by Max Barry

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by The Holy Yellow CAM of Nadir Dystopia. . 321 reads.

Regime Changes

2012/10/29 Foundation: Up to present barring some undocumented changes:
Corporate Police State
2017/10/30; the government takes agricultural advice from a wasp-themed superhero. --> Iron Fist Consumerists
2017/10/30 the country has essentially become 10614 million nations within a nation. --> Moralistic Democracy
2017/10/31; the country's famous rainforests are being bulldozed by the mining industry. --> Right-wing Utopia
2017/11/14: Policy change - Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.
2017/11/23 New Policies; No Dissent: Public protests are illegal.
2017/12/03 Canceled Policies; No Aircraft: Aircraft are banned.
2017/12/06 Canceled Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.
2017/12/06 New Policies; No Aircraft: Aircraft are banned.
2017/12/06 Canceled Policies; State Surveillance: The state heavily monitors citizen behavior and communication.
2017/12/08 The government is cracking down on subversive groups. --> (Corporate Police State)
2017/12/18 The nation's new religious police burn blasphemers on bonfires of their own books. --> New Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.
2017/12/29 Many Nadir Dystopians struggle to find outlets for their pent-up competitive juices.
New Policies; No Sports: Physical contact sports are prohibited.
2018/01/08 The "right of sanctuary" stops police pursuit into temples and churches.
Canceled Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.
2018/01/11 Citizens who fail to follow the official national religion are executed. -->
New Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.
2018/01/14 Citizens buy season tickets on a 20-year payment plan. --> Canceled Policies; No Sports: Physical contact sports are prohibited.
2018/01/19 Police and sick people alike fear the Day of Rest as all institutions are forced to shut down. --> Iron Fist Consumerists
2018/01/20 Nadir Dystopia's fine wines are renowned throughout the region. --> Corporate Police State
Canceled Policies; Prohibition: Alcohol is banned.
2018/01/21 Drug-related crimes carry the death penalty. --> New Policies;
No Drugs: All recreational drugs are prohibited.
2018/01/22 The streets are ravaged by murder and violence to prove political points. --> Right-wing Utopia
New Policies; Public Protest: The right to public protest is considered to be essential.
Canceled Policies; No Dissent: Public protests are illegal.
2018/01/28 Rumours have it that a secret police is responsible for the recent spate of missing persons. --> Corporate Police State.
Canceled Policies; Public Protest: The right to public protest is considered to be essential.
2018/01/29 Street preachers sell salvation with a side order of shame on every corner.
Canceled Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.
2018/01/30 Rupert Bear is considered to be the most risqué TV programme in Nadir Dystopia. --> Iron Fist Consumerists
2018/01/31 Recognised healthcare professionals treat diabetes with a grain of sugar in a barrel of water. --> Corporate Police State
2018/02/03 City-dwellers are forcibly moved to farming communes in the countryside. --> Iron Fist Consumerists
2018/02/06 A typical fast food menu item could serve a small army. -->
Corporate Police State
2018/02/06 Citizens can't decide whether to be proud or horrified by the country's colonial history. --> Right-wing Utopia
2018/02/07 The government takes agricultural advice from a wasp-themed superhero. --> Moralistic Democracy
2018/02/12 The only place where one can see the Nadir Dystopian cherry tree is in a museum. --> Right-wing Utopia
2018/02/14 Schoolyard sandboxes resemble ashtrays due to the large number of cigarette butts. -->
Canceled Policies; No Drugs: All recreational drugs are prohibited.
2018/02/19 Many Nadir Dystopians struggle to find outlets for their pent-up competitive juices.
New Policies; No Sports: Physical contact sports are prohibited.
New Policies; State Surveillance: The state heavily monitors citizen behavior and communication.
Canceled Policies; State Surveillance: The state heavily monitors citizen behavior and communication.

2018/03/23 A typical peasant's life cycle leads from birth to the gallows. -->
Corporate Police State.

2018/03/30 All alcohol is banned.
New Policies; Prohibition: Alcohol is banned.

2018/04/05 Suppression of pro-democracy protests is a daily occurrence.
New Policies; No Dissent: Public protests are illegal.

2018/04/24 Businesses have become paranoid as waves of lawsuits sweep the nation.
Canceled Policies; No Judiciary: The nation has abolished the court system.

2018/04/25 Atheists and evolutionary biologists are fleeing the country like rats from a sinking ship. -->
New Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2018/04/26 Citizens are regularly shot for parking on the double-yellow line.
New Policies; No Judiciary: The nation has abolished the court system.

2018/05/06 The arms industry is backed by government subsidies and harsh anti-protest laws are in place.
Canceled Policies; Gun Ownership: All citizens are required to own a firearm.

2018/05/08 Street preachers sell salvation with a side order of shame on every corner.
Canceled Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2018/05/13 Citizens buy season tickets on a 20-year payment plan.
Canceled Policies; No Sports: Physical contact sports are prohibited.

2018/05/20 tribal villagers hide behind the sofa when missionaries knock at their doors. --> Theocracy; Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2018/05/23 All marriages are arranged by the government.
New Policies; Polygamy: Citizens may have multiple spouses.

2018/05/26 People hearing voices that tell them to commit crimes are automatically assumed to be holy.
Canceled Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2018/05/30 Mandatory blunting of cutlery has increased the popularity of soup-based meals. -->
New Policies; No Automobiles: Cars are banned.
Postcards from Nadir Dystopia;
Railworks: Maintain a healthy economy in the absence of cars
Bike Lane: Ban automobiles

2018/05/06 Former public radio talk pundits are being deployed to front line war zones.
Canceled Policies; State Press: Only state-controlled media is permitted.

2018/06/09 Nadir Dystopia's fine wines are renowned throughout the region. -->
Canceled Policies; Prohibition: Alcohol is banned.
Perverts across the land rejoice after 'sexual harassment' was recently renamed 'persuasive courting'. -->
New Policies; State Press: Only state-controlled media is permitted.

2018/06/13 The nation's Medal of Honour can be found as a free toy in breakfast cereal. --> Canceled Policies; Prudism: Strict modesty laws govern how citizens may dress.

2018/06/20 Nadir Dystopian schoolgirl uniforms have become alarmingly popular outside Nadir Dystopia. --> New Policies; Prudism: Strict modesty laws govern how citizens may dress.

2018/07/03 The streets are ravaged by murder and violence to prove political points.
Canceled Policies; No Dissent: Public protests are illegal.

2018/07/05 The nation is devoted to world peas.
New Policies; No WMDs: The nation opposes the use of WMDs.
Canceled Policies; Weapons of Mass Destruction: The nation claims the legal right to use WMDs.

2018/07/21 Cars are allowed to drive in bike lanes.
Canceled Policies; No Automobiles: Cars are banned.

2018/07/29 Biker gangs and fashionistas are converting to Violetism en masse.
Canceled Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2018/07/30 Suppression of pro-democracy protests is a daily occurrence.
New Policies; No Dissent: Public protests are illegal.

2018/07/31 The New Nadir Dystopian Thesaurus lists "love" and "oppress" as synonyms.
New Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2018/08/04 All alcohol is banned. -->
Iron Fist Consumerists.

2018/08/06 Many feel that the government's ban on cars to combat reckless driving was "a tad excessive". --> New Policies; No Automobiles: Cars are banned.

