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by Dragao do mar. . 68 reads.

Fauna of Dragão do Mar


Threshed Jaguar
Onça-Malhada | (PT)
Gatvs Raivozvs | Scientific Name

Conservation Status: Good

The threshed jaguar, in portuguese onça-malhada, is a specie of carnivorous mammal of the Felidae family of the Wake Islands Area. It is one of the largest felines of the Western Isles, and the bigger of the Wake Islands Area. It is part of the Panthera gender, but, although of its similarities with the leopard, it is genetically closer to the lion family. It could be found in the entire territory of Dragão do Mar in the past, but now is restricted to the Cocó Forest in Messejana and some parts of Parangaba, and generally is not found higher than 1 200 meters of altitude. The threshed jaguar is strongly associated to the presence of water and is noticeable for being a feline that likes to swim.

It is a feline of big portions, with weight between 60 and 92 kg, being capable to reach 158 kg. Its length can vary from 1,12 and 1,85 meters, without counting with the tail. Physically similar to the leopard, the threshed jaguar differs for the size of its marks in his skin and bigger body. It hunts forming ambushes, using his extremely strong bite, that allows him to break hard shells of turtles, and to utilize an uncommon killing method: He bites directly in the animal skull, between the ears, a fatal bite.

It its a important predator in the top of the food chain, that can eat any animal capable to be captured, having a important role in the balance of the ecosystem in the country. Frequently live together to the oranistanian leopard, influencing the habits of these felines. Its living area can reach 40 km^2, with males generally having two to three female companions. Commonly pregnant jaguars have two descendants.

Topira | (PT)
Topiras terrestris | Scientific Name

Conservation Status: Very Good

The topir, in portuguese topira, is a mammal of the Tapiridae family of the Topiras gender. It is present in the northwest and south of the country, in most past in the Cocó Forest. It is the bigger terrestrial mammal of Dragão do Mar, having up to 300 kg of weight and 242 cm of length.

It has a diet based in fruits and have a important role to the spreading of seeds. Its main predators are the threshed jaguar, the bloody wolf and the oranistanian leopard. Its a lonely animal that lives in territories of 5 km^2 of area. It has a slow reproduction, with a pregnancy of 380 days in average, having one descendent per time.

Bloody Wolf
Lobo Sangrento | (PT)
Princesvs Selvagervs | Scientific Name

Conservation Status: Good

The bloody wolf, in portuguese lobo sangrento, is a specie of canid in the Wake Islands. It is common in the province of Parangaba, in the northwest and west, and in Aldeota, in the north and northeast, region of non-dense vegetation with warm climate. It was extinct in the south, due to centuries of predatory hunting, and its existence in the rest of the country is now alarming.

Being the bigger canid of Dragão do Mar, is has between 20 and 30 kg of weight and 90 cm of length. Its long, thin, dark legs and its red fur makes the bloody wolf appearance unmistakable. The bloody wolf is adapted to temperate climate. Being a omnivorous animal it has a important role in the spreading of tree's seeds, but they are called by farmers as "Chick stealers" due to its invader habits, and many of then are killed in bases of this. The bloody wolf lives with his companion all his life, in territories of 90 km^2.

Cocoan Sloth
Preguiça Cocóense | (PT)
Deboinhas lerdvs | Scientific Name

Conservation Status: Good

The cocoan sloth, in portuguese preguiça cocóense, is a mammal which has the Cocó Forest as its restricted habitat. They can reach 59 cm of length and 5 kg of weight.

It has long claws that are used to climb in the trees. Its extremely slow motion is responsible for its slow digestion. It is a animal with long fur, that lives in the top of the trees. It has lone habits, and has as defense tools its claws and camouflaged fur. To eat the cocoan sloth uses its serrated teeth. Herbivorous, it has restricted feeding habits. It sleeps 14 hours per day, also climbed in trees. In the reproduction one cub only is born, the female takes care of it. They practice the reproduction, as well as all they do, in the top of the trees. Its main predators are the threshed jaguar and the empress harpy.

Bushland Deer
Veado do Cerrado | (PT)
Seradvs Veanidevs | Scientific Name

Conservation Status: Bad

The bushland deer, in portuguese veado do cerrado, is a rural deer, fond mostly in the center of the country, in the southeast of the Aldeotan province. These cervids have length of 1 meter, with brown fur on his backs and light brown fur on the remain parts.

This deer is found commonly alone or in groups up to three animals. They have horns that can reach 30 cm. They are fast animals, being able to run in 70 km/h, jumping by obstacles without decreasing its velocity. Their jumps can cross small rivers, when not, they easily swim. Its population is greatly reduced due to hunting, deceases, land burning and lost of its natural habitat. They eat essentially grass and small plants.

Cavipara | (PT)
Ratvs Grandis | Scientific Name

Conservation Status: Very Good

The caviar, in portuguese cavipara, is a specie of rodent mammal of the Cadeviia family and Hycismfisem gender. It is included in the same group of rodent of picures, pacas and the guinea pig. It is present in the entire territory of Dragão do Mar, save for the small province of Solaria at southwest. It is a animal associated to rivers, lakes and swamps.

