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by Iverica. . 293 reads.

Overview: National Factbook [DEFUNCT | SEE IIWIKI]

The Republic of Iverica


Government Seal
Other Standards

Motto: "Per Solidaridad! Per La Pàtria!"

National Anthem: "Guiding Star of Liberty"

LinkPolitical Map

Population: 53,988,550

  • Density: 222.41/km

Capital: Intreimor

  • 49°42'N 91°37'W

Largest City: Toledo

  • 51°15'N 89°54'W

Official Language: Iverican
National Language: Common, Iverican

Demonym: Iverican

Parliamentary Republic

  • Primo: Franso Deitorr

  • Prime Minister: Abé-Juan Quenobi

  • Chief Justice: Maria Salasar

Legislative Chamber:

  • Cámra Nasional

From: Iberic Empire "Red Iberic Workers"
Independence: 1650

Total Area:

  • 242,744 km²

  • 93,724 mile²

Water Area: km²
Water %:


  • Highest Point: Sierra Iverica

  • Lowest Point: Vall de Baix

GDP (nominal): NS$ 2.11605 Trillion
GDP (nominal) per capita: NS$ 39,202.75

Human Development Index (NS Version):
66.58 (Medium)

Currency: Iverican Velle (Ꝟ)

Time Zone:
- Summer

Drives on the: Right

Calling code: +86

Internet TLD:.ive

The Republic of Iverica (Iverican: "L'República Iverica"), commonly called Iverica, is a sovereign state in Western Argis.

It is largely situated on the Iverican Peninsula with the Argic Ocean bordering to the northwest, the Pyrinian Mountains to the northeast, the Altaria Straits to the south, the Mediargic in the southeast, and in the west by St francoisbourg and the North Oriental Ocean. Also included are the territories of Altaria Island, and Las Islas Ultramares.

Iverica is defined as Republic which holds the Iverican Constitution as the supreme law of the land. The Iverican government is composed primarily of the Executive Ministry, the Legislative Chamber, and an independent Judiciary Electorate. Elections are held every four years for Members of the Chamber, where constituencies vote for their desired candidate with an instant-runoff system. Unlike the Chamber, the Executive Ministry replaces a new member every year after that member has served a seven-year term. The decision is made by majority vote from the Ministry after selecting experienced candidates from the Members of Chamber who served at least one Chamber term.

The Republic's territories include the seven administrative regions of Argon, Nou Tacalonia, Nou Stille, Navaer (Narva), Galicia, Léon, and Altaria.


The name Iverica is derived from the former Iberic peoples who first settled the coastal regions of the peninsula in 1650. The current ancestors of today's Iveric people were composed of settlers and refugees fleeing political persecution from the victorious revolutionaries in their homeland of the Iberic Empire. These refugees were largely made up of closely-related ethnic groups who had either spoken out or actively fought the radical leftist revolutionaries. The name "Iveric" is the Tacalan dialect's derivative of "Iberic". The Iveric language incorporates a majority of Tacalan orthographic conventions rather than Stillian, given the larger number of Tacalans among the settlers at that time.

Many of the settlers were from the Tacalan and Stillian regions, who during the civil war of 1626 and revolutions in the 1630's and 1640's, had supported the conservative monarchy and Tacolic Church.


Main Article: Historical Overview

Pre-Iveric Settlement

The earliest archaeological evidence of Pre-Iveric inhabitants come from the excavated remains of Neolithic settlements preserved in layers volcanic ash. These Neolithic inhabitants were named Sindragente or "ash people" as they utilised the volcanic ash found surrounding the mountains for pottery and crude masonry.

The tribes are noted to have originated from the continent proper of Argis. The common theory being that they migrated via the thin north-eastern isthmus in waves from a period between 4500-4000 B.C. Currently, this land-migration theory is the most widely accepted on the basis of the volume of archaeological evidence. Maritime-migrations are largely speculative as evidence of such activity in that period has yet to be discovered.

A series of volcanic eruptions seem to have deterred the growth of the Neolithic tribes from periods between 2000-1000 B.C. After this period, evidence of human activity decreases dramatically. There is a general consensus among Archaeologists that this event signalled the downfall of the Sindragente.

A period of inactivity is known to have followed the downfall of Iverican Neolithic peoples. According to geological data, much of the surface of the land is known to have been covered in volcanic ash, resulting in the death of most of the crops left behind by the Neolithic people.

Narvic Settlement

Around 800 B.C, the first wave of Narvic settlers constructs a settlement in what is now the outer city-limits of Intreimor. Much of this settlement's palisade and forge is preserved and on display today.

