own research commune to move from working prototype to mass production.

Four day ago. The Council Elect debating chamber.

Ni'tyda – representative elect watched in dismay as the board flashed up as a failure. The representatives had voted, the referendum results had been collated and his petition had failed. Utterly failed.

He glanced up overhead at the suspended plate glass ceiling. He'd remembered coming here, his very first day as a representative. He'd been in absolute awe at the way the light caught the glass and how it flowed almost like water through fine filigree of cables, some as thick as his arm and others so fine you could only see them if the light caught them. Now though? All it bought to mind was a spider's web. A trap you can't see until you're caught in it. He looked out at the thousand strong throng of representatives, milling about and discussing matters of state and where to eat. It sickened him. An unsettling reminder that his petition was simply another Monday's business and would be tallied, noted and swept away to the archives along with every other failed piece of legislation. The adrenaline gone now, he had felt it seep from his muscles and stomach as the vote had passed the point of no return leaving him hollow and weak.

Nineday House needed more funding. That was all there was to it. So he'd tried, he'd made alliances, cut deals and done everything he could. He'd constructed an intricate political web of support and supporters, tacit agreements and deals. Like the web of cable above him, it should have been strong enough to hold.

It hadn't. It had crumbled in the face of decades of peace and prosperity. In the face of a country more concerned with the latest developments in hyperreal virtual environments than protecting the legacy of its revolutionary heroes and once again Caracasus would lag behind other world powers. Once again battleships would be decommissioned, warplanes mothballed and rifles packed in grease to be sent to storage all the while Caracasus's enemies poured billions of hours and resources into new weaponry.

Still, if it took a real threat to get people to open their damn eyes and pay attention to the dangers his country faced, so be it. He disengaged from a conversation about Boani trade agreements and found the comfort and isolation of the toilets. It was there, safely behind a cubicle door that he sent the message. His comms device beeped in recognition. A two letter reply. OK.

Two days ago – Quoris City docks – Caracasus

It was, Ian mused, an interesting enough observation about Caracasusians. When he'd first entered the country he'd been amazed at the prevalence of openly adulterous relationships. In a country where fidelity appeared to be as foreign a concept as hard work or sobriety, the mocking parting words of his handler appeared to run true. You're going to have to adapt your usual strategy if you want to make headway here.

The old git was jealous of course, likely suspicious enough of his young trophy wife and the dashing young agent he'd been forced to introduce her to. He was right to be suspicious of course, for at least four instances Ian could recall. The mere fact that those suspicions remained unproven said something about Ian's skills, or perhaps something about his handler's lack of them. Either way, he'd been looking forward to a really big win that would push him out of the bastard's shadow for good. He'd set up his own team. Good people, smart people. And a secretary. A brunette maybe. He had always had a thing....

He smiled in the darkness. The funny thing was, even though your average Caracasusian changed partners more often than bedsheets, when you found the few that were in genuine, monogamous relationships... well, those ones took it far more seriously than you'd ever imagine.

And right on time, here she was. He caught sight of her coat, her clothes. So different, so dowdy in comparison to what she'd been wearing when they'd first met.

The exchange was brief. He'd reassured her, given her the camera. Her husband and child would never know. All she had to do was swap a shipping label. She'd seen the destination – Parsoh – and her own guilty conscience had worked overtime to try and alleviate her burden.

Drugs, she'd suggested. Nothing more than a little smuggling, right?

He'd lied easily. Of course, he'd told her, how cleaver of her it had been to figure it out. Drugs. Harmless fun in pill form, ready to be smuggled somewhere far more prudish than Caracasus.

Thirty minutes ago – Parsoh harbour. Exinium Imports Warehouse.

Abed was bored, though bored was understating it considerably. Night shift paid reasonably well, and it gave him time to study. Beyond that the job consisted of nothing but staring at last year's naughty calender and completing his rounds.

His polyester uniform itched, his holster rode low on his hips. Way back, when he had first started the job he'd asked for a better fitting belt. Six months down the line, his manager had suggested fixing it with tape. Now the belt still hung too low, and the ragged edge of the tape dug into his side.

The two dimensional figure of April's Miss Sprinkler System and Lawncare gazed at him provocatively, her modesty protected behind a conveniently placed hose reel assembly. He yawned, burped – tasting the curried noodle pot he'd eaten for dinner fighting back against his digestive system and sighed.

Was it really worth it? Years of study behind him, years of trying to keep up with the kids whose parents could afford private tutors and holidays in Cardulan while he worked weekends to help pay for his family's rented apartment. And now what? Three, four more years at a minimum working nights while his uni friends drank or snorted away mummy and daddy's money in fancy bars and clubs. He'd been able to push those thoughts down for a while now; he'd learned from experience that if he wanted to make friends pointing out how pampered and sheltered his classmates' lives were was not the way to go about it. Tonight though, with the fireworks and the parties...

Technically he only had to patrol every hour. He used the rest of his time to read through his textbooks and complete assignments. He'd started off hiding it, concealing it from his manager, however when it became apparent that his only real job was to sit in a chair and be somewhat visible he'd given up the pretense.

It was still another half hour before the next patrol. Still, it wasn't like he could concentrate with the fireworks going off...

He hadn't seen how the woman had gotten into the warehouse but here she was. Quietly, quieter than he had imagined anyone could ever move she was walking from crate to crate. Overhead the steel beam crane slumbered, harsh light from fluorescent bulbs and stacks of boxes turning the poured concrete floor into a chessboard picked out in shadows.

Later, when interviewed by the police, he was unable to say exactly what happened. He'd yelled and she'd turned, quickly – something – a gun perhaps – in her hand. He'd fumbled for his belt, the tape tearing at exactly the wrong point and bought up his own gun. He'd heard three bangs and his hand and arm had jarred with every pull of the trigger. He backed off to the office, running, not daring to look behind him and she'd somehow caused the heavy shutter door to close. He'd remembered his phone and dialled the emergency line.

Parsoh – Now

As the firework display reached its climax, something burst through the roof of the Exinium Imports Warehouse and took to the sky. A split second later the abort code kicked in and it detonated, high above the city. Police reports of the evening mentioned an unknown armed assailant whose DNA profile came back unknown on every legal (and more than a few illegal) search. Officially, Exinium Imports filed an insurance claim for the loss of six dozen pallets of fireworks, presumed detonated by a stray bullet, and structural damage to the warehouse following the blast.

Uan aa Boa

I don’t care. I’m not going on a community hike and you can’t make me. The jungle is stupid. It’s hot and it’s like, all mosquitos. And I’m not digging the communal garden. My VirtuaCraft garden is way better anyway, it’s got an infinite fountain. And dragons. It’s not my fault you don’t know about anything modern. And I am definitely not going to some boring talk all about politics. Like, who even cares?

Because you know how you’re always going on about you and Father and the revolution? About how you smuggled weapons and medicine to the fighters and in the end you made a barricade and set fire to all the cars? So you don’t get to tell me that I always have to do what I’m told. It isn’t like you ever did until you were suddenly like 300 years old and you were all like “Ooh the Chairman says this, the Chairman says that.”

And don’t give me that crap about how we’re all joined together as a community like you were some elder living in a hut. Newsflash, you know literally nothing about where my community even is. You don’t even have 5G. You might as well be living in a hut. Yes I know, if people are left to choose for themselves they choose wrong. You know what? You guys chose wrong. I bet before your stupid revolution nobody had to go on stupid community hikes. Well screw your revolution and screw you too.

Though sometimes I am burning with frustration at you, I tell myself that your ignorance shows I have cared for you well. You forget my other stories of the old days, and there were some I chose not to tell you. You do not know what it is to be driven from the house by a drunken parent, bidden not to return until you have found food, as often as not snatched from the rats in the open landfill. To see your brother beaten to death by the police for being Tuala in a Kandu town. Much of what I know I have striven to teach you, much I have striven harder to keep you from knowing.

Yet I wonder about your generation, electric with the possibilities of what you might become. How can you know the value of what you have if you did not need to take it for yourselves? Not everyone left to choose their own way chooses badly, but some will choose to exploit their fellows, and others unwittingly to allow that. You are crying out for choice as once I was crying out for bread. Truly, I do not know what you would do if you had it.