2018/08/18 Cassocked priests and choirboys believe that what happens behind closed doors stays behind closed doors.
Canceled Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2018/09/02 Homeless people can be found sleeping on streets in front of unoccupied second homes. --> Corporate Police State

2018/08/05 Citizens who fail to follow the official national religion are executed. -->
New Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2018/09/11 Many Nadir Dystopians struggle to find outlets for their pent-up competitive juices. --> New Policies; No Sports: Physical contact sports are prohibited.

2018/09/12 The country has essentially become 12.499 billion nations within a nation. -->
Right-wing Utopia
Canceled Policies; No Dissent: Public protests are illegal.

2018/09/22 Citizens buy season tickets on a 20-year payment plan.
Canceled Policies; No Sports. Physical contact sports are prohibited.

2018/09/27 The nation continues to depend on foreigners for food.
Canceled Policies; No Immigration: Foreigners cannot become residents.

2018/09/28 Burnt-out forty-foot-tall wicker men dot the countryside.
Canceled Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2018/10/05 Politicians are often seen with soldiers pointing guns at their heads.
Corporate Police State
New Policies; No Immigration: Foreigners cannot become residents.

2018/10/07 Citizens can't decide whether to be proud or horrified by the country's colonial history. -->
Right-wing Utopia
2018/10/07 Rumours have it that a secret police is responsible for the recent spate of missing persons. -->
Corporate Police State

2018/10/10 The nation has recently been attributed to the funding of terrorist organisations.
New Policies; Weapons of Mass Destruction: The nation claims the legal right to use WMDs.
Canceled Policies; No WMDs: The nation opposes the use of WMDs.

2018/10/12 Nadir Dystopia's fine wines are renowned throughout the region.
Canceled Policies; Prohibition: Alcohol is banned.

2018/10/18 Membership in Dominionist Wahabism is mandatory and all other faith organisations are banned. -->
New Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2018/10/28 Citizens are told that foreigners are hungry ghosts who eat the flesh of the overly curious. -->
Iron Fist Consumerists

2018/11/9 Citizens who don't recite the Pledge of Nadir Dystopia at least three times a day are placed on a terrorist watch-list. -->
New Policies; No Dissent: Public protests are illegal.

2018/11/11 The streets are ravaged by murder and violence to prove political points.
Canceled Policies; No Dissent: Public protests are illegal.

2018/11/20 Street preachers sell salvation with a side order of shame on every corner.
Canceled Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2018/11/28 Pro-democracy protesters are shot on sight by state police.
New Policies; No Dissent: Public protests are illegal.

2018/12/18 Favourite sermons have replaced campfire horror stories on teenage wilderness trips.
New Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2018/12/22 The "right of sanctuary" stops police pursuit into temples and churches. -->
Canceled Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2018/12/26 There have been sightings of people walking around dressed in nothing but leopard-skin g-strings for 'religious reasons'. -->
Postcards from Nadir Dystopia; Perspective: Believe in religious tolerance

2018/12/28 The New Nadir Dystopian Thesaurus lists "love" and "oppress" as synonyms.
New Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2018/12/04 Many Nadir Dystopians struggle to find outlets for their pent-up competitive juices.
--> New Policies; No Sports: Physical contact sports are prohibited.

2018/01/05 Phone taps are frequently carried out by the police. -->
New Policies; State Surveillance: The state heavily monitors citizen behavior and communication.

2018/01/12 The barter economy has taken over as the Gold Deuda has become worthless. -->
Corporate Police State
Employers may fire workers without giving any reason. -->
Iron Fist Consumerists

2018/01/13 New treatments are rejected if they cannot be explained using only one-syllable words. -->
Corporate Police State

2019/01/15 Posters encourage people to "Just Do It!". -->
Canceled Policies; Parental Licensing: Citizens must acquire a license in order to have children.
The new intercity submarine SSN Monster Pepero Warrior instills terror in claustrophobic travellers. -->
Iron Fist Consumerists
Farmers' market days almost always end in a shooting. -->
Corporate Police State

2019/1/20 Citizens buy season tickets on a 20-year payment plan. -->
Canceled Policies; No Sports: Physical contact sports are prohibited.

2019/1/24 Cubicles often double as graves as citizens literally work themselves to death. -->
Iron Fist Consumerists

2019/01/27 The police are reluctantly destroying millions of DNA records. -->
Canceled Policies; DNA Harvesting: Citizen DNA must be submitted to the state.

2019/01/28 Children in school playgrounds can be heard chanting the hymns of the Order of Violet. -->
Canceled Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2019/01/29 Citizens wishing to be parents must undertake a series of gruelling tests to evaluate their capabilities. -->
New Policies; Parental Licensing: Citizens must acquire a license in order to have children.

2019/01/30 Cars are allowed to drive in bike lanes. -->
Canceled Policies; No Automobiles: Cars are banned.

2019/02/02 Former public radio talk pundits are being deployed to front line war zones. -->
Canceled Policies; State Press: Only state-controlled media is permitted.

2019/02/10 newspapers may not print any negative stories about the government.
New Pilicies; State Press: Only state-controlled media is permitted.

2019/02/11 All tariffs have been abolished. -->
Corporate Police State

2019/02/11 Genetic researchers have been expelled. -->
Iron Fist Consumerists

2019/02/12 It's best not to ask what goes into Genova 13 Crispy Fried Tofu's secret blend of herbs and spices. -->
Corporate Police State

2019/02/13 Citizens are told that foreigners are hungry ghosts who eat the flesh of the overly curious. -->
Iron Fist Consumerists

2019/02/23 Maxtopian Grass flags adorn every college dorm room. -->
New Policies; Cannabis: Cannabis may be legally purchased.

2019/03/20 Inter-species marriages are ignored by the government. -->
Postcards from Nadir Dystopia; Together: Share the institution of marriage

2019/04/04 Cassocked priests and choirboys believe that what happens behind closed doors stays behind closed doors. -->
Father Knows Best State.
Postcards from Nadir Dystopia; Father Knows Best: Become a Father Knows Best state

2019/04/13 Citizens are barcoded to keep track of their movements. -->
Iron Fist Consumerists

2019/04/23 Nadir Dystopians believe a soft answer turneth away wrath but punitive punishment is much more fun. -->
Canceled Policies; No Prison: Jails and prisons are not employed.

2019/04/26 Eminent domain has been abolished. -->
Corporate Police State

2019/05/01 Public shaming is the bedrock of Nadir Dystopian society. -->
New Policies; No Prison: Jails and prisons are not employed.

2019/05/07 Sniffer dogs are trained to follow clouds of fruity-smelling vapor. -->
Iron Fist Consumerists

2019/05/13 Citizens who fail to follow the official national religion are executed. -->
New Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2019/05/18 The new prison system is crowding up at an alarming rate. -->
Canceled Policies; No Prison: jails and prisons are not employed.

2019/05/20 Many Nadir Dystopians struggle to find outlets for their pent-up competitive juices. -->
New Policies; No Sports: Physical contact sports are prohibited.

2019/05/20 Chests full of green leaves dumped into the harbor have many murmuring against the government. -->

New Policies; No Drugs: All recreational drugs are prohibited.
Canceled Policies; Cannabis: Cannabis may be legally purchased.

2019/05/21 The most commonly-worn shoes are concrete ones. -->
Canceled Policies; No Judiciary: The nation has abolished the court system.

2019/05/22 An eye for an eye leaves Nadir Dystopia blind. -->
ew Policies; No Judiciary: The nation has abolished the court system.
No Prison; Jails and prisons are not employed.

2019/06/01 Acupuncture is routinely prescribed for intravenous drug addicts. -->
New Policies; No Smoking: Smoking is prohibited, even in private.
Prohibition; Alcohol is banned.