The Narva were a group of maritime nomadic tribes from the northern coasts of the continent proper, likely seeking fertile new lands to settle in the south. The Narvic sites show a sophistication of fortifications, the evidence of bronze, and later iron tools similar to those from the continent proper.

The Narva developed a socio-political structure centred around a monarch and animist religions. Their culture, on the other hand, was focused on ancestral worship, and oral tradition. Much of Iverica at this point was divided into petty kingdoms which were constantly at odds fighting over rich hunting ground, arable land, and bountiful fishing sites. This status quo persisted until their eventual capitulation to the Iveric emigrants.

Narvic Plague

An epidemic of what can be described by a few written accounts as a highly contagious, and aggressive influenza struck the Narvic kingdoms repeatedly over the years of 1380, 1478, and 1591 A.D, resulting in a total death toll of over two-hundred thousand Narva.

Historians point out that worst outbreaks coincided with the large population growth in Narvic cities during this age. It is likely that the cramped conditions and poor infrastructure of cities at the time had aided in the spread of the virus.

As a result of this, the Narva had largely abandoned many of their largest cities by the start of the 17th century.

Iveric Conquest

During the year 1620 A.D, Tacolic priest and historian Lemuel Urquijo documented the conflict between Iveric and Narvic Kingdoms. The account holds that one of the Iveric captains, Esteban Deiargon, attempted to settle the coastal fishing areas around the eastern coasts but was turned back by constant raids by Narvic warriors. Eventually, with the help of newly arrived Iveric ships, Deiargon was able to successfully lay siege to, and occupy the major Narvic stronghold of Narstun. Today, the ruin sits atop the Elector's hill in Intreimor.

Following the capture of the Narvic stronghold, Deiargon, now de facto leader of the Iveric pioneers, was successful in creating an alliance with a few neighbouring Narvic kings. The kingdoms now divided, fell gradually to the growing Iveric forces, supplemented by a constant stream of migrants who had heard the news of Deiargon's early successes.

The conquest came to an end in 1645 A.D, after two decades of on and off conflicts. Most Narva had capitulated or had been taken as serfs by the Iveric. The last Narvic king finally agreed to terms of surrender upon the condition that Deiargon, and a number of his subordinate captains take Narvic wives, and allow degrees of autonomy within some Narvic provinces. Urquijo's notes state that Deiargon died of blood poisoning nineteen years following, after being savaged by a Midget Bear.

completed in the early days of Iveric settlement,
Sant Cristofer served as place of worship, source
of protection, and birthplace of the Republic

The First Republic of Iverica

In 1650, Deiargon was elected as Primo or "First Citizen", and given temporary dictatorial powers for the period of 5 years until his predetermined retirement from national leadership. At this time, a unicameral legislature had officially been formed to draft the first constitution declaring Iverica as fully independent from their former homeland of the Iberic Empire (now known as the Red Iberic Workers).

Several expeditions were undertaken by the Red Iberic Army to occupy Iverica, but many of these met afoul of stormy weather. Of the three expeditions that did arrive, two were defeated and taken prisoner, while one defected to the Iverican Republic.

The Legislative Chamber, or Cámra Nasional made several amendments over the years, laying the groundwork for the current system of an independent judiciary, but a subordinate executive office.


The entirety of Iverica sits on the western edge of the Iveric Peninsula, which makes up the south-western fringe of the Borean/Argic Plate. It is located in the temperate zone of Argis, bordered in the East by the continental mainland. The main landmass is made up of fertile valleys with underlayers of volcanic ash, likely formed by eruptions, and carved out by shifting magma flow millions of years ago. The central regions of the peninsula are mountainous, with a few regions still notable for volcanic activity. The southern parts of the peninsula consist of foothills, valleys, a few flat regions, and marshy regions.

Most of the population resides around the south-western and eastern coasts of the peninsula, where the land is easier to farm, and where it is close to major ports. Populations in the hilly, and mountainous regions typically lie close to the riverbanks flowing from deep underground springs within the mountains.

The Iverican landmass consists mainly of a large peninsula and a few smaller satellite islands situated on the Borean Tectonic Plate. Much of the peninsula is believed to have been formed over 20 million years ago following a series of volcanic eruptions from a now dormant hot spot named the Iverican Plume. The eruptions formed a landmass centred around the volcanic ridges and grew to encompass several smaller islands to form the area of Iverica Major. Iverica is separated from the main continent by a large mountain range known as the Pyrinian Mountain Range, a region with frequent landslides and seismic activity.