The new bluestocking homeland

- - - - -
"Good morning, you've reached Big Blue Natural Gas, 'Bluestockings Burning Brightly since '63', Sophie speaking. How may I help you?... Yes Mrs. Windham, yes we do provide methane generators. Can you, what? Have a home one and power it yourself? Well, it would take a lot of baked beans, but I suppose... Oh, you have a pet? Just the one? Because it takes quite a lot of cr... Oh, it's a big pet. Approximately how big are we talking? A rhino? In a two-bed bungalow in Little Swatham? It has it's own room? Uh-huh... And you take it for walks... I really don't need to know all this Mrs. Windham... Yes, I'm sure it's adorable, and very happy... I'm sorry if I sound 'like a judgey-judge harpy'; I'm merely ascertaining if a home digester is suitable for you. I've ordered that for you now. I hope you have a pleasant day, Mrs. Windham. Yes, and Mr. Cuddles, too."

*phone clicks; bemused muttering commences*

Palos heights


Today at a campaign rally, Spoon River mayoral candidate Elma Masters revealed her public works plan if elected to position as mayor in the burgeoning city later this year. Most notable in her 5-year plan was the goal by 2024 to have Spoon River powered 100% by renewable resources. When asked to comment on this plan, Masters said, "By 2024 we seek to use the power of not wind, not hydroelectric, not steam, not wave, not solar energy, but PIEZOELECTRICITY to fully power the great Metropolis of Spoon River! By 2024 Spoon River will give new meaning to the phrase, 'Rub elbows with your fellow man'!"

Shortly after her press conference, the Palosian Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, or PAOS, released this statement:

Dear God why would you do this, there aren't enough of us for all of those joint replacements, someone please help, this woman has lost her damn marbles

Masters continues to lead in the mayoral race with a resounding 68.999 point gap over her closest opponent, former hip-hop mogul and Noble Prize winning inner-city peace activist Votey McVoteface.


Pumping Power Part 1

Archived news report from the Ellery Camp Pravda


The disturbing tendency for World Cup 36 to become a byword for violence and suffering continued today when it was confirmed that the 22 year-old Potoroo defender from Rodger River, narva, was killed by giant two-headed leeches at the University of First Creek Falls. Two other victims of the leeches are believed to be members of the Abu omar national team, although this is yet to be confirmed. In honour of the fallen footballers, the two teams wore green armbands in the World Cup qualifying match (see separate report).

At a press conference the dean of the University, ananepubli, said that the young Potoroo defender was a student in the sociology department. “She was doing an honours thesis entitled, ‘The Structure and Politics of Post-Economy Co-operative Groups’. This, of course, has nothing to do with giant two-headed leeches but it seems she had befriended the two young men and took them to see the famous leeches, unbeknownst to the Department of Engineered Zoology. As you may know it’s a semester break here at the University. What’s more, that particular day was a staff holiday. As a result of this nobody was in attendance to keep an eye on them in the leech pen.”

The head of the laboratory, rankenstoo, told the press conference that it appeared that narva opened the access flap, unaware that a giant two-headed leech was on the other side. “It quickly overcame her. The other two rushed to her aid but, of course, they had no idea of the mortal danger they were in. Alerted by the commotion other leeches also attacked. The poor men had no chance.”

rankenstoo explained how the leeches, even though they were genetically engineered, are effective killers. “One of the heads goes for the nose and mouth, usually covering them completely, while the other strikes for the jugular. They simultaneously suffocate the unfortunate wretch with one maw and start pumping blood into the other maw at a prodigious rate. The usual reaction of a victim is to try and clear their airway by bringing both hands or paws, depending on your species, up to their mouth. This leaves the throat attacking head free to gorge. Our estimate is that one of these leeches can suck all the blood from a human in about 45 seconds. So, in the space of one breath, it’s good night Irene.”

When asked how many leeches had escaped, rankenstoo took a deep breath and admitted, “Five hundred.” After many gasps from those present, he went on to explain that they escaped from the building through the ventilation system. “There are some things worth noting about these creatures. They are acutely sensitive to changes in moisture and temperature and will instinctively move to colder, wetter locations where they flourish. They are also extremely sensitive to vibrations. The usual method of attack is to climb up an overhanging object and wait until something passes below. The vibrations of the passing creature are picked up by the leech which then simply drops upon it’s victim. Finally, they have a powerful odour – I don’t know – like a chemical factory I suppose. I think people will need to get to know that smell. It might be the difference between life and death.”

There is no trace of the leeches at the time of publication. Recent heavy rains have obliterated any trail they might have left. Fortunately, the University is situated in a somewhat remote location. Says rankenstoo, “Figure out where the wettest and coldest spot is in the area and that’s where they are likely to turn up.”

Pumping Power Part 2: the Power of Nature and the Power of Spirits

Archived news reports from the Rooty Break International Herald Tribune (Your local paper with an expansive view)


Senior forecaster at the Bureau of Meteorology, laocoon, is predicting wet weather leading up to the crucial final match of World Cup qualifying against Bostopia. “So far as I can see we have a series of troughs passing over the Plateau. This means constant rain over the forecast period. There will be a high pressure system eventually but, although that will bring relief from the rain it will also have it’s own problems: clear skies mean low overnight temperatures. Expect severe frosts. Of course, Frosty Hollow, being the wettest and coldest place on the Plateau, will cop the brunt of the weather. It will either be subject to heavy rain or sub-zero temperatures. That won’t deter me or my two young sons. We’ve got our tickets and we’re looking forward to the big match. It could determine who qualifies and who has to go to the play-offs.”


A new cult group, calling themselves the ERRINU Appreciation Society, are claiming that the Dreamtime tree, ERRINU, once lived on the very spot where the Frosty Hollow football ground is now located. Convenor of the society, ruitcakoo, says that it would explain the problems with the ground. “Just about every time an international match is played there some sort of disaster happens. Its reputation for misfortune is legendary. The E. A. S. has proof that ERRINU is seriously annoyed and is punishing us for our sacrilege.” When asked what the proof was, ruitcakoo insisted that a person had to be an initiate in the E. A. S before the secret forest business could be revealed.

When we asked the Errinundera Football Association convenor, imonedebouvoi, for a comment she pulled her hair and frothed at the mouth and screamed, “Typical. I suppose we will now have riots and an attempt to torch the stadium in order to appease some leech-ridden figment of people’s imagination.”


Some notes on the use of capitalisation. Errinundera has been described as not having discovered capital letter technology. This misconception has come about because Errinundrians do not use capital letters in their personal names. The above news items provide examples. Contrast this with the names given to sacred trees such as PELLOCAR or OALUSH'N (or ERRINU). Errinundrians see themselves as insignificant compared with their wonderful trees and the earth that nourishes them. Their use of capital letter technology reflects this deference to nature.

Pumping Power Part 3: the Power of an Evil Reputation

Archived news reports from the Mount Ellery Evening Gazette


Reports are coming in from the Plateau that desiccated bodies of potoroos are being found north of First Creek Falls where the giant two-headed leeches escaped from captivity. Rooty Break sniffer wombat trainer, uriou, told us today that sniffer wombats were regularly finding the poor creatures. “There’s a trail of the carcasses going back to the university. The weird thing is that the wombats are agitated by the discoveries. I didn’t realise they find potoroos as cute as we do. Perhaps they are disturbed by the thought of the leeches.”

The Evening Gazette can reveal inside information from the ERRINU Appreciation Society who believe that the notorious Frosty Hollow is built on the site of the original Dreamtime tree, ERRINU. “There are hitherto undetected psychic energy lines that radiate out from Frosty Hollow,” explained our source. “The leeches are able to detect this radiation and are following it to its source.”

When put to the convenor of the society, ruitcakoo, she denied the claims categorically. “That’s my brother ruitloo. He’s an idiot. I wouldn’t pay any attention to him.” We think it runs in the family.


Group 11 spanner throwers, Bushes Been Quaked, upset proceedings in qualifying for World Cup 36 today when they unexpectedly defeated the fancied Bostopia outfit. The Potoroos know how the Bostopians feel. They too conceded a game to the BBQers. Errinundera has benefitted from the situation by leapfrogging Bostopia into second position on the table after a comprehensive 6-nil victory over Rugiero here at the Cavern...

...Despite the improved position in the table, the Potoroos’ chances of avoiding the play-offs haven’t changed. “It will still come down to our last match against Bostopia in Frosty Hollow,” explained wing player ipieomenicu. “In fact, we could still conceivably miss qualification altogether. Bostopia and Bushes Been Quaked could both overtake us. How come all these B teams are doing so well?”