2019/06/08 Shops were recently ransacked as cigarettes returned to the shelves. -->

New Policies; Cannabis: Cannabis may be legally purchased.
Canceled Policies;
No Smoking: Smoking is prohibited, even in private.
No Drugs: All recreational drugs are prohibited.

2019/06/27 Denied drugs and entertainment the nation's youth are taking to petty crime to alleviate their boredom. -->
Canceled Policies; Cannabis: Cannabis may be legally purchased.

2019/07/06 Citizens buy season tickets on a 20-year payment plan. -->
Canceled Policies; No Sports: Physical contact sports are prohibited.

2019/07/12 Emigrants arrive on foreign shores with nothing but pocket sand. -->
Canceled Policies; No Emigration: Citizens are not permitted to leave.

2019/07/20 The barter economy has taken over as the Gold Deuda has become worthless. -->
Corporate Police State

2019/07/24 Cassocked priests and choirboys believe that what happens behind closed doors stays behind closed doors. -->
Canceled Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2019/07/25 Uprooting flowers for religious ceremonies is a felony. -->
Compulsory Consumerist State.
Canceled Policies; Human Sacrifice: Religious sacrifice of human beings is legal.

2019/07/25 Wedding bands come in pairs to form wedding manacles. -->
Canceled Policies; Polygamy: Citizens may have multiple spouses.

2019/07/26 Conscientious objectors are hanged as traitors. -->
Corporate Police State

2019/07/28 The world outside is only known of in folklore. -->
New Policies; No Emigration: Citizens are not permitted to leave.

2019/08/01 "The Daily Sacrifice" is a routine segment of morning news shows. -->
New Policies; Human Sacrifice: Religious sacrifice of human beings is legal.

2019/08/03 The nation continues to depend on foreigners for food. -->
Canceled Policies; No Immigration: Foreigners cannot become residents.

2019/08/04 The word 'foreigner' is considered a highly vulgar expletive. -->
New Policies; No Immigration: Foreigners cannot become residents.

2019/08/08 Membership in Dominionist Wahabism is mandatory and all other faith organisations are banned. -->

New Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2019/08/11 Parents are relieved they no longer need to help with their kids' algebra homework. -->
Iron Fist Consumerists

2019/08/15 Street preachers sell salvation with a side order of shame on every corner.-->
Canceled Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2019/08/17 Many Nadir Dystopians struggle to find outlets for their pent-up competitive juices. -->
New Policies; No Sports: Physical contact sports are prohibited.

2019/08/18 Pro-democracy protesters are shot on sight by state police. -->
New Policies; No Dissent: Public protests are illegal.

2019/08/19 Toxic smog is dismissed as the populace just "letting off steam". -->

New Policies; Climate Treaty: The nation is a signatory to an international climate treaty.

2019/09/23 Treasurer Marrano Rajao has incinerated the international climate treaty in a public coal-burning ceremony. -->

Canceled Policies; Climate Treaty: The nation is a signatory to an international climate treaty.

2019/10/12 Citizens who fail to follow the official national religion are executed. -->
New Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2019/10/31 Uprooting flowers for religious ceremonies is a felony. -->

Canceled Policies;
Theocracy. Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.
Human Sacrifice: Religious sacrifice of human beings is legal.

2019/11/03 Citizens buy season tickets on a 20-year payment plan. -->

Canceled Policies; No Sports: Physical contact sports are prohibited.

2019/11/04 Favourite sermons have replaced campfire horror stories on teenage wilderness trips. -->

New Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2019/11/05 Cars are banned. -->

New Policies; No Automobiles: Cars are banned.

2019/11/19 People spend a lot on hair and nails. -->
New Policies; Human Sacrifice: Religious sacrifice of human beings is legal.

2019/11/22 It's considered a valid legal defence to say "a demon made me do it". -->
Canceled Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2019/11/26 The New Nadir Dystopian Thesaurus lists "love" and "oppress" as synonyms. -->
New Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2019/12/02 Every citizen must submit to DNA testing to be eliminated from police inquiries. -->
New Policies; DNA Harvesting: Citizen DNA must be submitted to the state.

2019/12/09 The most commonly-worn shoes are concrete ones. -->
Canceled Policies; No Judiciary: The nation has abolished the court system.

2019/12/09 Cars are allowed to drive in bike lanes. -->
Canceled Policies; No Automobiles: Cars are banned.

2019/12/10 The strong are acquitted and the weak are trampled in trial by a Monster CDR. -->
New Policies; No Judiciary: The nation has abolished the court system.

2019/12/20 Street preachers sell salvation with a side order of shame on every corner. -->
Canceled Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2019/12/24 The barter economy has taken over as the Gold Pela has become worthless. -->
Corporate Police State

2019/12/25 Employers may fire workers without giving any reason. -->
Iron Fist Consumerists
The state has declared war on the environment and environmentalists by association. -->
Corporate Police State

2019/02/04 Parents often ask to see a credit report before lending money to their own children. --> Iron Fist Consumerists

2019/02/05 The streets are ravaged by murder and violence to prove political points. -->
Canceled Policies; No Dissent: Public protests are illegal.

2020/02/07 Hit and run driving is no longer a crime - it's the national sport. -->
Corporate Police State

2020/02/12 The nation's laws on image rights are amongst the strictest in the world. --> Iron Fist Consumerists

2020/02/14 Schoolyard sandboxes resemble ashtrays due to the large number of cigarette butts. --> Corporate Police State

2020/02/16 Police and sick people alike fear the Day of Rest as all institutions are forced to shut down. -->
Iron Fist Consumerists

2020/03/09 Pro-democracy protesters are shot on sight by state police. -->
New Policies; No Dissent: Public protests are illegal.

2020/03/19 The nation continues to depend on foreigners for food. -->
Canceled Policies; No Immigration: Foreigners cannot become residents.

2020/03/20 Large areas of Nadir Dystopia are not accessible by the public. -->
Corporate Police State

2020/03/22 Monocled merchants with funny accents are applying for Nadir Dystopian citizenship in droves. --> Iron Fist Consumerists
There is a 'turn around' sign at every border entrance. -->
New Policies; No Immigration: Foreigners cannot become residents.

2020/04/18 Eminent domain has been abolished. --> Corporate Police State

2020/04/21 Citizens who fail to follow the official national religion are executed. --> New Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2020/05/01 A burger chain recently changed its name to Mack Donaldz for legal reasons. --> Iron Fist Consumerists

2020/05/17 Street preachers sell salvation with a side order of shame on every corner. -->
Canceled Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2020/05/22 The most commonly-worn shoes are concrete ones. -->
Canceled Policies; No Judiciary: The nation has abolished the court system.

2020/06/10 Membership in Dominionist Wahabism is mandatory and all other faith organisations are banned. -->
New Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2020/07/03 All tariffs have been abolished. -->Corporate Police State

2020/07/09 Genetic research has been halted. -->
Iron Fist Consumerists

2020/07/10 Toxic smog is dismissed as the populace just "letting off steam". -->
New Policies; Climate Treaty:
The nation is a signatory to an international climate treaty.

2020/07/11 Prasident Kim Torra has incinerated the international climate treaty in a public coal-burning ceremony. -->
Canceled Policies; Climate Treaty: The nation is a signatory to an international climate treaty.