Much of the magma chambers that formed the Iverican Plume now lie dormant beneath the peninsula's expansive mountain ranges. The shifting of earth, ice, and magma from the eruptions created some of Iverica's most stunning land forms


The southern plains and valleys are notably warmer and experience much less snowfall than the northern regions. The climate is typical of most temperate areas, having four seasons where the severity of temperature and weather conditions is highly dependent on ocean winds.

Iverica's climate zones can be roughly divided into two classifications. The first, the Northern Climate Zone (NCZ), has an average temperature of 12-16 degrees centigrade in the summer and 2-8 degrees in the winter. The NCZ features an Alpine and Taiga- like environment, characterised with frigid winds from the Argic circle and fog from the clashing temperatures. The more inhabited zone, the Southern Climate Zone is characterised by fair, clear weather, and even temperatures brought about by a regular current of warm southern winds originating from equatorial Thalassa. In the summer, temperatures range from 22-28 degrees centigrade and 16-20 degrees in the winter. This odd duality in temperatures can be observed in a region known as the Mariposa Line, an imagined region spanning longitudinally along the Iverican Peninsula.

The Mariposa line is the dividing line between climate zones, demarcating the extent of both Northern Argic Winds and Southern Thalassan Winds. Its average temperature fluctuates wildly from its average in summer and winter. In the summer, temperatures can reach 26 degrees centigrade and plummet to 10 degrees in the winter. It is a region of frequent fog and erratic weather and has thusly become a curiosity for meteorologists and ecologists alike.

hills and fertile valleys of the south

lakes and mountains of the highlands


The government of Iverica strictly regulates industries which are potentially harmful to the country's environment. The Ministry of Environmental Protection maintains segregated zones where heavy construction, population, and industry are either heavily taxed, or banned outright.

Much of Iverica's northern and central regions are popular mountaineering and hiking attractions. The hardened magma flow from pre-historic eruptions can be credited for the otherworldly landscape in these regions.

The warmer south-eastern regions are much more level, as the magma formations gradually cooled into either flat open spaces or a low spread of hills. These areas are where much of Iverica's farm, pasture, and metropolitan areas are located. They are popular destinations for tourists seeking quaint coastal charm of the old quarters of the ports, or the villages by the limestone cliffs left behind by some of the smaller islands prior the volcanic formation


Iverica's national animal is the Argic Tern, which maintains a number of nesting zones around the Iverican peninsula. The tern is Iverica's spiritually-representative animal, holding historical and cultural importance to Ivericans for its role in the Gran Viatge. Iverica is a primary nesting zone and one of the best sites to observe one of the largest pre and post-migratory populations in both summer and winter seasons.

A notable species is the Social Justice Warrior or Socialis Bellicosus which struts about the cities and plains sifting through other people's business. This subspecies is said to be a missing link between man and primate is often considered a pest in areas both urban and rural. City-dwellers attempt to rid themselves of them by applying a special aerosol spray while most farmers and shepherds find 12-gauge to be a far more effective repellent.

The Social Justice Warrior is rated fair hunting by the Ministry of Fish and Game. Cunning deer migrate mountain-wards to avoid a grisly dinner table fate while flocks of Social Justice Warriors are regularly downed on open seasons despite their reputed foul taste and smell.



The population of Iverica as of the 2017 national census is 51,107,829. Out of the whole, 95% Identify as Iverican, and the remaining 5% is composed mostly of foreign immigrants. 91.8% of Ivericans identify as Ethnic Ivericans, while the remaining 8.2% identify as Iverican-Narvic.

Iverican cultural solidarity plays a large part in its government structure and systems. The Republic has been historically unchallenged by the problems caused by multiple, large minorities or demands for schism and more egalitarian representation. The Iverican population is generally contented with their relatively small administration, speedy legislative processes, and unicameral parliament as schismatic minorities and ethnic oppression are unheard of.


Iveric is a language derived from a mix of Tacalan, and Stillian dialects of the original Iberic language. Characteristics include an abundance of compound nouns, reference in the third person and compounded prepositions.

Phonetically, Iveric is very similar to the original Iberic. However, it differs quite significantly from its mother language in orthography, and grammar. Common examples of this difference include the use of "s" instead of "c" and the use of "v" instead of "b". Grammatically, Iveric is close to the much more basic syntax of common, having the simple subject-object-verb sentence construction.

Some popular contractions of the Iverican language are the shift from "del"/"de la" to adding a "L'" to the following noun or using a contracted "et" such as in "armata't armadura" (arms and armour), "Lima't Closca" (lime and shell), or using a hyphenated vowel to denote different verb tenses such as in "armata" becoming "armaté" for the present perfect progressive form of the verb "arm".