Some notes on Frosty Hollow. Situated on the outskirts of Rooty Break and not far from Errinundera's capital, First Creek Falls, Frosty Hollow was the premier stadium in the nation at a time when football was establishing itself in Errinundera. In those early days it was the home ground of the two towns and also Goonmirk Rocks. As the only large stadium in the nation at the time Frosty Hollow was the national team's home ground for World Cup 6 qualifying. That event was held in the middle of the Errinundrian winter and, after several matches were spoiled by extreme weather conditions, the Errinundera Football Association sought to replace it with other grounds. Fortunately, the underground Cavern in Mount Ellery and the Milosis Coliseum in McKillops Bridge were ready in time for World Cup 7 qualifying and international matches ceased to be played at the ground.

When it became apparent that First Creek Falls was going to build a new stadium at Hairy Man Falls, the Rooty Break and Goonmirk Rocks clubs, fearing irrelevance, decided to upgrade the stadium. The new stadium was sunk into the earth so that the tops of the stands are level with the ground outside. The surrounding land is quite steep and uneven. This means that, from inside the stadium, the view is dominated by the huge shining gums of the surrounding forest. In World Cup 30, it was decided to use the refurbished Frosty Hollow for the match against Spaamanian plijous. The game went ahead despite warnings from the weather bureau that a severe storm was approaching. It struck shortly after the half-time interval killing 26 people including the vice-captain of the Errinundrian team, ubhashinim, who was crushed by a falling tree. Her captain, keok, was severely injured and subsequently retired. Following the disaster, Ariddia generously named their new stadium ubhashinim Ahwa'u Stadium in her honour. Errinundera set up the ubhashinim Scholarship whereby promising young overseas players are sponsored to study at the renowned National Football Academy.

Because of its notoriety and because it often experiences bad weather, the EFA later scheduled World Cup matches against its most bitter rivals at the ground. It is not known whether this provided any advantage for the home side, although the Frosty fans are some of the most loyal and vocal in the country. The ground has continued to live up to its fearsome reputation, including one match played as bushfires raged around, eventually being inducted into the World Cup Hall of fame.

This verse was penned as part of an alphabet poem by an anonymous fan from Zwangzug:

F is for Frosty Hollow
As toxic as Radium
That's why Ariddia built
ubhashinim Ahwa'u Stadium

[quote=errinundera;32761697]Post an Account from Your Nation!

Pumping Power Part 4: the Powerful Conclusion (sort of)

Archived news reports from the Rooty Break International Herald Tribune (Your local paper with an expansive view)


Barely six months after perhaps its worst ever bushfire season, the Errinundera Plateau has, over the past two weeks, been subject to some of its worst weather for 120 years. This has culminated in 2 days of extreme frosts the likes of which haven’t been experienced since that infamous winter in 2007. For two nights running temperatures at Frosty Hollow fell to as low as -10º C. Fans at the qualifying match against Bostopia shivered as the maximum did not go above –4º C all day. They should be grateful. Yesterday it didn’t rise above –6º C.

Stand in deputy senior forecaster at the Bureau of Meteorology explained to us that after two weeks of wet and windy weather, caused by a succession of low pressure troughs, a slow moving high pressure system has dominated weather patterns this last two days. “The centre of the high has parked itself right above Frosty Hollow. This means no wind and no clouds. Heat is rapidly lost to space causing overnight temperatures to plummet rapidly. Any creature caught out there without a warm burrow or hollow to crawl into could be in big trouble.

Emergency services have been kept busy throughout the Plateau as cobbled together tree heating systems either failed or set the trees alight. Local volunteer, grahamj, from the Rooty Break Emergency Collective agreed that keeping a house tree warm in these conditions could be problematic for some. “You think you have every hole blocked and then the tree moves slightly and they all open up again. New ones keep appearing. It’s great in summer but a real drag in this sort of weather.”


Three people are confirmed dead and scores injured, some seriously, when frozen two-headed giant leeches began falling out of the trees surrounding Frosty Hollow onto unsuspecting football fans at the final World Cup 36 qualifying match.

Professor of Zoological Engineering at the University of First Creek Falls, rankenstoo, explained to us that the leech’s attraction to the cold appears to have been their downfall. “It didn’t really surprise anyone that so many of them ended up at Frosty Hollow. It’s the coldest place in Errinundera this side of the summit of Mount Ellery. They were waiting in the trees to drop onto the football fans but the cold snap has, well, snap frozen them. I hate to imagine what would have happened if not for their refrigeration. With over 350 of these killers let loose among 60,000 people in a confined space I imagine the death toll might have been in the hundreds.”

People got their first hint that something was amiss when a faint breeze stirred the trees just before the half time whistle. A compact black object about the weight and size of a house brick was dislodged from a tree and landed in one of the aisles, cracking the concrete. Pretty soon the black bricks were raining down steadily. Bostopia fan, Samuel McBride, explained that it was extremely trying for the fans. “We didn’t know what they were, where they were coming from, or which way to go to avoid them. We couldn’t get to the covered sections of the stand so thousands of people piled onto the pitch. Of course, this stopped play for a while but, hey, I got breretond’s autograph. Shikes! He’s big.”

Play was held up until EFA volunteers were satisfied that the last leeches had fallen and, those that had, had been disposed of safely. The three dead people have been identified as laocoon, a senior weather forecaster from the Bureau of Meteorology, and his two young sons isobark and millibark, who were struck by a large clump that had fused together. Doctors have confirmed that the majority of other injuries are fractures and lacerations. Professor rankentoo has admitted that only 353 of the original 512 leeches have been accounted for.


Notwithstanding a break in play caused by descending frozen giant two-headed leeches, today’s World Cup 36 qualifying match against Bostopia was a cracker. In a game of two halves the Potoroos made more of their opportunities to come out 2-1 victors, ensuring them of a place in the Cup proper. Gallant losers, Bostopia, must go to the repechage rounds but are heavily favoured to win through to the Cup.

Local star and substitute midfielder for the Potoroos, tevow, told us after the match that the visitors were unlucky not to come away with a draw. “We dominated the first half – the kid and the destroyer were sensational. But something happened after the leeches fell. We seemed to go into a shell and the Bostopians took control of the game. Our defence managed to keep them out until Aleks Cripps scored in the second half. From then on we were holding on for dear life. Normally we get quite a lift from the Frosty fans but many had gone home and those that were left spent most of their time looking up to see if any more leeches were going to fall out of the trees. Thank goodness for onito. She saved our smoked tofu several times. I tell you what: they are pretty good for a bunch of 17 year olds.”


this is in response to the thread about power.

going for a long walk by yourself is actually an excelent way to get away from anyone trying to tell you what to pretend. off by yourself in nature, where there's nothing stopping you from thinking your own thoughts. as a national leader though, this is almost not even an option. not if you're also a figure head, like a president, king, prime minister or what have you.

on the other paw, if you're form of government is one that allowes almost complete annonymity for its council of leadership, you might be able to get away with a minimal number of secret service keeping a discreate distance. far enough away to be able to forget that they're there. its still not the same as the complete escape it was before you were elected, but under the form we have in cameroi, each of us is just like and almost as unnoticable as everyone else.

being elected by the local councils who are elected by popular vote, instead of being elected by popular vote directly, most average citizens neither know nor care to know, who you are, who are members of a national council that plays almost no role in their everyday lives anyway.

of course our system isn't for everyone or even a culture where everyone pursues personal power. the low persons, which is the honorary title of all elected offices, have no personal power of their own at all what so ever. it is only the consensus of their councils that do.

who needs the ego trip of power anyway though, when you can have most of the advantages of the annonymity of an ordinary citizen. and you can actually gain and maintain an understanding of their experiences and real feelings.

Shwe Tu Colony

OOC: This is themed as an interview.

So, just what is power to you?

Pedro Rafir: "Networking. It is how Psytronius has grown strong, for our name is now in hundreds of civilizations in either a cursory or clear manner. Our disappearance would be palpable, & that is power."

Jhora Mendica: "Effective communication is never enough for the success of any number larger than one."

The Thryllasian Gatekeeper: "I would say my love. I have used it to overcome thousands of beasts in my time as The Gatekeeper, turning them from viciously... uh... well. Point being, they're much more docile now, & aren't wreaking havoc on civilization for their sustenance."

Sikyos: "My allies from all across the Earth. I am uncertain if I could've rebuilt my city after Prometheus's rampage without them or even defeated the Titan. My gratitude for their help is endless."