2020/07/21 There's never a spare chair in the retirement home. -->
Canceled Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2020/07/25 Looting and pillaging are now considered vital intelligence-gathering activities. -->
Corporate Police State
· Many say faith is a crutch for those who can't move forward. -->
Iron Fist Consumerists

2020/08/01 Nadir Dystopians believe a soft answer turneth away wrath but punitive punishment is much more fun. -->
Canceled Policies; No Prison: Jails and prisons are not employed.

2020/08/06 An eye for an eye leaves Nadir Dystopia blind. -->

New Policies;
·No Judiciary: The nation has abolished the court system.
· No Prison; Jails and prisons are not employed.

2020/08/07 The streets are ravaged by murder and violence to prove political points. -->
· Canceled Policies; No Dissent: Public protests are illegal.

2020/08/29 Everybody's got wood thanks to Prasident Kim Torra. --> Corporate Police State.

2020/08/30 Farmers are complaining that the buzzing and the sparks from the nearby MagRail are blighting their crops. --> Iron Fist Consumerists

2020/09/02 Pro-democracy protesters are shot on sight by state police. -->
· New Policies; No Dissent: Public protests are illegal.

2020/09/11 Citizens who fail to follow the official national religion are executed. -->
New Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2020/09/14 Young people devote their entire lives to the faith. -->
· New Policies; Euthanasia: Citizens are legally entitled to end their lives.
· Canceled Policies; No Abortion: Abortion is illegal.

2020/09/19 The barter economy has taken over as the Gold Pela has become worthless. -->
Corporate Police State

2020/09/20 Only the brainiest citizens become academics. --> Iron Fist Consumerists
- Abortions are carried out secretly in shady backstreet clinics. -->
· New Policies; No Abortion: Abortion is illegal.

2020/10/04 People eagerly queue days at A&E to wait for their free healthcare. -->
New Policies; Universal Health Care: The state provides health care to all citizens.

2020/10/12 There's stiff competition in the medical marketplace. -->
· Canceled Policies; Universal Health Care: The state provides health care to all citizens.

2020/11/26 The most commonly-worn shoes are concrete ones. -->
Canceled Policies; No Judiciary: The nation has abolished the court system.

2020/11/27 There's never a spare chair in the retirement home. -->
Canceled Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2020/12/06 Favourite sermons have replaced campfire horror stories on teenage wilderness trips. -->
New Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2020/12/12 The streets are ravaged by murder and violence to prove political points. -->
· Canceled Policies; No Dissent: Public protests are illegal.

2020/12/13 The strong are acquitted and the weak are trampled in trial by a Voxemita. -->
· New Policies; No Judiciary: The nation has abolished the court system.

2021/01/03 Terrorists who are 17th cousins with the ex-wives of half-brothers of citizens are now exempt from the immigration ban. -->
· Canceled Policies; No Immigration: Foreigners cannot become residents.

2021/01/04 The word 'foreigner' is considered a highly vulgar expletive. -->
· New Policies; No Immigration: Foreigners cannot become residents.

2021/01/07 Acupuncture is routinely prescribed for intravenous drug addicts. -->
· New Policies;
No Smoking: Smoking is prohibited, even in private.
No Drugs: all recreational drugs are prohibited.

2021/01/13 Prasident Isabel Díaz Ayuso lights cigars with a hundred-Gold Euro bill. -->
· Canceled Policies;
No Smoking: Smoking is prohibited, even in private.
No Drugs: All recreational drugs are prohibited.

2021/01/21 Nadir Dystopians believe a soft answer turneth away wrath but punitive punishment is much more fun. -->
· Canceled Policies; No Prison: Jails and prisons are not employed.

2021/01/25 Cars are allowed to drive in bike lanes. -->
· Canceled Policies; No Automobiles: Cars are banned.

2021/02/01 Suppression of pro-democracy protests is a daily occurrence. -->
· New Policies; No Dissent: Public protests are illegal.

2021/02/02 Gambling is outlawed. -->
· New Policies; No Gambling: Gambling is illegal.

2021/02/06 Rumor has it that the government was paid off by the mob to allow casinos to reopen. -->
· Canceled Policies; No Gambling: Gambling is illegal.

2021/02/10 Many Nadir Dystopians struggle to find outlets for their pent-up competitive juices. -->
· New Policies; No Sports: Physical contact sports are prohibited.

2021/02/11 The legalization of meat has skewered the sales of vegetarian substitutes. -->
· Canceled Policies; Vegetarianism: Vegetarianism is compulsory.

2021/02/16 Citizens buy season tickets on a 20-year payment plan. -->
· Canceled Policies; No Sports: Physical contact sports are prohibited.

2021/02/18 Heart attacks are regarded as a coming of age ritual. -->
· Corporate Police State

2021/02/19 The religious lobby has the power of veto over health initiatives. -->
· Iron Fist Consumerists.

2021/03/06 The barter economy has taken over as the Gold Euro has become worthless. --> Corporate Police State

2021/03/07 One year's corporation tax from three international megacorporations has funded one dozen shiny black pencils for Prasident Isabel Díaz Ayuso's office. --> Iron Fist Consumerists

2021/03/14 People eagerly queue days at A&E to wait for their free healthcare. -->
· New Policies; Universal Health Care. The state provides health care to all citizens.

2021/03/17 The NHS has recently been discontinued. -->
· Canceled Policies; Universal Health Care: The state provides health care to all citizens.

2021/04/07 Finding half a worm in your apple is an arrestable offense. -->
· New Policies; Vegetarianism: Vegetarianism is compulsory.

2021/04/09 Hit and run driving is no longer a crime - it's the national sport. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights rose from Unheard Of to Rare.

2021/04/10 It is broadly agreed that tramp stamps are criminally undesirable. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights fell from Rare to Unheard Of.

2021/04/26 The Small Council has more than a little influence. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Political Freedoms rose from Unheard Of to Rare.

2021/05/05 The police force is rumoured to be made up of evil shadows with no souls. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Political Freedoms fell from Rare to Unheard Of.

2021/05/06 It's considered a valid legal defence to say "a demon made me do it". -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights rose from Unheard Of to Few.
· Canceled Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.
- Big Brother is still watching even when your big brother is dead. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights fell from Few to Rare.
- Criminals are thrown to the Voxemitas to repay their debt to society. -->
· New Policies; No Prison: Jails and prisons are not employed.

2021/05/09 The government's approval ratings go down while its turnover rate goes up. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Political Freedoms rose from Unheard Of to Rare.

2021/05/10 Government adverts say that twelve lashes a day keeps divine wrath at bay. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights rose from Rare to Few.

2021/05/12 Citizens volunteer for tax audits to avoid the 80-page Practical Assessment Survey Tool On Religions. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights fell from Few to Rare.

2021/05/14 Sales of fishnet stockings have reached a record high. -->
Sales of fishnet stockings have reached a record high.
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights rose from Rare to Few.

2021/05/22 Hairdressers are among those who have disappeared overnight. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights fell from Few to Rare.
- Traveller camps regularly block five-lane superhighways. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights rose from Rare to Few.

2021/05/23 Large areas of Nadir Dystopia are not accessible by the public. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights fell from Few to Rare.

2021/05/29 The dartboard at the Nadir Dystopian Cancer Research Charity bears a picture of President Isabel Díaz Ayuso's face. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights rose from Rare to Few.
- Nadir Dystopians believe a soft answer turneth away wrath but punitive punishment is much more fun. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights fell from Few to Rare.
· Canceled Policies; No Prison: Jails and prisons are not employed.