The Iverican constitution upholds the freedom to determine belief and to practice said belief. The right to practice beliefs is limited only in the case of violent or inherently malicious rites and practices. Though it is enshrined in the constitution, the state is also required by the same right to abstain from supporting by funding, promotion or otherwise, the existence, agendas, and founding of religious orders, gatherings, unions or, establishments. Thus, government grants to religious groups are entirely unheard of.

Ivericans are religious by a majority. Most are Tacolic Christian but many others are Atheist, Animists, or Agnostic in belief. The limitations imposed by the constitution prevent the establishment of a state religion and thus is completely secular. Though there is no welfare or promotional support from government institutions, believers in any religion are free to use private funding or platforms to voice their beliefs or further their organisation's agendas.

The Tacolic Church

"Praise be the Holy Tacos of faith"~Book of Jalapeno (1:12)

85% of Iverica's population declare to be followers of the Tacolic Church. Tacolism is a religion seen closer to a way of life than a traditional ritualistic religion. While the Church maintains ceremonies, strict rules, and a concept of sin and afterlife, much of what it preaches is centred around the "Tacolic moral good" which determines the value of actions through an objective moral/ethical standard.

The Church is monotheistic, calling their supreme being "God". The Church believes that God created the universe but does not interfere with man's free moral agency, taking almost no part in human affairs. Tacolics believe that only their immortal souls can hope to join God in a different plane of existence after the death of the mortal body.

Believers worship bi-weekly for periods of around half-an-hour. They are not strictly required to attend the parish ceremonies but are greatly encouraged by the faithful. The Chruch only requires confirmation once a year during December, and attendance of one worship ceremony at the start of each season. Most ceremonies are celebrated by groups of families or small communities in chapels, churches, or cathedrals where a priest gives a homily which aims to relate holy texts and current moral issues. At the end of the worship, the faithful may choose to partake in a small community meal consisting of Tacos and various toppings. Attendance to the meal affirms that the individual believer has avoided occasions of sin or upheld the moral standard befitting a good believer.


Majority of the population identifies as Iverican although, the term, "Ethnic Iverican" is defined by the Home Ministry as being of at least three-quarters Stillian-Tacalan descent. Tacalan and Stillian identities are almost indistinguishable, as both ethnic groups were closely related on their home continent.

Administrative Geography

The Republic is composed of seven primary provinces located on and around Iverican Peninsula. Each province maintains a local government, law enforcement, and public works system/ Provinces are further separated into constituencies which elect their own representatives in the legislature. While largely unitary, Iverica lends a degree of autonomy to its subdivisions. Cities like Porto Altaria, Manille and Toledo are examples of areas with special economic freedoms.

Local governments have their own smaller hierarchies in the judiciary, administration, and legislative representatives. The elected head of a province is called a Governadorcillo, typically running from a pool of Comtaté Capitanos who in turn, are elected from the regular citizenry.

Largest Cities



Metro area population



Nou Tacalonia

6 million

Capital and oldest Iverican city


Nou Stille

7.5 million

Built around a historic fortress.
Now a manufacturing and industrial capital

Porto Altaria


7 million

Major commercial port and ship yard.
Strategic location for control of shipping
through the straits. An autonomous district
with strict protection of privacy and lax
government regulation.
Also Iverica's prominent global city


Nou Stille

6.5 million

Major port, military shipyard and transport hub.
Most manufactured goods from Toledo
are shipped from this port

Sant Bastién


3 million

Cultural capital and major tourist
destination. Famed for beaches,
plantations and historic districts


Main Article:Government of Iverica

Palá dei Primo, seat of the Primo and his Executive Ministry

Iverica is a republic which relies on the Iverican Constitution as the supreme law of the land. The Government is legitimised by both the people's vote and the constitution. Citizens elect officials in both the executive and legislative branches of government using the instant-runoff voting method. Some positions, however, are appointed by other elected members of the government.

The Constitution of Iverica
The Constitution of Iverica is the supreme law of the Republic. It has seven main articles and fifteen amendments.

Excerpt, The Preamble:

Let it be known to all, that this writ represents the emancipation of the Iverican people from the tyrannical and unlawful dominion of the criminal government over the Fatherland. It is the desire of the fair, and free people gathered under this great writ to exercise the fundamental freedom to self-determined governance and rule. We hereby endeavour to form a fairer and just Republic in pursuit of the common good. This united people will strive to establish a community free from the evils of enforced silence, and oppression of man's personhood. Under a common flag, our united strength will ensure defence against tyranny from within, and without, our united strength will seek only to promote common prosperity, and further promote the rights of the human person, whom we hold as the core of society. By our free ability to exercise our will and intellect, declared under the eyes of God, and made just by the principles of democracy, do the freely gathered people here, establish this great Republic of Iverica.