Helene Pirun: "Power? Sekka Verndara. He's the very personification of it, if you asked me! I have a lot to thank him for, like the development of my island home & helping prevent us from collapsing after Elana's death. I wonder how differently our island would have gone had she not died..."

Verndara Family
Sekka Verndara: "Power... I would say it is one's charisma. With it, you can do just about anything to other people. I do emphasize people though, for any barbarian that has fully lost their humanity is immune to it, for they too will have the power to recognize your attempts."

Tenebrae Verndara: "Uh... cheese? No, just kidding. But anyway, I've had... a lot of regrets in my life. I've been pretty powerless for my childhood & whatnot... but I guess I'd say it might be my killing ability. What else do you expect me to say? It's in my title. I've hardly known much else."

Muria Verndara: "Faith. More than in a religious context. Faith in my master, that he would teach me well. Faith in my brother, that he would still be alive in some way. Faith in myself, that I would be able to take care of my clients' children after that cursed wedding. But sometimes, I feel like my faith is crumbling.
Elaborate. How is your power crumbling?
Muria Verndara: "As I'm sure you know, Tenebrae is my brother, & he's that thing now."
Tenebrae Verndara: "Yo." He was best described as a ball of black gas with two similarly-colored tentacles acting as arms.
Muria Verndara: "& as I'm sure you also know, my attempt to flee to another universe ended in far too many deaths. I wonder if the faith I have in myself & my master is well deserved if I can not even save one person. That is what my oceanic faith tells me to do, after all: life is suffering, but we can always help others suffer less."
How is that even remotely related to the ocean?
Muria Verndara: "Currents. They bless some areas with warmer or cooler waters, which in turn provides their own benefits."

Nacre Family
Sakana Nacre: "My shield. It has allowed me to protect Renstar & my family during the Thryllasian Plateau disaster. I know it may seem a bit ridiculous to say something like that is power, but the question's open ended. Intentionally, I'd expect."
Correct, Sakana. Any specific answer, so long as it is justified, I will accept.

Norni Nacre: "Beauty is power... when people can understand it. After all, gold & gems were originally only valuable for their gleam, but in times of strife, I would say that most would abandon them without a second thought if it meant escape."

Huilé Nacre: "Ooh, that's a hard question for someone like me... I don't really think about power much. But thinking back to the Thryllasian Plateau disaster, I'd say selflessness. You can help the world gain so much with just a little bit of kindness. Oh, & the explorer spirit of Valikoto, since they did help create Renstar, & also my husband Sakana. Plus they found the plateau, which is how I met him anyway. Speaking of which, I guess I could consider him power in a way."
Sakana Nacre: "... flirtatious."
Huilé Nacre: "He was as... wordy & eloquent as he is now compared to when we first met. Honestly, I find it adorable."
Sakana Nacre: "Honey..."
Huilé Nacre: "Strong military men always have that subtle weakness." She placed her hand where her ponytail was grouped, at which point Sakana got up & held his hand out to stop her. Her giggle was delightful.

Luír Nacre: "A brave spirit. It is bravery that had led to my now-sunken home's discovery, & it was the bravery of the Dwarves that my family & in-laws escaped without too much damage. I have much respect for the men & women who laid down their lives for me, knowing full well that they could not defeat their enemies. So I have heard, they are stuck in an endless cycle of apocalypse, with the Thryllasian Plateau being one of their battlegrounds."

Kalta/Ori Nacre: "I'd say something about myself, but I'd think that'd be a bit self-centered, right?"
It is of no consequence. Answer honestly & frankly.
Kalta/Ori Nacre: "Well in that case, I'd say bravery. Like, I consider myself a pretty brave person, but I think that's just what happens to a Thryllasian. We don't have luxury. Even in Parfuhmerie or Renstar, I feel like there's this overwhelming sense of poverty. Not in the usual manner, but... I've personally seen it, & it's pretty shocking, especially for a Nacre like me."
I do not see how that seems to relate to bravery?
Kalta/Ori Nacre: "Oh. I guess you're right. Well, I guess I'd say it'd be more accurate to say that I think just willpower is pretty impressive. I've gone into pretty deep caves for some pretty stressful weeks, but I don't think I've gotten even a fraction of what some of these people live in. Huge respect for their ability to just... keep living."

Bo'kan Ko'la: "I think Hekate should count, right? She definitely holds some power down in the Underworld, & I doubt that the pantheons could survive without her making sure that nobody is leaving Tartarus without seeing her first. Or without her letting them out, as she had down to destroy the Thryllasian Plateau... but we don't like talking about that incident."

Ir'a Tar'rama: "Power, huh? I know it sounds pretty vain, but me. I was a chieftain & I saved some Demonic butts several times. & there's my items... I think it's justified that I'd say that I am just a little bit like power."

Ka'tyu Za'v: "Information & diplomacy. But of course I'd say that, since my job is entirely reliant on it. Still, nothing can replace an effective information network... it's how I saved Parfuhmerie those several times."

Ka'ir Bia'yu: "Fashio—"
Li'yu Xoa'yi: "Sis, I was going to say that."
Li'yu Je'vu: "So was I!"
Ka'ir Bia'yu: "Uh, yeah. Just fill in fashion for all of us. After all, a good wardrobe gives a good impression, & a good impression gives you a good initial burst of friendship, information, & looseness. Especially looseness. That's the best part of it."

Ka'ir Azsh'aloth: "As expected, I ought to say knowledge & beauty. I've commissioned hundreds of paintings to show off Parfuhmerie's splendor, & spent just as much money trying to fill up my library, which I'm still filling. I don't know why any civilization would dare try to suppress either. Both do have a truth that might sometimes sting, but if a regime has to lie about its abhorrent actions to remain in power, then they are not fit for government at all."

Fa'l-Asandrau: "People always say that I saved the Demon Empire by warning the guards that fateful day, but I really don't say that's what I think power is. I think a little bit of power is found in everyone, & that when we all work together, that's how it transitions from a poke to a punch."
What makes you believe this?
Fa'l-Asandrau: "When a group of us fisherfolk haul in a big catch, we all have to work together. We can't just expect only one person to carry it all in."

Assassin's Guild
"The Ghost Flame" Parhelion Shiranui: "Power? Ellen. She is... helpful."

"Living Doll Assassin" Ellen Laraus: "Happiness. I may be an assassin & a Doll, but I can see that happiness is one of the most important things for anyone. It's no coincidence that my specialty is in performance & entertainment. Do I want to leave my job as an assassin? That I'm neutral on... But anyway, I'm happy performing because I know that I'm making others happy."

"Portrait" Jelloucroix Dejani: "Artwork. Furniture. Right?"
Do not worry so much. Any specific answer, so long as it is justified, I will accept.

"The Passing Memory" Notburga Jégado: "What's power to me... Control over my own life & my own destiny. Others' would be nice too, but I know that's too impractical."
Could you elaborate?
"The Passing Memory" Notburga Jégado: "Well, it's probably motivated by my husband's death. I'll freely admit now I can be a bit prideful. I can't bear not having control, & when he & our kids were killed, I just felt... so powerless over my fate. I had to take it out on someone, but who? Because I stayed alive for so long, I grew bitter at the murderer, & the rest is current history. I killed them while acting as their maid, but I don't regret it much."

"Honorable Servant" Si'ma Ka'ru: "Nothing. I associate nothing physical with power. Everything is as it is, but it is how we use it that shows power. Even a simple magically-powered gun can have as much effectiveness as the most advanced in a hand like mine."

"Creeping Tortellini" Monte Dred: "A strange question for someone like me. I suppose fear, the way it grips & surges & swirls over anyone with emotions, can count. It has a certain undeniable power to it."

"The Bad Name" Akō Frollo: "It sounds dumb, I know, but combat prowess. I'm a battle guy. Of course I would say it."
Why do you think you love combat so much? Isn't it terrible?
"The Bad Name" Akō Frollo: "That's war. War is the terrible one, but casual spars & small duels aren't as bad. I'll admit that sometimes I wonder what will happen to the families of the men I slaughter, but as an assassin I know I ought to keep that side of me concealed. As is necessary, & as requested of all of us... but I'd say I only glorify battle in memory of my clan. It had all been my fault, & this is how I'll make it up to them!"

