by Max Barry

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by The Republic of Courelli. . 78 reads.

Courelli for WA Delegate of the Social Liberal Union


Member States of the [region]Social Liberal Union[/region],

        During my time in the Social Liberal Union, I have made many friends and learned many things from you all, both politically and otherwise. I am constantly in awe of the wisdom, knowledge, and insight that you all posess; the humor and kindness that picks me up on my worst days. In the last term, you elected me as Minister of Domestic Affairs, where I worked closely with then-Deputy Minister of Domestic Affairs (now Speaker of the Union) [nation]anaaxes[/nation], and incumbent World Assembly Delegate [nation]Austerain[/nation]. Under their wing, I learned the intricacies of regional law and infrastructure, and exercised the powers given to me by our Constitution to better our Union. In this past term, we revived the Discord server - a now-fundamental part of our regional infrastructure -, we ecouraged the use of Twitter accounts for national leaders - an initiative that I would like to continue -, we updated many infomational tutorials on the regional forum - many of which were severely outdated -, and encouraged involvement and engagement through several events and activities - such as the 3rd SLU City of Culture, which was held this summer.

        Due to real-life issues (I was performing poorly in my university chemistry class), I resigned from my post as Minister of Domestic Affairs. After taking a month to focus on my grades and mental health, I have now returned and am honored to be running for the position of World Assembly Delegate. I thank [nation]Kyratistani[/nation] and [nation]Lawattsia[/nation] for the nomination and second, respectively.

        As Delegate, I would continue to devote my time and skills to the Social Liberal Union, but in a broader scope - organizing and coordinating efforts between executive Ministries for joint initiatives, working with the Speaker to ensure that legislation is properly executed, and working in tandem with the Chancellor and Attorney General to ensure due process and equal protection under the law for all. I will, if elected, continue to cast my World Assembly vote with the majority of SLU Member States, and will provide written explanations for any Resolution I approve.

        As Delegate, I would fully support and attempt to implement (through the proper procedure established by the Constitution and all Acts or Resolutions of the Open Parliament) the following goals - some of which are goals of those that have come before me that have not been fully achieved:
[list]- Expand our worldwide reach through the establishment and upkeep of new Embassies.
- Promote social-liberal values in the World Assembly through a new "World Assembly Engagement Program," which assists SLU Residents as they draft Resolutions, encourages participation in the NationStates World Assembly Forum, encourages cross-endorsement in the SLU, and provides a formalized procedure to hold the Delegate accountable for World Assembly actions.
- Increase accountability and accessibility of all Administration members, and, if the Open Parliament is so inclined, establishing a formalized information request system, similar to the "Freedom of Information Act" in the United States.
- In tandem with the Minister of Domestic Affairs, promote on- and off-site roleplay activities, such as SLU City of Culture and Council of Leaders.
- Promote discussion and debate via Regional Polls, as I did during my Ministryship.
- Encourage the Minister of Immigration to establish a Department or Task Force charged with Recruitment of new nations.
- Work with the Speaker of the Union to ensure that all records in the Library of Parliament are up-to-date and accurate, and to ensure the proper enforcement of all Acts and Resolutions of Parliament.[/list]

Again, I am honored to run for World Assembly Delegate of the Social Liberal Union. I hope that my commitment to our shared values, our longstanding democracy, and the rule of law resonates with you all.

Remember, no matter who you vote for, vote nonetheless. Your vote is your voice - use it to be the change you want to see.