Palace of the Primo

National Chamber

The Branches of Government

Executive- The executive branch is called the Executive Ministry (ExecMin) of Iverica. It serves as the national cabinet and advisory council for the Primo if Iverica. Members are each given authority of specific Ministries in the Iverican government, and thus are responsible for the Ministry's budget, staff appointment, and annual agenda. A new member Minister is selected once a year from Members of the Legislature who have been in office for at least 1 term. Ministers are typically considered for the bills they have authored, their educational attainment, professional experience, or their distinction in Chamber debates. Each Minister serves a fixed term of seven years.

Elections for the Ministry are called "Executive Elections". Ministers currently in-office start by beginning a vetting process collecting a portfolio of likely candidates from distinguished Members of Chamber. Top candidates from the list are summoned and interviews and debating audiences are held before the assembled Ministers. After this vetting period, an election will be held amongst the assembled ExecMin. An instant run-off method is used and all members of the current Ministry are required by their office to vote. Only one Minister will finish his/her seven-year term per year, so in effect, one member is replaced every year. This cyclical process is effective in safeguarding the Executive branch from radicalisation and instrumental in maintaining continuity in governance.

The Primo or "First Citizen", is the head of state of the Iverican government. The Primo is appointed by a popular vote and serves a term of seven years. This office has the power to veto or pass Chamber bills, the power to sign international treaties and to meet with foreign delegations. The Primo is to be advised by the Executive Ministry but is neither superior nor subordinate to it. Instead, the Office of the Primo is seen as a powerful parallel office which represents the will of the people in governance by playing key roles in deciding Ministry agenda and balancing the power of the legislature. As a check against the Executive branch, both the offices of an Executive Minister and the Primo can be impeached by a 2/3's of the Cámra Nasional's vote.

Legislative- The legislative branch is called the Cámra Nasional. It is a unicameral body composed of Members of the Chamber (MEC) elected from local constituencies around Iverica and they serve a fixed term of 4 years available for re-election only once consecutively. The Chamber is divided into the house majority (Government), and the minority parties (opposition). Members of the Chamber vote, author, and debate upon bills on the Chamber floor. Though the Primo can veto the Chamber's bill, it can take the floor in the Chamber once again, and if passed, cannot be overruled by Executive Veto.

Judicial- The Judiciary is selected by an independent citizen's committee called the Judiciary Electorate. They are responsible for appointing positions in the various courts of Iverica. The Judiciary Electorate Board is made up of seven members. The Board is composed of two former Executive Ministers, two Members of the Chamber with at least two terms of experience, two former judges, one appointed citizen attorney. The role of the Judiciary is to interpret the constitution free from influence by both executive and legislative branches. They are to be impartial to either branch of government in keeping with the principle that no citizen is above the constitutional law.

Foreign Relations

Iverica maintains strong diplomatic ties with continental neighbours and overseas associate states. It has an extensive network of embassies and consulates most prominently in Argis, Thalassa and Alharu. Iverica maintains some ties with Europan states and is currently working to improve relations through bilateral activity in southern, central, and eastern Europa.


Iverica is a founding member and current Panel Member of the international economic cooperative known as ATARA, or the Argic-Thalassan-Alharun Regional Association. Iverican delegates co-authored (see: Andalla) the organisations founding Charter and procedural documents.

Iverican Foreign Policy

Core Principles:

Section 1- Safeguard Iverican Sovereignty and home territories in all foreign theatres.

Section 2- Safeguard the human rights of Iverican citizens based abroad.

Section 3- Prioritise and engage in diplomatic actions before resorting to hostile military response.
3.1- This section may be disregarded to maintain Sections 1 & 2.

Section 4- Uphold and support the Iverican constitutional ideals wherever relevant.

Section 5- Abstain from patronising or advancing the interest of foreign activities which promote unethical

Section 6- Promote overseas trade with mutually beneficial exchanges

emblem of the RAS

as depicted on BDUs

Armed Forces

Main Article:Republican Armed Service

The Republican Armed Service (RAS) is the armed force of Iverica. Its branches include the Exersito Iverica, Armada Iverica, Air Force of Iverica, and Guardia Civil. It currently has a force of 510,000 personnel with another X million available from civilian reserves. Currently, the RAS is ordinarily allocated only 3% of the national budget, however, as of a period between 2017-2027, the RAS budget has doubled to 6% in order to cope with modernisation.