"Lorelei" Mawsy Greed: "Really now? Fine, I'll say spaghetti."
Think about it. What in your life has played the most influence? That thing would have plenty of power.
"Lorelei" Mawsy Greed: "Pain. It's really mesmerizing, but I won't tell you anything more!"
Fine then. I can see that you will not be cooperative, although if I may be frank your lack of opinion is not useful for why I am interviewing you.

"Relay" D'aillisioux: "U-uh... There's a lot of p-people who I think are powerful."
Go on. You are safe here.
"Relay" D'aillisioux: "Dana... Roger... Sekka... Th-there's so many to name!"
& how do they relate to power?
"Relay" D'aillisioux: "They-they're just so perfect in everything that they do. I really wish that I-I could be more like them... Then maybe I wouldn't have to d-deal with him..."
Who is this him?
"Relay" D'aillisioux: "I-I'm not... I don't... I don't want t-to talk about it. Sorry, I just can't — I'm just too sc-scared! If I could just... If I could just be more perfect, maybe I wouldn't have to need someone n-next to me in case I get attacked by him a-again."
I see.

"Dark Comedy" Pâté Chaud: "I'd say us assassins can definitely represent power. Most of us come from pretty unfortunate backgrounds, D'aillisioux especially, if his constant nightmares & anxiety are any indication. It's pretty impressive that we've come this far from wherever we were at the bottom, although I don't think I've learned all there is to everyone. I have a feeling Mawsy has something more to him... same with D'aillisioux. But that's beside the point."
"Lorelei" Mawsy Greed: "I'm right here you li—"
No cursing.
"Relay" D'aillisioux: "I-I don't think that anyone wou-would want to hear it, anyway."
"Dark Comedy" Pâté Chaud: "I would."
"Relay" D'aillisioux: "N-no, it's just that i-it was... too terrible. It wouldn't b-be safe if you h-heard it all."
"Dark Comedy" Pâté Chaud: "What do you mean?"
"Relay" D'aillisioux: "I don't... it's... I-I'd think you'd s-see him too. He's a— he's a bad man. I don't want to ma-make myself even more annoying to you guys..."

"Luminous Welder" Virginia Pilar: "Faith is power. It is with faith that I have united the Pallouré to fight for our rights, & for that I always give my thanks to God for His help."
Why are you Christian? You are a Pallouré.
"Luminous Welder" Virginia Pilar: "A missionary of Christ had saved me from the despair & discrimination I would have faced as a Pallouré. He taught me skills that I would not have normally learned, & to always fight for what I believe in, & I believe in equal treatment for my race. We are not like the Jötnar, yet that is what we are associated with, all because of one of our parents being a member of that supposedly accursed race."


Power: A Cosonan Account of the Maxmillian War

Battle of Desina- 20 August 2018

Lieutenant Jens Lohse poked his viewfinder over the edge of the South trench, facing north. Almost as soon as he got a visual on the machine gun nest keeping his platoon below the ground, the viewfinder was torn to bits by the the gunner it had just observed. "Damn it," said a now more agitated Lonse. "That's the third one this week." A couple of meters to the right, a young Private speaks to him without looking. "You know those are pretty expensive, Lieutenant." Lonse casts a glare back in his direction. "Well you cost us about 75 Spencs a month in food Macrái, why don't you take a peek over yourself and cut our costs a little." Macrái and a couple of the others in the trech laughed. It was the first good joke their Lieutenant had cracked since they arrived at Desina 12 days ago.

Suddenly, their radioman popped his head around the corner. "I've called an airstrike on the Roscovan trench North of us, get ready to charge as soon as the ground stops shaking." They hit the bottom of the trench in anticipation, using the time to reload for the charge. "Why are we charging already?" Asked another Private a couple meters down. " I thought we weren't supposed to advance for another three days." The radioman responded, "General Vercetti found a weak spot in the Northwest trenches and advanced our line there. If we hit them hard now, we can see the city under our control by the end of the week." Suddenly, a series of loud blasts sounded from the North, shaking the ground like an earthquake. "It's now or never boys," chimed Lonse, "Let's give those Roscovan scumbags what they deserve! Rosa Cosona!" As soon as the ground stopped shaking, the entire trench erupted in the battle cry. "Rosa Cosona!" They shouted as they hopped the trench into No Man's land.

The Roscovans, stunned by the recent strike, stood no chance against the valiant Cosonan armies, who went through the trenches like a hot knife through butter. Within three days, the Roscovan armies were on the retreat back North and to the coast where their ships waited to bring them to the next stronghold. On 30 August, the Cosonan Navy shot down the six destroyers guarding the retreating troops and captured the 30,000 Roscovans before they could finish their retreat, a full 1/5 of their remaining ground force.

Theme: Myths and legends.

Palos heights

Ancient Palosians often talked about the Wellspring of the World, a primordial spring from which the waters of the world flowed outwards from. The Wellspring of the World supposedly sat in the middle of Palos Lake, from which the many rivers of Central Palos flowed outwards from. The ancient Palosians built floating shrines to venerate the source of all life, as they saw it, and to this day many artifacts from hundreds to thousands of years ago have been fished out of the pristine waters now surrounding the great floating trade-hub of Kathapolis. Where the ancients once saw water flowing out to the rest of the world, now modern Palosians see commerce flowing from the new Wellspring of the World in Kathapolis.

Forest turtle

Originally wandering nomads from A flying turtle, the future residents of Forest Turtle had a dispute with the King of All Turtles. Though this dispute has been forgotten since, all Forest Turtles know and fear the King of All Turtles. After a short battle that involved few deaths (as turtles tend to hide in there shells when they get afraid) the legions of the Turtle King finally won. Instead of killing the rebel Forest Turtles, they decided to cast them off. They dropped them off in the next region that they could find. This was the inhospitable land of Forest. After several hard years, the Forest Turtles found some inhabitants. They slowly befriended the inhabitants and eventually, took part in the storytelling of Forest.

Altmer dominion

“Ah, the Altmer creation story. Progenitors of the Dominion, Altmer blood far flows from the ancestral isles of Summerset. In power, or naught, this proud race has always stood in the crossroads between Anuiel and Sithis. To understand how their—our—arc bends, one must go to the beginning.

In the void, names were of no consequence. It is fitting then, that the first true force of the universe were derived from the first names: Anu, of Stasis, and Padomay, of Change. One can find their tragic tale in any true account across the land, yet such specific details are beside our immediate concern. In a way, Padomay’s spiritual fall planted the seeds of the orderly devotion of true believers that would follow. Similarly, one can find reflection in the chaos that followed—of Anu’s own devising.

As Anu retreated from this first age of sorrow, his self-reflection bore a descendent. Anuiel, the soul of all things, was formed out of Anu’s desire to know himself, and where his turn from the truth had begun. In turn, Anuiel bore Sithis, the heir to Padomay’s throne.

It is Anuiel, as even the youngest Altmer knows, who is our Soul in the Void. Just as Anu gave birth to creation, it is Anuiel who fills it with meaning and light. Though the resulting darkness of Sithis is now cursed and reviled by the children of the light, in this new beginning it was the interplay between Anuiel and Sithis that properly gave birth to the creation that is known today.

Within Aurbis, the wheel of reality, our progenitors were formed. As Anuiel created the first ancestors, the Aedra, Sithis mirrored with Daedra—occupying vast but parallel realms. Among our plane within Aurbis, the most powerful Aedra are properly revered as the Eight Divines.

Among most classifications of the Aedra, only the Eight still display divine traits. It is the Altmer who have come forth from the earliest of the proper Aedra, with other races displaying lesser constitutions. Such hierarchy of power is the source of current strife, with Altmer religious leaders decrying sacrilege should the Eight be any less than immutable.

Responsibility falls upon each Altmer to bring the fruit of creation closer to Anuiel’s light. Whether that be upholding the values of the Eight, or disabusing certain races from the shadow of Sithis and his dark children, each child of the light has a role to play within Aurbis.

As Anuiel’s closest kin, we shall be his guides.”

Chan island

Chan Island's origins were when the island was separated from the continent 230 million years ago.

Oh, you mean the people?

We don't really have any founding myths, though there is fierce debate about whether the first people to come here (in 1953) were drunk, on meth, or both.

The Cypher Nine

The Cypher Nine was built long ago by 9 great houses each ruled by an entity whose rule was known for something specific. It is thought that these 9 great houses, all who spoke different dialects of the local tongue found a mythical object called the Cypher which allowed them to not only speak normally with each other without translation but also a collection of knowledge from past users of the Cypher. The group then built a society off what they learned, and became united. Today, these myths and legends are not commonly believed by the citizenry but the structure and culture of the mythos is retained in the Cypher Nine's Geographical, Cultural and Political makeup. The Cypher Nine has Nine Blocs within its borders, where a particular part of society is housed.