2021/06/01 Chess hooliganism is on the rise after the banning of organised sports. -->
· New Policies; No Sports: Physical contact sports are prohibited.

2021/06/12 The practice of capital punishment proves divisive. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights fell from Rare to Unheard Of.
- There's never a spare chair in the retirement home. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights rose from Unheard Of to Rare.

2021/06/20 The streets are ravaged by murder and violence to prove political points. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights rose from Unheard Of to Rare.
· Nadir Dystopia's Political Freedoms rose from Rare to Few.
· Canceled Policies; No Dissent: Public protests are illegal.

2021/06/25 Street gangs rule most of the nation's major cities. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights rose from Unheard Of to Rare.

2021/06/26 People caught mistreating Nadir Dystopia's flag generally wind up in a great deal of pain. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Political Freedoms fell from Few to Rare.

2021/07/02 Suppression of pro-democracy protests is a daily occurrence. -->
·New Policies; No Dissent: Public protests are illegal.

2021/07/04 News editors who eschew the state-approved superlatives for describing President Isabel Díaz Ayuso tend to disappear. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Political Freedoms fell from Rare to Unheard Of.

2021/07/10 Toxic smog is dismissed as the populace just "letting off steam". -->
· New Policies; Climate Treaty: The nation is a signatory to an international climate treaty.

2021/07/11 The nation continues to depend on foreigners for food. -->
· Canceled Policies; No Immigration: Foreigners cannot become residents.

2021/07/13 Many believe climate change is a liberal media fiction. -->
· Canceled Policies; Climate Treaty: The nation is a signatory to an international climate treaty.

2021/07/18 People who have lived their entire lives in Nadir Dystopia are shocked to discover that they are not citizens. -->
· New Policies; No Immigration: Foreigners cannot become residents.

2021/07/19 The government is attempting to revitalize a gutted private sector. -->
· Nadir Dystopia was reclassified from Iron Fist Consumerists to a Corporate Police State.

2021/07/22 It is broadly agreed that tramp stamps are criminally undesirable. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights fell from Unheard Of to Outlawed.

2021/07/29 Citizens no longer take selfies with their dead relatives at funerals. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights fell from Unheard Of to Outlawed.
- The only place where one can see the Nadir Dystopian cherry tree is in a museum. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights rose from Outlawed to Unheard Of.

2021/07/30 Officer recruitment and police brutality have reached an all-time high. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights fell from Unheard Of to Outlawed.

2021/08/01 Pocket dialling is a criminal offence. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights fell from Unheard Of to Outlawed.

2021/08/04 The barter economy has taken over as the Gold Euro has become worthless. -->
· Nadir Dystopia was reclassified from Iron Fist Consumerists to a Corporate Police State.

2021/08/12 Government-sponsored gallows are being erected by Violetist temples. -->
· New Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2021/08/17 Citizens buy season tickets on a 20-year payment plan. -->
· Canceled Policies; No Sports: Physical contact sports are prohibited.

2021/08/19 The government seizes all major gold finds. -->
· Nadir Dystopia was reclassified from a Corporate Police State to Iron Fist Consumerists.

2021/08/20 The automobile industry is sitting up and taking notice of the new 24 hour race events... as are the track's sleepless neighbours. -->
· Nadir Dystopia was reclassified from Iron Fist Consumerists to a Corporate Police State.

2021/08/23 Some of the country's most famous photographers are animals. -->
· Nadir Dystopia was reclassified from a Corporate Police State to Iron Fist Consumerists.

2021/08/24 People eagerly queue days at A&E to wait for their free healthcare. -->
· New Policies; Universal Health Care: The state provides health care to all citizens.
- There's stiff competition in the medical marketplace. -->
· Canceled Policies; Universal Health Care: The state provides health care to all citizens.

2021/08/31 The jackhammer is considered a tool of artistic criticism. -->
· Nadir Dystopia was reclassified from Iron Fist Consumerists to a Corporate Police State.

2021/09/01 Island residents must resort to canoes and sailboats to get to work. -->
· Nadir Dystopia was reclassified from a Corporate Police State to Iron Fist Consumerists.

2021/09/17 Street preachers sell salvation with a side order of shame on every corner. -->
· Canceled Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2021/10/03 Criminals are thrown to the Voxemitas to repay their debt to society. -->
· New Policies; No Prison: Jails and prisons are not employed.

2021/10/11 Young people devote their entire lives to the faith. -->
· Canceled Policies; No Abortion: Abortion is illegal.
- Nadir Dystopians believe a soft answer turneth away wrath but punitive punishment is much more fun. -->
· Canceled Policies; No Prison: Jails and prisons are not employed.

2021/10/13 Heretic deviants are free to practice their deviance outside of Nadir Dystopia. -->
· New Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2021/10/14 The government is spending billions of Gold Euros on a fancy space probe to find a planet that may not even exist. -->
· New Policies; Space Program: The nation runs a space program.
· Postcards from Nadir Dystopia; The Worlds Above Us. Reach for the stars

2021/10/17 The space program has been reduced to President Isabel Díaz Ayuso's nephew playing with a cardboard space shuttle. -->
· Canceled Policies; Space Program: The nation runs a space program.

2021/10/27 Chess hooliganism is on the rise after the banning of organised sports. -->
· New Policies; No Sports: Physical contact sports are prohibited.
- Pregnant hitchhikers with signs requesting rides to "competent care" are a common sight on Nadir Dystopian roads. -->
· Canceled Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2021/10/28 The most commonly-worn shoes are concrete ones. -->
· Canceled Policies; No Judiciary: The nation has abolished the court system.

2021/11/1 All tariffs have been abolished. -->
· Nadir Dystopia was reclassified from Iron Fist Consumerists to a Corporate Police State.

2021/11/3 Genetic research is temporarily tied up in government red tape. -->
· Nadir Dystopia was reclassified from a Corporate Police State to Iron Fist Consumerists.
- Scenic tours are unheard of after most environmental laws were abolished. -->
· Nadir Dystopia was reclassified from Iron Fist Consumerists to a Corporate Police State.

2021/11/7 Charities reserve the right to not help those who go against religious teachings. -->
· Nadir Dystopia was reclassified from a Corporate Police State to Iron Fist Consumerists.

2021/11/9 The strong are acquitted and the weak are trampled in trial by a Voxemita. -->
· New Policies; No Judiciary: The nation has abolished the court system.

2021/11/11 It's considered a valid legal defence to say "a demon made me do it". -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights rose from Unheard Of to Rare.

2021/11/12 Children asking questions about science are referred to relevant sections in religious texts. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights fell from Rare to Unheard Of.
- Sales of fishnet stockings have reached a record high. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights rose from Unheard Of to Rare.

2021/11/13 The streets are ravaged by murder and violence to prove political points. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Political Freedoms rose from Unheard Of to Rare.
· Canceled Policies; No Dissent: Public protests are illegal.

2021/11/16 Government statistics suggest 115% of the population love President Isabel Díaz Ayuso. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Political Freedoms fell from Rare to Unheard Of.
- There have been sightings of people walking around dressed in nothing but leopard-skin g-strings for 'religious reasons'. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights rose from Rare to Few.
- Pet rocks are sold by the pound. -->
· Nadir Dystopia was reclassified from Iron Fist Consumerists to a Corporate Police State.