Recruitment, Funding, and Charter

Recruitment- Personnel for the RAS are recruited from male and female citizens who enlist at free will. A citizen can only be pressed into mandatory service is when the Wartime Service Draft is enacted after a foreign power declares war or in cases of rampant civil unrest. During peacetime, a citizen is free to visit the nearest recruitment office for an interview and verification of necessary documentation.

Funding- The RAS is typically assigned 3% of the annual national budget to pay its servicepersons, maintain facilities, and equipment. As of R.A 2001, the RAS annual budget has been doubled to 6%, with additional allowances for commissioning of new military vehicles, and weapon systems.

Charter- The Charter of Republican Armed Service was redrafted from the older Charter of The Iverican Guard. It is a national document which states the purpose, aims, and limitations of the RAS. Notable sections include the Statements: "Permitting Foreign Engagements", "Rules of Engagement on Iverican Soil", "Gender Segregation of All Units", "Grounds for Use of Lethal Force Outside of Wartime", "Classification of Enemy Forces", "Standardised Rules of Engagement Abroad" to name a few.

Exersito Iverica
The Exersito, also called the "Army of Iverica", serves as the Republic of Iverica's primary ground-based armed force. It is a versatile force generally equipped for ground operations such as peacekeeping, manoeuvre warfare, occupation and garrison, ground assault, armoured warfare, military engineering, and construction of field facilities/fortifications.

There are currently 120,000 servicepersons in the Exersito. Around 90,000 of the Exersito personnel serve support roles, while the rest are considered combat servicepersons. The Exersito is divided into several Corps each with a different speciality. These are mostly smaller than the standardised number denoting a "Corp" but the unit convention serves to distinguish roles. The Corps include the Infantry Corps, the Armored Corps, Reconnaissance Corps, Artillery Corps, Service Corps, Logistical Corps, Signal Corps, Engineering Corps, Military Police Corps, Medical Corps, Public Relations & Recruitment Corps, Vehicle Reserve Corps, and Infantry Reserve Corps.

All personnel undergo a four-week basic training course before advancing to at least one specialised course. The Exercito Basic Training Course is divided into a weapons course (PDWs, Service Rifle, basic support weaponry), basic maintenance course, physical training course, environmental acclimatisation course (for local environments such as mountainous, forested, plains and hills, marshes and wetlands), Small-Unit Tactics, and Battlefield Tactics.

Armada Iverica
The Armada Iverica, commonly known as the Iverican Navy is The Republic of Iverica's primary marine operations and amphibious operations force. It serves to protect Iverican coastal waters, overseas interests, and to police domestic shipping lanes. It is subdivided into the Fleet, primarily composed of large vessels of varying roles, the Armada Air Corps, and the Republican Marine Corps, composed of a body of servicepersons trained to execute and support an amphibious assault force.

There are currently 200,000 servicepersons stationed in Carriers, Destroyers, Amphibious Assault Ships, Guided Missile Cruisers, Littoral/Support vessels, off-shore defence platforms, utility vessels, and 10 major Navy facilities. 30,000 of these are Marines and their service battalions, 50,000 serve aboard ships as sailors, pilots, officers, and support staff, with another 95,000 reserve personnel. 25,000 serve as facility-based personnel (such as dockhands, porters, welders, clerks, quartermasters, truck drivers, etc.)

The fleet arm maintains a blue water task force and a green water task force to maintain a naval security perimeter around Iverica's coasts. The blue water fleet operates long-range patrol routed into international waters, while the green water task force patrols rivers, and coasts only.

Fuersas L'Aire
The Fuersas L'Aire Iverica (FLAIR) is ground-based aerial warfare branch of the armed service. It is distinct from the Armada's Air Corps subdivision in that the FLAIR does not field any aircraft based onboard naval vessels. It is made up of 100,000 personnel, 70,000 of whom are supporting personnel such as mechanics, medical, air controllers, and other personnel necessary to maintain and ready Iverica's most electronics dependent branch for operations. While 12,000 personnel serve as pilots/vehicle crew, and 18,000 serve in the Parachute Regiments, or base security, and field operators.

The Fuersas L'Aire fields SeT-91A Multi-role fighters, TA-201 Air-superiority fighters, retrofitted SeT-89 (3rd Gen.) aircraft, trainer aircraft, utility/transport aircraft, utility helicopters, attack helicopters, VTOL/STOVL utility craft, heavy utility helicopters, and UAVs.

Law Enforcement


Borsa dei Intreimor,
Iverica's busiest stock exchange

interior- main atrium


The Iverican economy is a free-market economy wherein most business are owned privately by citizens. The state's function in the economy is largely restricted to the regulation of harmful contraband, the enforcing of the necessary business laws, and occasionally, to stimulate certain industries with the few state-run businesses.