There are some fringe believers still of these myths, as the council shrouds itself visibly from the public. These conspiracy theories are rooted in the mythos surrounding The Cypher Nine, such that they believe the country is still run and operated by these nine families.


Paraphrased blurb from my factbook: According to tradition, Calenmor was first inhabited around 12,000 BCE. Legend states that they were oppressed in various ways by barbarians from the south until about 10,999 BCE when the hero Moreg, leading a small force of elite warriors from various other nations, arrived through the northern passes during the spring melts and routed their oppressors. The local tribes rallied to his banner one by one until the last of the barbaric kings was defeated and his people brought to terms, creating the early foundations of the United Realms of Calenmor.


It is impossible for anyone to categorise anything uniquely “Caracasusian” in terms of myths or legends. The various provinces or states that make up the subcontinent each have their own distinct histories and peoples. The Gnostic poetry of Nevir province's city states differs, for instance, in style and content from Jevellit storytelling traditions.

We can examine one common thread that unites these various oral traditions. The conquest in the 15th century by the Paraphanian empire of much of the Caracau subcontinent; a state of affairs that continued until a little over a century ago when ten years of revolutionary struggle across the provinces gave birth to the United Socialist States of Caracasus.

While the newly formed state sought to dispose with and discredit as much of the Paraphanian cultural presence as it realistically could, their reach of course did not extend as far as the city state of Paraphania – the much reduced remnants of an empire that once spanned the globe.

It is here that we can still find today Paraphanian texts that sought to re-write Caracasusian oral storytelling for both a Paraphanian audience and a newly conquered people.

One such example is the Hagiography known as The Trials of St Juibb, first written around 1563 and later expanded upon to form an entire body of work dedicated to the only saint canonised from the Caracasusian subcontinent.

In original Caracasusian folklore, Juibb was a warlord of sorts, or at the very least the son of one who lived within the southernmost parts of Jevellit. Juibb's exploits in what little has been found of the original tale were likely deemed too “other” for consumption by the Paraphanian audience, and thus he was reborn from a charismatic warrior-leader to a figure more suited to the Paraphanian religious and cultural norms of the time.

A prime example is the trigger event that causes Juibb to adventure beyond his village. From what we can piece together from Caracasusian folklore – there is no real trigger aside from his desire to explore and perhaps raid other villages. This singular lack of a motive that would fit within the Paraphanian, highly religious worldview caused later writers of the Hagiography to replace this. In later, written versions of the tale it is Juibb's concern for the plight of those far beyond his village, languishing under an evil sorcerer.

Other subtle differences litter the later translations. In The Trials... Juibb is undone by his pride. He believes himself to be a vanquisher of evil and of course, as the Paraphanosians loved their tales of the prideful getting their comeuppance, so to does Juibb. Once he has smote the evil sorcerer a death blow he says to the villagers that he, Juibb alone has conquered evil. In renouncing the sacred aid that was bestowed upon him, Juibb feels the vengance of god – who of course strikes him down and turns his once handsome face to an ugly ruin.

No such mention of divine intervention appears within what fragments of the oral tale. Some mention a talisman left to him by his father, but as for divine retribution the Caracasusian folktale simply holds that Juibb wounds the sorcerer but is struck a disfiguring blow.

In both tales, however the elephant makes an appearance. In both tales, upon his return to his home village he is cast out by those who once knew him as they no longer recognise his now ugly visage. Juibb flees the mocking taunts of the village and takes refuge in a cave. It is at this lowest point that he is visited by an elephant.

In the original folklore, this is often interspersed with the Anzique deity associated with rebirth – commonly appearing in many tales as an elephant that can speak the tongues of man. Juibb, with the elephant's assistance, undergoes many more trials and eventually returns to his native village a conqueror at the head of a mighty army.

In the hagiography, an elephant as white as snow reveals a vision to Juibb. Forsaking his previous life of adventure, he atones for his sins and travels “to far and distant lands” seeking enlightenment. It is through this process, not the conquest in the original folklore, that Juibb secures his right to be considered a heroic figure.

Theme - It came from the Ocean

Candlewhisper Archive

10ml Sample of Archivean Seawater found to contain levels of the following carcinogens at levels dangerous to human health:

Aluminum byproducts
Arsenic and inorganic arsenic compounds
Bis(chloromethyl)ether and chloromethyl methyl ether (technical-grade)
Cadmium and cadmium compounds
Chromium (VI) compounds
Clonorchis sinensis
Coal-tar distillation
Coal-tar pitch
Ethylene oxide
Fission products, including strontium-90
Fluoro-edenite fibrous amphibole
Helicobacter pylori
Hepatitis B virus
Hepatitis C virus
Isopropyl alcohol
Leather dust
Mineral oils
Nickel compounds
N'-Nitrosonornicotine (NNN) and 4-(N-Nitrosomethylamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK)
Opisthorchis viverrini (infection with), also known as the Southeast Asian liver fluke
3,4,5,3',4'-Pentachlorobiphenyl (PCB-126)
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
Processed meat run-off
Radioiodine, medical grade
Rubber napthalene discharge
Schistosoma haematobium
Shale oils
Silica dust, crystalline, in the form of quartz or cristobalite
Thorium-232 and its decay products
Vinyl chloride
Wood dust

Tourists are advised to avoid swimming, even if locals insist that "radiation gives the water a lovely warm feeling, even in winter," and even if gas-producing industrial run-off reactions make local sea-pools resemble jacuzzis.

The Cypher Nine

From Cypher Nine's most prolific poet, 80085:

The sea, she reminds me of my darlings bosom
My plea, that my darling like the waves would come
Oh to choose between these mountains of land or the sea?
Oh to lose yourself within their seaweed?
It is too much to reel my anchor in,
The storm is here, lost are my Seamen
My choice is made I'm with the sea forever
Please my Darling, call none else Captain ever.

Lord Dominator

Ministry of Death, Taxes, and Diasters
Yearly Report of 'Natural Runoff' Into Nearby Oceanic Biome

Oil, unprocessed
Oil, processed
1 dog named 'Toto'
150 fishing trawlers
Dead Fish, shark
Dead Fish, other
Tourists, 7% of incoming
Emigrates, 68% of attempted
Ink, 56% of production
[Redacted for length, see Archivean water sample studies]
Bones, finely ground
Bones, whole
Spinal Fluid
Human Excrement
Oil Tankers, 15
Assorted Libraries, shredded
Giant Death Robots, unknown number
Nuclear Waste, highly radioactive
Aliens, probed
Mangrove Trees, mulched for spite
Holy Objects, all
Holy Water, corrupted
Demons, frolicking
Red Flags, state seized
Lawful Imports, 93% of
Unlawful Imports, 38% of

Study Ongoing for further runoff, ld50 to be determined


Anxiety gave way to jubilation in Spenson, as a jerry-rigged orbiter successfully landed with the crew of the disabled spacecraft Maxcelsior inside. After the shuttle's unforeseen explosion, due to a source that has still yet to be identified, the mission was jeopardized and the lives of the six astronauts at risk. Many felt this was due to be another "Hope 8" scenario, although they were hoping to deploy to the Zwangzugian Space Station to monitor meteorites and carry out various scientific experiments.

The existence of the orbiter came as a surprise to many outside, and a few within, the aeronautical community. "To be honest, I mostly thought it was there to evacuate the space station in case some of those East Lebatuckese nincompoops mounted an invasion," sheepishly explained Commander Bharatendu Yeats-Nguyen, who appears to consider himself some sort of "military" figure. "Most of our calculations for it were for longer-range flights, but very theoretical. There was not much expectation of putting it into practice this early, but fortunately, it turned out to work better than the shuttle itself."

Flight Commander Stefanie Wu attributed the success of the rescue mission to the many technicians on the ground who were able to quickly reprogram the orbiter. "For everyone who goes into space, there are dozens of people working behind the scenes to control computer programs, build spacecraft, and develop contingency plans. They're like umpires; hopefully they never have to be the center of attention. But when an unexpected deadline was imposed, they rose to the occasion, and I couldn't be more proud of our team's work."