2021/11/17 Education for the poor is learning to ask "do you want fries with that?". -->
· Nadir Dystopia was reclassified from a Corporate Police State to Iron Fist Consumerists.
- President Isabel Díaz Ayuso's recent "I have a dream that we will fight them by raking muck on the beaches" speech seems a little derivative to many. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Political Freedoms rose from Unheard Of to Rare.

2021/11/18 Citizens are barcoded to keep track of their movements. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights fell from Few to Rare.
- Suppression of pro-democracy protests is a daily occurrence. -->
· New Policies; No Dissent. Public protests are illegal.

2021/11/21 Favourite sermons have replaced campfire horror stories on teenage wilderness trips. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights fell from Rare to Unheard Of.
· New Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2021/11/22 Jennifer Government is banned. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Political Freedoms fell from Rare to Unheard Of.

2021/12/05 Brancalandian is the primary spoken language at most major tech companies. -->
· Canceled Policies; No Immigration: Foreigners cannot become residents.

2021/12/08 There's never a spare chair in the retirement home. -->
· Canceled Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.
- The word 'foreigner' is considered a highly vulgar expletive. -->
· New Policies; No Immigration: Foreigners cannot become residents.

2021/12/24 Public shaming is the bedrock of Nadir Dystopian society. -->
· New Policies; No Prison: Jails and prisons are not employed.

2022/01/09 The country has essentially become 19.774 billion nations within a nation. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Political Freedoms rose from Unheard Of to Rare.

2022/01/24 Modern Nadir Dystopian art is so hot right now. -->
· New Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2022/01/31 Citizens buy season tickets on a 20-year payment plan. -->
· Canceled Policies; No Sports: Physical contact sports are prohibited

2022/02/17 You gained the banner Custom #5.

2022/02/20 Street preachers sell salvation with a side order of shame on every corner. -->
· Canceled Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2022/02/22 The most commonly-worn shoes are concrete ones. -->
· Canceled Policies; No Judiciary: The nation has abolished the court system.

2022/02/24 Posters encourage people to "Just Do It!". -->
· Canceled Policies; Parental Licensing: Citizens must acquire a license in order to have children.

2022/02/28 Hit and run driving is no longer a crime - it's the national sport. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights rose from Unheard Of to Rare.
- The giant 80-storey carving of President Isabel Díaz Ayuso in Mount Rushless can be seen from space. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Political Freedoms fell from Rare to Unheard Of.

2022/03/10 Atheists and evolutionary biologists are fleeing the country like rats from a sinking ship. -->
· New Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2022/03/13 Homeless people can be found sleeping on streets in front of unoccupied second homes. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights fell from Rare to Unheard Of.

2022/03/15 Recapturing giraffes is proving to be a tall order. -->
· Canceled Policies; No Zoos: Animals may not be kept in confinement.

2022/03/24 The police are reluctantly destroying millions of DNA records. -->
· Canceled Policies; DNA Harvesting: Citizen DNA must be submitted to the state.

2022/03/26 The streets are ravaged by murder and violence to prove political points. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Political Freedoms rose from Unheard Of to Rare.
· Canceled Policies; No Dissent: Public protests are illegal.

2022/04/02 The government is attempting to revitalize a gutted private sector. -->
· Nadir Dystopia was reclassified from Iron Fist Consumerists to a Corporate Police State.
- Bambi has been banned. -->
· Nadir Dystopia was reclassified from a Corporate Police State to Iron Fist Consumerists.

2022/04/05 Pregnant hitchhikers with signs requesting rides to "competent care" are a common sight on Nadir Dystopian roads. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights rose from Unheard Of to Rare.
· Canceled Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2022/04/06 Foreign nationals are widely distrusted. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights fell from Rare to Unheard Of.
- The hit new medical TV show "Home" prominently features the brand of painkiller the lead doctor is addicted to. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights rose from Unheard Of to Rare.

2022/04/12 Schoolyard sandboxes resemble ashtrays due to the large number of cigarette butts. -->
· Nadir Dystopia was reclassified from Iron Fist Consumerists to a Corporate Police State.

2022/04/18 Fathers are free to sell their daughters to whomever they choose. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights fell from Rare to Unheard Of.

2022/05/01 The strong are acquitted and the weak are trampled in trial by a Voxemita. -->
· New Policies; No Judiciary: The nation has abolished the court system.

2022/05/02 Suppression of pro-democracy protests is a daily occurrence. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Political Freedoms fell from Rare to Unheard Of.
· New Policies; No Dissent: Public protests are illegal.

2022/05/03 The New Nadir Dystopian Thesaurus lists "love" and "oppress" as synonyms. -->
· New Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2022/05/17 President Isabel Díaz Ayuso's recent "I have a dream that we will fight them by raking muck on the beaches" speech seems a little derivative to many. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Political Freedoms rose from Unheard Of to Rare.

2022/05/18 Police and sick people alike fear the Day of Rest as all institutions are forced to shut down. -->
· Nadir Dystopia was reclassified from a Corporate Police State to Iron Fist Consumerists.

2022/05/21 Acupuncture is routinely prescribed for intravenous drug addicts. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights fell from Unheard Of to Outlawed.
· New Policies;
No Smoking: Smoking is prohibited, even in private.
No Drugs: All recreational drugs are prohibited.

2022/05/22 President Isabel Díaz Ayuso lights cigars with a hundred-Gold Euro bill. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights rose from Outlawed to Unheard Of.
· Canceled Policies;
No Smoking: Smoking is prohibited, even in private.
No Drugs: All recreational drugs are prohibited.

2022/05/26 Blueriver mercenaries routinely do the army's dirty work. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Political Freedoms fell from Rare to Unheard Of.

2022/05/27 It's considered a valid legal defence to say "a demon made me do it". -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights rose from Unheard Of to Rare.
· Canceled Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.
- The hills are alive with the smell of burning flesh. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights fell from Rare to Unheard Of.

2022/05/30 Attempts at growing pineapples in the desert have been unsuccessful. -->
· New Policies; Autarky: The nation pursues a policy of economic self-sufficiency.

2022/06/14 Exploding toys that leak battery acid are back in the shops after the government declared child safety 'over-rated'. -->
· Nadir Dystopia was reclassified from Iron Fist Consumerists to a Corporate Police State.

· You gained the banner Permanently Grounded.
· You gained the banner Millennial Persistence.
· You gained the banner Glorious Purpose.
· You gained the banner Enduring Guidance.
· You gained the banner Live Fast, Die Young.
· You gained the banner Another Day Older and Deeper in Debt.
· You gained the banner This Never Happened.
· You gained the banner Overcomer.
· You gained the banner Storied.
· You gained the banner Slipped Through the Net.
· You gained the banner Marathon not a Sprint.
· You gained the banner Good Habits.
· You gained the banner Insular Inhabitants.
· You gained the banner Slavery, Serfdom, and Subjugation.
· You gained the banner Grudges Are Forever?.
· You gained the banner Stupid Is as Stupid Does.
· You gained the banner Bushels of Baskets.
· You gained the banner The Lost World.
· You gained the banner Carry That Weight.
· You gained the banner Well, That Escalated Quickly.

2022/07/02 The first test of a good kindergartener is the quality of the sponge-baths they give. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights fell from Unheard Of to Outlawed.
- The country's population is reported with a margin of error of several billions. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights rose from Outlawed to Unheard Of.

2022/07/03 'Police Academy 36' and 'Sharknados On A Plane' are vying for top spot at the box-office. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights rose from Unheard Of to Rare.

2022/07/04 Merry Birthday is a popular protest song despite the risk of fines and royalty dues. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights fell from Rare to Unheard Of.

