by Max Barry

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by The Norse-Gael Royaume of Nouvel Acadie. . 23 reads.

Nouvel Acadie Establishes Order in former nation of Cervidas

The Royaume of Nouvel Acadie has moved expeditiously to maintain order and commerce in the former nation of Cervidas and Ibex.

Cervidas and Ibex, a confederation of nations formed after the Void Invasion, has apparently collapsed, leaving the nation bereft of protection and order. Accordingly, Nouvel Acadie, which has established active quarrying operations on the west coast of the continent of Meridia ("La Méridienne") has moved swiftly to ensure the safety of the residents of the most populous section of Cervidas.

"Cervidians should have no fear of another imperialist subjugation, as they did under the Void," said 2ieme Royaume Souveraine Marie-Collette de Gaspé, in declaring the unilateral annexation. "Nouvel Acadie has established smooth and regular commerce with the Sa'ami of western Meridia, and it only makes logical sense foe us to extend our military protection to the citizens of Cervidas in light of the collapse of their government. The residents of Cervidas can be assured of their protection under the Constitution of the Second Royaume, and shall be considered fully enfranchised members of the Acadien Autonomous Region of La Méridienne immediately."