Rochelle McKinnon, the leader of the Maxcelsior crew, was in charge of communications with Mission Control. "We always try to simulate extreme conditions, but nothing can really prepare you for disaster. I'd like to say that we relied on each other to pull through, but really, it was a lot of sitting around and waiting with our own thoughts and fears. Not that we had any real discord, it's just, there's only so much we could do."

"I'm grateful for the constant communication," added Tim Longfellow, a mission specialist. "Mission Control was appropriately cautious and aware of the risks, and they worked their tails off to keep us safe. But more than that, they realized we shouldn't have been left in the dark."

McKinnon concurred. "I'd like to believe that even in the worst-case scenarios, nothing could stop a country like ours from looking to the skies and pushing the limits of exploration and discovery. We're not people who dwell in despair. All the same, while I'm primarily grateful for my crew's safety, I'm also very much appreciative that this episode won't slow the country's spirits down."

Pilot Coraline Goethe-Song also agreed. "There's a thin line between unhealthy nationalism and unrelenting curiosity. I think some of the tragedy of our early space program was that we weren't able to separate the failure of one mission from the fear that national pride had pushed too far. But Maxcelsior wasn't a competition with any other country--this was a journey of discovery surely worth dying for, if it had come to that, but more importantly worth living for too."

The East Lebatuckese opinion of the new orbiter functionality was not available at press time.


In sharp contrast to Candlewhisperer (scary!), we here in Ruinenlust boast beautiful, pristine seas. As a more rugged land that is deeply crisscrossed and deeply incised by fjords, and considering how underpopulated things have been since the demise of the Great Empire (hence the ubiquitous ruins, and hence the name), there aren't many people to do any polluting. Any old pollutants from the past have largely leeched into the ocean or settled into the debris and sediment that accumulates at the bottom of the narrow, but usually very deep, bays and inlets.

The new bluestocking homeland

Feasibility Study by The New Bluestocking Homeland Department of Eco-Construction

RE: Lake Ebullience

As the committee is aware, The New Bluestocking Homeland is landlocked. Having no beach, generations of Bluestockings have grown up without the chance to see the sea (and it is a provable fact - see Glover-Kind et al - that people do like to be beside the seaside).

Lake Ebullience is our largest and the most popular of our many beautiful lakes. Already popular with hikers, campers and nerdy teens hoping to film ghosts with shaky video cameras, it's the prime spot for proposal #24601, which should be before you now: the addition of a manmade beach to The New Bluestocking Homeland.

The proposed addition will bring tourism to the area, including the neighbouring fearsome Mount Noble, but not at the cost of ecology. In addition to sailing on Lake Ebullience (pedal- and wind-powered craft only), and some small craft and produce shops (please see the pastel-painted wood design on page five), there would be a free visitor centre (designed to be so eco-friendly, it's powered only by owl methane and the hopes of its volunteers).

If approved today, due to contracted reading breaks, groundbreaking would be expected to be completed at some point before end of year 2025.

Initial feedback suggests that Bluestockings are very excited by these proposals, with one woman saying she would "quite probably visit the lake if it had a beach".


From the Ocean


The cutting bank obscured the view of the salt marsh plains as I followed the path. It was a peaceful afternoon in early summer and with a good two mile hike from the transit station ahead of me, I saw no need to rush.

Here and there birds of one kind of another sang in haunting, piping chorus. Scudding across the cloudless sky, some great hawk lulled them into silence. Overgrowth clung to the cutting, though I'd learned after the first attempt that the banks were steeper and more treacherous than they looked. The five minute scramble had not been worth the view, even though the sight had confirmed what I could smell on the breeze. I was nearly at the ocean, and nearly at my destination.

The cutting had been planned as an extension of a rail line, back when Iseleir was to be the next big seaside resort. A set of communal buildings had been constructed, half a train station and even a hotel for foreigners unwilling to stay in one of the many projected communes before the project had been abandoned. The town was technically abandoned now – only one small commune remained conducting archaeological research. Pouring over the artefacts unique to this little jutting peninsula.

The doctor had explained some of the history of the place to me over a patchy comms link. The area had been settled by the Paraphanosians some three hundred years ago when it was renamed Veissbay. Veissbay itself had been abandoned some hundred years later as the pearl industry that supported the town's economy collapsed almost overnight.

There were tales associated with the place. Most of Veissbay had found itself under the sea as coastal erosion took hold. It was said that on stormy nights, you could still make out the sound of bells from beneath the waters. Divers had photographed a singularly unusual chapel steeple replete with carved gargoyles found nowhere else in Caracasus. It was primarily for this reason that the good doctor had applied for a commune license and had taken six of his students out to the twice abandoned town.

Iseleir loomed into existence over the cutting bank. First the hotel, then the red roofed station. Half completed, glassless windows gazed out blind across the ocean. Raw concrete showing like a high tide mark, indicating the point at which the construction crews had abandoned the place to the elements. A straggly sapling had sprouted out from the eaves of the station as nature slowly reclaimed the place.

The doctor was on hand to greet me, standing at the station as if waiting for the nine thirty train to arrive. He looked young for his age, a fire in his eyes that only those truly passionate about their occupation have as he showed me the expanse of the town, pointing with one hand to the bay where the remains of the old town lay drowned.

He was striking. Handsome even. If it had not been for the fact that at the world weary age of twenty five I had sworn off relationships I might have been taken with him. As it was I focused on the more dominant intrusion. The smell.

It was not unpleasant, but it was all pervasive. It smelt something like rotten wood, and something like seaweed. The doctor must have noticed my distraction as he felt the need to explain the smell.

“Rotting wood most likely. Veissbay was a harbour of sorts. There was a trading post set up for the export of pearls. After the great storm, the town did not have the money to dredge the wrecked ships from the bay, so they were left. Back when Iseleir was still being built, we had another storm. They think that might be what uncovered the rotting timber – and luckily for us the old town!”
I found my lodging well enough, though I was surprised that none of the others had come to meet me. The doctor mentioned something about an interesting trench some three miles north that was in danger from the coming high tide. Apparently they had decided to camp out for a couple of days to better catalogue the finds. It would be at the trench, the doctor said, that I would be able to contribute the most – after I had found my feet.

The commune had officially occupied the smaller eastern part of the hotel – the part that had been fully constructed before its abandonment. A small solar plant occupied the rooftop, rigged in place by the commune. Dinner was held in what had been a lobby. Scrubbed wooden benches over old carpet. The food was uniformly bad. I did not know if it was the ever present smell clouding my ability to taste anything, or the surplus armed forces rations themselves but I ate little.

The silence at dinner bothered me. The doctor stated that he would be working through the evening, and of course the other commune members were busy at the trench. It is something unnatural for us I think to eat alone. From my very earliest memories, through to work placements and university I have been surrounded by my friends and family at meal times. Even at my most secluded, when I would drop everything to focus on my work, I have found the time to eat with others. It makes us, and its removal is unnerving in a way I cannot fully explain.


I didn't sleep well, though I seldom do in new places. The light, the air – everything feels wrong. Waking at five, I opened my comms device and flipped through some of the orientation material the doctor had sent me.

The church itself was a point of interest, as was the religion that the Paraphonians had bought to this small peninsula. Caracasusian history is confused in places, written as it was by the colonial powers that conquered it. A common theme in the reinvention is that of an oppressive religious missionary movement destroying the animalistic religious practises that existed previously. Here on the peninsula there was no exception. The semi nomadic peoples had their gods and goddesses consigned to the flames. Their rituals forbidden and their names taken from them. Christenings took place, and in a story repeated across the entire subcontinent, the new generations had more or less forgotten the old ways.

In that the missionaries that settled here were more or less identical to any other area of Caracasus. There were rumours that they practised cannibalism, but you'd find these up and down the province. A confusion surrounding their religious practises and transubstantiation combined with a revulsion held by the nomadic peoples for cannibalistic rites.

Where they differed was, in the words of the doctor, their iconography and their texts. The statue known only as “The Fisher of Men” had received a small amount of fame from those in the field. Carved from some form of soapstone, it depicted a figure holding a net and trident, into which smaller figures fell. Depending on how the light fell on the statuette, it was either emptying the net onto the sand, or scooping up more tiny figures for the net. There was something unnerving about it. The sculptor had rushed details on the statuette, giving the figure a strangely flattened face, but had somehow given it a movement and purpose of its own. The lusture of the stone created an almost pearlescent sheen.