2022/07/08 The act of reporting blasphemy is known as 'Orthodoxxing'. -->
· New Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2022/07/12 The most commonly-worn shoes are concrete ones. -->
· Canceled Policies; No Judiciary: The nation has abolished the court system.

2022/07/14 Many suspect that the 'Whinny The Plop' children's magazine contains covert criticism of President Isabel Díaz Ayuso. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights rose from Unheard Of to Rare.

2022/07/18 Street preachers sell salvation with a side order of shame on every corner. -->
· Canceled Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.
- The endangered saltwater humpback Voxemita is only seen in captivity programs. -->
· Nadir Dystopia was reclassified from a Corporate Police State to Iron Fist Consumerists.
· Postcards from Nadir Dystopia; Undergrounded: Develop a thriving black market

2022/07/25 The tenet of free speech is held dear. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights rose from Rare to Few.
· Nadir Dystopia's Political Freedoms rose from Unheard Of to Rare.
- Women mime their gynaecological symptoms with hand-puppets. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights fell from Few to Rare.

2022/08/03 Large areas of Nadir Dystopia are not accessible by the public. -->
· Nadir Dystopia was reclassified from Iron Fist Consumerists to a Corporate Police State.
- Atheists and evolutionary biologists are fleeing the country like rats from a sinking ship. -->
· New Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.
- A typical peasant's life cycle leads from birth to the gallows. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Political Freedoms fell from Rare to Unheard Of.

2022/08/04 The streets are ravaged by murder and violence to prove political points. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Political Freedoms rose from Unheard Of to Rare.
· Canceled Policies; No Dissent: Public protests are illegal.

2022/08/08 Citizens pray for sunshine so that they can use illicit sundials for timekeeping. -->
· Nadir Dystopia was reclassified from a Corporate Police State to Iron Fist Consumerists.

2022/08/11 Pro-democracy protesters are shot on sight by state police. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Political Freedoms fell from Rare to Unheard Of.
· New Policies; No Dissent: Public protests are illegal.

2022/08/19 College students make ends meet by selling their kidneys. -->
· Nadir Dystopia was reclassified from Iron Fist Consumerists to a Corporate Police State.

2022/08/22 Hit and run driving is no longer a crime - it's the national sport. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights rose from Rare to Few.

2022/09/04 Wedding bands come in pairs to form wedding manacles. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights fell from Few to Rare.
- Every citizen must submit to DNA testing to be eliminated from police inquiries. -->
· New Policies; DNA Harvesting: Citizen DNA must be submitted to the state.

2022/09/11 Fathers are free to sell their daughters to whomever they choose. -->
· Nadir Dystopia was reclassified from a Corporate Police State to Iron Fist Consumerists.

2022/09/17 The nation's conservatives are known to favour male escorts. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights fell from Rare to Unheard Of.

2022/09/18 Skyscrapers get built in just days. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights rose from Unheard Of to Rare.

2022/09/20 Many Nadir Dystopians are their brothers' keepers. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights fell from Rare to Unheard Of.

2022/09/21 It is illegal for a parent to tell a child to stop eating their boogers. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights rose from Unheard Of to Rare.

2022/09/23 The police are tightening their grip on alcohol smugglers. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights fell from Rare to Unheard Of.

2022/09/29 Pregnant hitchhikers with signs requesting rides to "competent care" are a common sight on Nadir Dystopian roads. -->
· Canceled Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2022/10/07 The newest generation of Nadir Dystopians are nearly clone-like in appearance. -->
· New Policies; Parental Licensing: Citizens must acquire a license in order to have children.

2022/10/18 President Isabel Díaz Ayuso has a wardrobe full of fake designer suits. -->
· Nadir Dystopia was reclassified from Iron Fist Consumerists to a Corporate Police State.

2022/10/19 The government burgles the houses of holidaying citizens. -->
· Nadir Dystopia was reclassified from a Corporate Police State to Iron Fist Consumerists.

2022/10/24 Artists regularly face criminal charges and art-burning parties are common. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights fell from Unheard Of to Outlawed.

2022/10/25 The regional delicacy of chocolate bombes is deadlier than an unexploded bomb. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights rose from Outlawed to Unheard Of.
- Monks aren't the only ones who take vows of silence. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights fell from Unheard Of to Outlawed.

2022/10/27 It's considered a valid legal defence to say "a demon made me do it". -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights rose from Outlawed to Unheard Of.
- The Small Council has more than a little influence. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Political Freedoms rose from Unheard Of to Rare.

2022/10/28 Membership in Dominionist Wahabism is mandatory and all other faith organisations are banned. -->
· New Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2022/11/03 Eminent domain has been abolished. -->
· Nadir Dystopia was reclassified from Iron Fist Consumerists to a Corporate Police State.

2022/11/04 Cities in Nadir Dystopia declare independence based on interpretation of the historic meaning of cave paintings. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Political Freedoms fell from Rare to Unheard Of.

2022/11/07 The best fashion comes straight to the high street from sweatshops all across the globe. -->
· Canceled Policies; Autarky: The nation pursues a policy of economic self-sufficiency.

2022/11/15 President Isabel Díaz Ayuso is plotting to coup the Pacific (Nadir Dystopia has found 8 easter eggs). -->

2022/11/20 Heavily stoned police officers are unsure whether the recent directive to 'clean up the streets' means arresting drug dealers or hosing down the sidewalk. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights fell from Unheard Of to Outlawed.

2022/11/22 President Isabel Díaz Ayuso's recent "I have a dream that we will fight them by raking muck on the beaches" speech seems a little derivative to many. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Political Freedoms rose from Unheard Of to Rare.

2022/11/24 Political activists are routinely executed. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Political Freedoms fell from Rare to Unheard Of.

2022/11/28 Sniffer dogs are trained to follow clouds of fruity-smelling vapor. -->
· New Policies; No Drugs: All recreational drugs are prohibited.

2022/11/29 Emergency services don't respond to trailer park fires. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights rose from Outlawed to Unheard Of.
· Canceled Policies; No Drugs: All recreational drugs are prohibited.

2022/12/11 The streets are ravaged by murder and violence to prove political points. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Political Freedoms rose from Unheard Of to Rare.
· Canceled Policies; No Dissent: Public protests are illegal.

2022/12/12 Street preachers sell salvation with a side order of shame on every corner. -->
· Canceled Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.
- The travel industry is booming as pregnant women book tickets for "weekend trips" overseas. -->
· New Policies; No Abortion: Abortion is illegal.
· Postcards from Nadir Dystopia; Suffer the Little Children: Refuse to support inevitably large families

2022/12/18 Favourite sermons have replaced campfire horror stories on teenage wilderness trips. -->
· New Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2022/12/20 Pinkerton agents are called in to forcibly break up white collar strikes. -->
· Nadir Dystopia was reclassified from a Corporate Police State to Iron Fist Consumerists.

2023/01/06 It is customary to begin the summer with a fasting ritual in which people eat nothing but kumquat smoothies. -->
· Nadir Dystopia was reclassified from Iron Fist Consumerists to a Corporate Police State.
- The government is constantly playing a game of four-dimensional economic chess with health insurance firms.
· Nadir Dystopia was reclassified from a Corporate Police State to Iron Fist Consumerists.