The manufacturing sector is led by the Toledo Group of Companies, leaders in the automotive industry, consumer electronics industry, arms manufacturing industry, and other heavy industries. The agricultural sector is led by cash crop industries that produce grapes, almonds, oranges, and coffee.

Iverica's Economy is also stimulated by the abundance of Free Economic Zones established with Prymont, Variota and Andalla. Foreign Ownership laws vary per economic zones and are typically negotiated between the Public-Private Partnership Office (P3O). Currently, the Altarian subdivisions of FEZs maintain the lowest average ratio of foreign-domestic ownership at 78%(Foreign)-to-22%(Iverican). Manille subdivisions maintain the second lowest average at 65%-35% and Porto del Norte maintains the closest to the national average of 60%-40%.

Natural Resources

Iverica has abundant reserves of lead, uranium, tungsten, copper, magnesite, tin, gypsum, nickel, iron, nickel, and aluminium. Most deposits are located over the former natural islands that once made up an archipelago before the formation of the peninsula by a series of volcanic eruptions. Most of the crude oil is located in the northern coasts of the peninsula, in the Argic Ocean.

Iverica's largest cash crop industries are led by grapes, almonds, oranges, and coffee. Significant contributions include tobacco, olives, and tomatoes.

Economic Policy & Trade Policy

Iverica currently maintains a protectionist policy with foreign trade, although it is worth noting that limited government control of Iverican companies means that this policy seldom dictates market activity. Officially, foreign trade still requires a measure of oversight from the Ministry of Trade & Commerce, but the few restrictions that exist are enforced purely in the interest of national security


Iverican culture is a mixture of Stillian, Tacalan, and other Iberic cultures brought to the peninsula by settlers. The cultures gradually evolved into a single Iverican culture incorporating most of its elements from Stillian and Tacalan traits.

Iverican culture has been well preserved since its foundations likely due to the isolation of the early Iverican communities. It has influenced notable changed in the syntax and orthography of the original Iberican language. Customs such as poetry, music, literature and theatre have propagated a common interest in traditional humanities. Iverica's many national festivals and holidays maintain Iverican art's centrality to many of its communities.

Public schools and universities across Iverica work to maintain the wealth and resilience of Iverica's heritage in an increasingly globalised world. Programs to expose Iverican youths to artistic mediums in relatable and easily digestible programs include independent motion pictures, animated programs, internet video channels, and state-funded field trips.

Cultural Influences

Stillian and Tacalan Roots
Iverican worldview perceives itself as the direct successor to the "rightful" culture and tradition of the former Iberic domains. Two of the core Iberic provinces, Stille and Tacalonia, possessed strong inter-related cultures which passed tradition and traits which still dominate Iverican societies today.

Gran Viatge
The "Gran Viatge", or the great journey, is the term given to the decades-long exodite voyage undertaken by the peoples fleeing the bloody revolution which tore apart the Iberic Empire. This period leads to a diaspora of the once united ethnic groups that made up the Empire. The largest, strongest group, composed mainly of Tacalans and Stillians, were forced to adopt a nomadic, maritime lifestyle which strongly influenced the post-settlement period known as the Second Renaissance or the Peninsulares Renaissance. This cultural movement influenced Iverican society mainly through mediums of literature, theatre, and music which held the common focus of narrating the events and challenges of the Gran Viatge. It is through the sudden surge and popularity of great works during this period, taking place around 1660-1750, that maritime, exploratory, and astrological themes were established as motifs of the Iverican arts.

Non-Iberic Influences

Common Cultural Traits

Imperial Traits:
Pietas/Strength of Family Ties- the establish trait of Iverican respect for familial ties and ancestral worship were known to have originated from pre-Tacolic Iberica. It is common to demonstrate a deference to family patriarchs or matriarchs which typically dominate the majority of traditional Iverican families. This trait's influences can be perceived through the popularity and respect for national holidays honouring the dead and celebrating festivities or cultural events as a family unit. Sometimes, this trait extends to business and politics, wherein upward mobility can be made more expedient by strong blood relations or family debts.

Reciprocity- the patron-client relationship of reciprocity is often perceived in the Iverican custom of gift-giving. Important or formal transactions are often begun and ended with an exchange of tokens or gifts of which value is determined by the significance parties place on the subject matter. It can be noticed also in the Iverican attitude towards moral and monetary debt, as many Ivericans feel inclined to return a favour in kind. Understanding this culture of reciprocity is essential to participating in formal Iverican affairs, as disregard to a favour or gift can be viewed as barbaric or blatantly disrespectful

Peninsular Traits:
Pragmatism- one of two traits developed during the voyage and early settlement periods is cultural value of function-over-form, efficient and efficient business practice. Sociologists note this to be a modern trait, likely sprung as an overlapping result of the Iverican Industrialisation. Pragmatic decision making is highly lauded in Iverican politics, media culture, and business practice. Arno Suisa and his descendant, Tomas Suisa, are both examples of prolific Iverican businessmen, engineers, and inventors who are popularly touted as exemplars of this quality as evidenced by their design and business philosophy.