The sun had risen fully by the time I made my way downstairs, cutting through the windows of the hallway. I had passed the doctor's door and from the snores I heard it was clear he was not yet up, but I heard movement in the cafeteria below.

One of the commune members was busy loading up a large framed rucksack with boxes of food. She glanced in my direction and pushed a long fringe from her face. Large, dark circles lined her eyes. Smiled, weakly.

“Hi. I'm Dee. You are?”

I introduced myself and explained why I was here. She nodded, stifling a yawn. It was good, she said, that they'd have an extra hand. They'd uncovered part of what they thought might be a mosaic floor for a chapel or other building. I said that I'd be walking out to the site of the dig that afternoon. She nodded, half hearing.

“So you're joining us for the dig then? I'm Dee.”

I stood back a little, nonplussed. I mentioned that she'd told me that already, and that I'd already explained why I was joining. She nodded, distracted.

“Well then, it'll be good to see you over there.”

When the doctor finally woke, he took me on a tour of the town. There was very little to see – though he delighted in pointing out the large, stone buildings on the outskirts. Sand had piled up across the weathered wooden doors, barring our entry though signs indicated that these were planned communal goods depots.

They were, apparently, all that was left of the older Veissbay settlement. The doctor informed me that the pearl harvest would be stored and sorted in several great warehouses like these – employing some hundred or so locals.

It had been the Order of the Fisher of Men that had bought the trade to the town, he said. The order, an obscure breakaway sect existing in the murky grey areas between canonical religion and heretical splinter group, had made its fortune harvesting pearls elsewhere and had bought the industry to Veissbay. At its height, the enterprise had financed the construction of the now drowned chapel, a schoolhouse and hospital within the town.

The great storm had put pay to that, as the doctor explained. No money could be found to dredge the docks, and the damage to the oyster beds themselves was enough that the industry eventually died, leaving the town to fend for itself. Eventually the sea had claimed it.

The doctor walked back to prepare for our excursion. We were to join the others at the trench. I stood a while in the sand blown courtyard, watching gulls circle overhead. Far in the distance, I imagined I could hear bells, calling back memories of the night just gone and something faint just upon the edge of hearing.

I shivered, in spite of the heat, and returned to my lodgings to pack.


The hike began just after lunch. Dee had headed back earlier, no doubt eager to get back to the trench. This walk, making our own path through the salt marsh, was slower going and less pleasant. Clouds of biting, stinging insects descended on us to feast, in spite of the spray I applied every time we stopped to rest. Exposed areas of skin itched with dozens of angry red bites.

Here and there a wooden post marked some long forgotten path. Broken pottery underfoot – the doctor paused to scoop some into a clear plastic container, jotting down with fastidious handwriting the exact location of each find.

He remained more or less silent, no doubt lost in thought, throughout most of the journey. The crashing of waves gave way to the eerie call of marshland birds as the path snaked away from the sea, then back again to a barren cove. Here the doctor spoke, urging caution. It would not be safe to travel on the beach, even though it appeared to be a short cut. The tide was coming in and this far from civilization we could easily find ourselves stranded.

The wind blown sand got everywhere, into my pockets, my hair and my lunch. Gritty under my teeth, sharp pain as I bit down. I washed my mouth with canteen water, tasting blood.

Clouds scudded across the sky and a chill wind picked up as we neared the trench. It was getting late – even with the longer summer days in our favour. We still had a good two hours worth of digging before dusk so I set about one of the arms of the trench.

Behind us, an outcrop of milky white rock formed a natural barrier to the sea. Curving slightly round, submerged in places and open in others, the acoustics of the natural bay gave a certain crashing roar to the waves as they broke. It sounded louder, more urgent, than the cresting waves showed.

A mosaic floor was being uncovered, inch by inch. My fellow diggers seemed to be as sleep deprived and listless as Dee was – each had greeted me warmly enough, and each had the same, slightly listing speech. Sentences would fragment, half formed in their mouths and distracted, they would turn to look once more at the mosaic in the trench.

I knew the feeling well enough. An important excavation occupied everybody. It became a quest, a game – something to be uncovered. Like a good book, each turn of the page, every trowel load of soil revealed a new secret, a new path. No wonder they had gone without sleep.

The patterns I uncovered, first with trowel, then brush, then ionised water, were as intricate as the others. In places tiles had fallen loose, but the overall picture remained. Depictions of sea life were interwoven with images of harvest and worship. Figures at prayer watched over by those behemoths of the sea – by whales and sharks, fishes and fishing boats.

It was hypnotic, in a way. The natural curve of a seashell depicted in lapis lazuli led the eye as if by chance to a scene of worship in a small chapel. The crest of a whale fin to a whaling boat, harpoons poised and ready – as if frozen in time.

I had not noticed the dying light until I could barely make out my hands in front of me. The doctor called it an evening and we retreated to eat in silence. I returned to my tent, meaning to read for a while. As it was, I'd barely opened my comms device before I fell into a deep sleep.


I cannot say for certain exactly how much of that night happened, and how much is a product of my own fear and mortal terror.

I woke to the smell of fire, and as my eyes became accustomed to the gloom. Some part of me stopped myself from flipping on the light on my comms device. I do not know to this day whether or not that instinct saved my life.

I slowly unzipped the tent and peered out into the gloom. On the beach, a great fire burned. The smell of salt soaked driftwood blew inland, and the flames crackled green as the salt weathered wood burned. Around the fire, five figures stood, gazing out to the rocky cove.

In the moonlight, the rocks gleamed with a sickly pale glow. I could hear chanting, low and urgent, rolling with the spray. Between the fire and the sea, a figure that could only be the doctor paced, striding up and down into the surf. Around his neck the fire caught a heavy silver crucifix. In the glow, it burned orange.

Whatever ritual they were taking part in abruptly halted. All apart from the surf was quiet and it seemed my breathing should have carried out miles across the sea. The figures as one looked towards the rocky outcrop as if waiting.

Something darkened the sickly white glow of the rocks. A movement like oil on water, sliding through the cracked rocks and pouring up over into the bay. Like a trick of shadow the darkness took shape. For all the world it appeared to me to be some giant hand, replete with stubby, broken nails.

Displaced water roared and pushed out over the rocks, drowning them momentarily as the creature emerged. Cascading water, it appeared to stand a good twelve foot at its hunched shoulders. Its head flattened strangely, with no visible nose. A crest appeared and dissapeared in the gloom, running the length of what must have been the creature's spine.

I could not, would not, accept this creature's existence. It must be some dream, some trick of perception. If it were real, it must be the night playing tricks. Some diver pulling himself or herself up out of the surf – a trick of perception making them seem to stand as tall as a house.

It was fortunate that the doctor's voice carried in my direction. He spoke only two words, yet these were more than enough to spur me to action.

“Fetch him!”

His acolytes branched off into two groups, heading for my tent.

I cannot remember the flight from the beach, save that I hid from them for several hours in a ditch. I remember running, I remember trying to catch sight of the shore and the wooden markers and make my way back, somehow, to the track I'd taken to the deserted town.

I was lucky. Beyond lucky really. I had collapsed, exhausted, by what I thought to be the path and woke up to a pair of concerned faces. Eventually, after they had assured me they meant no harm, I relented and allowed them to take me to their outpost. Wilderness rangers on patrol for smugglers. With only a handful working an area approximately a hundred square miles, I cannot even think about how fortunate I was that they discovered me.

I am getting better now. Internal Security took my comms device and reviewed all my communications with the strange commune. A commune did exist some ten years previously that conducted an archeological dig near the abandoned town of Iseleir, but due to lack of interest the digs were abandoned five years previous. What I had found out and what the doctor had told me was more or less true. There was an earlier settlement named Viessbay, and the Order of the Fisher of Men certainly existed and played a part in the town's development. Beyond that, nothing can be confirmed. The doctor I met and his commune, they assure me, was a fabrication. They tell me that there are more than a few smuggling operations running from the peninsula, and that it is likely I encountered one of them. For all their searching, they have not been able to uncover even a fragment of information beyond that, not even the trench I described to them. The remains of the derelict town remain derelict – with no obvious sign of occupation. They will, they assure me, keep me updated on any developments.

I keep myself busy these days. It is only in my dreams that I cannot fully escape what happened that night. As the doctor gave his orders and as the acolytes descended upon my tent, the thing standing on the rocks turned to gaze at me. I remember it opened its great eyes, both the size of dinner plates, to regard me. Eyes white as pearls.