2023/01/09 Hit and run driving is no longer a crime - it's the national sport. -->
· Nadir Dystopia was reclassified from Iron Fist Consumerists to a Corporate Police State.
- Rupert Bear is considered to be the most risqué TV programme in Nadir Dystopia. -->
· Nadir Dystopia was reclassified from a Corporate Police State to Iron Fist Consumerists.

2023/01/29 The legal profession considers itself above the law. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Political Freedoms fell from Rare to Unheard Of.

2023/02/02 Drugs containing the compound "oleum de serpens" are being sold to cancer patients. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights rose from Unheard Of to Rare.
· Postcards from Nadir Dystopia; Praise the Lord and Pass the Doobie: Allow citizens to get high while searching for a higher power

2023/02/26 Pro-democracy protesters are shot on sight by state police. -->
· New Policies; No Dissent: Public protests are illegal.
- Summer science camps are regularly raided by narcotics police. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights fell from Rare to Unheard Of.

2023/02/27 The Small Council has more than a little influence. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Political Freedoms rose from Unheard Of to Rare.

2023/02/28 The tenet of free speech is held dear. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights rose from Unheard Of to Rare.

2023/03/01 Acupuncture is routinely prescribed for intravenous drug addicts. -->
· New Policies;
No Smoking: Smoking is prohibited, even in private.
No Drugs: All recreational drugs are prohibited.

2023/03/02 Tom and Jerry cartoons have cat and mouse resolving their problems with reasoned discussion. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights fell from Rare to Unheard Of.

2023/03/13 President Isabel Díaz Ayuso lights cigars with a hundred-Gold Euro bill. -->
· Canceled Policies;
No Smoking: Smoking is prohibited, even in private.
No Drugs: All recreational drugs are prohibited.

2023/07/01 It's considered a valid legal defence to say "a demon made me do it". -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights rose from Unheard Of to Rare.
· Canceled Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2023/07/13 The military's primary weapons are fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency, and a fanatical devotion to Dominionist Wahabism. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights fell from Rare to Unheard Of.

2023/07/16 There have been sightings of people walking around dressed in nothing but leopard-skin g-strings for 'religious reasons'. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights rose from Unheard Of to Rare.

2023/07/19 Membership in Dominionist Wahabism is mandatory and all other faith organisations are banned. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights fell from Rare to Unheard Of.
· New Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2023/07/31 Posters encourage people to "Just Do It!". -->
· Canceled Policies; Parental Licensing: Citizens must acquire a license in order to have children.

2023/08/04 The police are reluctantly destroying millions of DNA records. -->
· Canceled Policies; DNA Harvesting: Citizen DNA must be submitted to the state.

2023/08/06 Autumn landscape paintings feature men stripping leaves from bare branches with a vacuum. -->
· Nadir Dystopia was reclassified from Iron Fist Consumerists to a Corporate Police State.

2023/08/07 People experiencing anaphylactic shock are told to buck their ideas up. -->
· Nadir Dystopia was reclassified from a Corporate Police State to Iron Fist Consumerists.

2023/08/08 People eagerly queue days at A&E to wait for their free healthcare. -->
· New Policies; Universal Health Care: The state provides health care to all citizens.

2023/08/11 The giant 80-storey carving of President Isabel Díaz Ayuso in Mount Rushless can be seen from space. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Political Freedoms fell from Rare to Unheard Of.

2023/08/16 One can walk from one side of Madrit to the other without setting foot on Nadir Dystopian soil. -->
· Nadir Dystopia was reclassified from Iron Fist Consumerists to a Corporate Police State.

2023/08/17 Police and sick people alike fear the Day of Rest as all institutions are forced to shut down. -->
· Nadir Dystopia was reclassified from a Corporate Police State to Iron Fist Consumerists.

2023/08/22 Murder is sanctioned if the legal paperwork is filled out correctly. -->
· Murder is sanctioned if the legal paperwork is filled out correctly.

2023/08/28 The country has essentially become 23.304 billion nations within a nation. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Political Freedoms rose from Unheard Of to Rare.

2023/09/03 Every citizen must submit to DNA testing to be eliminated from police inquiries. -->
· New Policies; DNA Harvesting: Citizen DNA must be submitted to the state.

2023/09/05 The streets are ravaged by murder and violence to prove political points. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Political Freedoms rose from Rare to Few.

2023/09/06 Only the brainiest citizens become academics. -->
· Nadir Dystopia was reclassified from a Corporate Police State to Iron Fist Consumerists.

2023/09/07 President Isabel Díaz Ayuso has declared a weed sticking through a crack in the sidewalk to be the nation's newest green space. -->
· Nadir Dystopia was reclassified from Iron Fist Consumerists to a Corporate Police State.

2023/09/07 The newest East Lebatuckese coins have "long live East Lebatuck" on heads and "death to Nadir Dystopia" on tails. -->
· Nadir Dystopia was reclassified from a Corporate Police State to Iron Fist Consumerists.

2023/09/10 It is customary to begin the summer with a fasting ritual in which people eat nothing but kumquat smoothies. -->
· Nadir Dystopia was reclassified from Iron Fist Consumerists to a Corporate Police State.

2023/09/12 Protests are illegal. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Political Freedoms fell from Few to Rare.

2023/09/15 Street preachers sell salvation with a side order of shame on every corner. -->
· Canceled Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2023/10/08 The legal profession considers itself above the law. -->
· New Policies; No Dissent: Public protests are illegal.

2023/10/29 Stray dogs and children root through the trash for snacks. -->
· New Policies; Child Self-Rearing: Children are left in the wilderness to raise themselves.
· Canceled Policies; Curfew: The nation enforces a national curfew.
· Postcards from Nadir Dystopia; Red in Tooth and Claw: Leave children to fend for themselves

2023/11/19 Martial law has been declared and the populace is kept under tight control. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Political Freedoms fell from Rare to Unheard Of.

2024/02/04 Men are expected to stay home to fix funny noises in the attic. -->
· Nadir Dystopia was reclassified from a Corporate Police State to Iron Fist Consumerists.

2024/02/18 Soldiers are noted for their ferocity and illiteracy. -->
· New Policies; Curfew: The nation enforces a national curfew.
· Canceled Policies; Child Self-Rearing: Children are left in the wilderness to raise themselves.

2024/03/03 Former public radio talk pundits are being deployed to front line war zones. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Political Freedoms rose from Unheard Of to Rare.
· Canceled Policies; State Press: Only state-controlled media is permitted.

2024/03/10 State media insists that President Isabel Díaz Ayuso is the most fashionable leader in Balder. -->
· New Policies; State Press: Only state-controlled media is permitted.

2024/04/07 A typical peasant's life cycle leads from birth to the gallows. -->
· Postcards from Nadir Dystopia; The Great Firewall: Control the dialogue

2024/05/05 Children have one piggy bank for fun and another to avoid crippling medical debt. -->
· Canceled Policies; Universal Health Care: The state provides health care to all citizens.

2024/06/10 Hit and run driving is no longer a crime - it's the national sport. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights rose from Unheard Of to Rare.

2024/06/15 Countless government officials are accused of espionage. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights fell from Rare to Unheard Of.

2024/12/14 Most people attending churches are maintenance workers. -->
· New Policies; Theocracy: Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.

2025/01/20 Gun ownership is compulsory. -->
· Nadir Dystopia's Civil Rights fell from Unheard Of to Outlawed.
· Nadir Dystopia's Political Freedoms rose from Unheard Of to Rare.
· New Policies; Gun Ownership: All citizens are required to own a firearm.
· Canceled Policies; No Dissent: Public protests are illegal.