Solidarity- another result of the struggles during the voyage and early settlement period is the inter-marriage of Stillian and Tacalan populations. By the time the Republic was established in 1650, the lines between the two ethnic groups were more or less non-existent. The result of mixed crews and passengers during the long voyage, and likely, the apathy towards any societal obligations and restrictions had led to the formation of a single nuclear ethnic unit, the Iverican people. Unlike in federal or imperial cases, Iverica enjoys a population which readily identifies kinship ties with the majority. This Solidarity or Solidaridad is the most evident cause of the rise of Iverican nationalism and is the greatest factor of Iverican nationhood.

Literature and Theater

The Gran Teatre, Sant Bastién

Popular Iverican literature includes the world-renowned Count of St. Francoisbourg, Don Quevoté, and the Casa Negra. Others still, produced in the Peninsulares Renaissance include works influenced by the Iverican's exodite voyages. These works include novels such as, Somnis avan't Alba, Gran Viatge, and Foscastrell.

Many of Iverica's first great writers were refugees seeking asylum in the New World after the collapse of Iberica's legitimate government. Their works grew in demand and popularity during the Peninsulares Renaissance during the mid 16th and mid 17th centuries B.C, strongly influenced by oral tradition from the old homeland as well as the folk ballads, and stories created during the Gran Viatge. Eventually, interest in literature grew to accommodate theatre arts as many popular novels and ballads were transformed into stage plays. The Iverican Gran Teatre performs many stage plays of both traditional favourites and new productions.


Iverican architecture was developed to accommodate the different construction materials the peninsula offered. The distinct Lima ét Closca or "lime and shell" construction can be seen in many settlement buildings. Eventually, this style was refined into the Vermell, and Neo-Stillian styles prominent in early modern and contemporary state buildings and cathedrals.

Iverica's wealth of architectural marvels and wealth of landmarks both historic and modern contribute to the nation's rich cultural heritage and popularity as a tourist destination. The Ministry of Cultural Heritage lists over 48 internationally recognised heritage sites and lists 120 more in domestic rankings.

Architectural Landmarks




The Alhombre

Frescobar Park,
Nou Stillia

The Alhombre was a fortified compound once used to defend
against raiding barbarians. Beginning as a simple fort,
it opened several wings throughout the centuries under
the function as Don Frescobar's private estate.
It stands as the best example of Vermell architecture

Puenta Nouvo


Ronda City features the unique Puenta Nouvo,
one of the best examples of developing Nou-Stillian architecture

The Old Quarter

Nou Tacalonia

The city's old quarter has been preserved in its historical state since 1780.
Many of its chapels, inns and residences still feature the Lima ét Closca
foundations and walls

Santei Família

Sant Bastién,

The Cateidral Santei Família, designed by Anton Goudei
was designed to amalgamate the Gotica, Art Noveau, and Nou-Stillian styles.
Originally commissioned in 1882, many portions of the cathedral are still
under construction to this day.

Kruggenheim Museum

Porto Altaria,

One of the most prolific Iverican museums to feature a totally
contemporary style, the Kurggenheim Museum of modern art was designed
by Franco Geiry to be Iverica's largest modern art museum to date. Located
in Iverica's most global city, Porto Altaria, the Kruggenheim invites 500,000
tourists yearly.

Intreimor's Historic Fortress


I like trains

Public Works
Iverica is home to an extensive network of railways and ferry routes. All major cities and 80% of townships are connected by National Rail or Ferrocarril Nasional while ferry routes run to virtually all island population centres.

The power grid is largely run by the private sector. It borrows its design from the Sunset sea islands and patterns much of its electronics equipment after Sunset Sea Islander equivalents. The national grid features several redundancies and rerouting contingencies that allow a shift from source plants to alternative generators within a 12-hour period.



Approximately 60% of Iverica's energy comes from geothermal power plants from the magma chambers in Nou Stille, Léon, and Argon. 30% comes from hydroelectric power plants, 6% from hydroelectric power plants, and 4% from wind turbines, solar panels and other forms of energy production.

Template by The Free Republic of Ponderosa
Tectonic, Wind, Ocean Current Map by Sunset sea islands