Extremely adaptable, it can happen in the nature and in ambients changed by the men. It is the bigger rodent specie of the country, weighing up to 91 kg, having a length of 1,2 m and a height of 60 cm. It has a dense, reddish brown fur. It is herbivorous. There is a big population of caviparas in the Marian territory, due to this, the specie have a main role in the maintaining of the predatory population.

Ariranha | (PT)
Lontrosus ararinius | Scientific Name

Conservation Status: Very Good

The arirania, in portuguese ariranha, is a mammal animal of the subfamily Lontrae, that belong to the carnivorous order and Mustelous family. It can be found in the most part of the country, its natural habitat is the river, with are abundant in Dragão do Mar, there the arirania search for food like fishes, crustaceans, reptiles and sometimes it eats birds and small mammals.

The arirania have nocturne habits. The social groups are formed by females and its descendants, males only approximate to females in the time of mating. Its pregnancy period is of two months and one to five descendants are produced. It has a dense, impermeable fur. Its body is hydrodynamic and is prepared to swim in high velocity. It is capable to be submerse during 6 minutes and to reach the speed of 12 km/h while swimming.

Tatu-Bola | (PT)
Bichineo redondvs | Scientific Name

Conservation Status: Good

The tatu, in portuguese tatu-bola, is the predominant specie of armadillo of the Tolypezes gender. This specie is found in Dragão do Mar, mainly in the province of Solaria and Parangaba.

The tatu have around of 30 cm of length, has a orange brown color and a body with rings. The tatu is the only armadillo capable to wrap itself completely inside its carapace, assuming the form of a ball. The tatu is vulnerable by nature, but it has a good status of preservation.

Peixe-boi | (PT)
Peixotos vacvdos | Scientific Name

Conservation Status: Bad

The cow-fish, in portuguese peixe-boi, is the designation of aquatic mammals of the family of Tricheca. They have a big chubby body, with similar aspect of the walrus. There are the marine-cow-fish (Maris tricheca) and the cocó's-cow-fish (Cocorius tricheca). The marine-cow-fish can reach 4 m of length and 800 kg of weight, and the cocó's-cow-fish can reach 2,5 m of length and 300 kg of weight. They generally lives in shallow warm waters, the marine-sea-cow living in the Mesder Sea and the cocós-cow-fish living in the basin of the Cocó River.

All these cow-fishes are endangered species, with reduced number due to hunting for many centuries. They are, although, protected by law since 1867, and the hunting and commerce of products derived from the cow-fish are now illegal.

They have lone habits, rarely spotted in groups out of the mating period. They eat algae and several times of marine and riverine plants and can consume 10% of its weight in food, and can pass 8 hours per day eating. During its two first years of life they feed with milk, and, the name of fish is inaccurate due to this, but still being used.


Karé Crocodile
Crocodilo Karé | (PT)
Karecvs Crocodylvs | Scientific Name

Conservation Status: Bad

The karé crocodile is the Marian crocodile specie, which is present in the province of Solaria and in the west of the province of Parangaba. This specie is one of the biggests of the Western Isles, very dangerous for the men and was venerated in the ancient Tabajara Empire.

The karé crocodile, as other crocodiles, is a carnivorous animal. It has not teeth appropriate to chew, they are many, sharp, but is used to cut the meat, them the karé pull the food to the water to smooth and eat it. The eggs of female karé are put in nests in the sand, and take 11 to 14 weeks to hatch. The eggs are easy target to predators, including other crocodiles. The female karé crocodiles are attentive, and take care of the nest until their descendants appear. In the most part of life they are lone, without forming groups.

They live in fresh water, rivers and lakes, that are in abundance in Solaria and Parangaba, western provinces. Today it has a small population, because they are the main target for professional hunters in the country, and the several laws of protection to the nature seems not to be enough.

Jabuti Turtle
Jabuti | (PT)
Quelonivs Jabvttos | Scientific Name

Conservation Status: Very Good

Jabuti is the specie of turtle provided of carapace, exclusively terrestrial that lives in Dragão do Mar. It can be found in any place of the Marian territory, in a big population, being a prey for karé crocodiles, threaded jaguars, bloody wolves and others.

Jabutis can reach 70 cm of length with 80 years. They are animals with convex shell and heavy legs, adapted to terrestrial life. His carapace is a osseous structure formed by vertebrae of his chest and ribs, which is a protection tool where the animal hides when menaced.

They have diurnal habits, live in groups and walk by great distances looking for food. They are omnivorous, with a balanced alimentation with leaves, vegetables, fruits and animal protein. In captivity they can be feed with variable fruits and vegetables, and the animal food necessities can be filled with dog food. To have a jabuti as a domestic animal is prohibited, but it is a common habit.

Jiboia Snake
Serpente Jibóia | (PT)
Cobritus jobolius | Scientific Name

Conservation Status: Good

The jobóia is a snake that can reach the length of 2 to 4 meters when adult. It exists in Dragão do Mar where is the second biggest snake and can be found in diverse locals, save for the extreme north, but is present in the west, east and south, in places with different biome, such as the Cocó forest, mangroves, savannas and bushland.

It is basically a animal with nocturne habits, but still with diurnal activity. The egg of a female jibóia takes around of 6 months, having 12 to 34 descendants each litter. It detects its preys with visual perception of movement and heat, surprising then in silence. Feeds with small and medium mammals, birds and other reptiles. In a attack the jibóia embroils the body of the pray and strangle it to suffocate. It has not venom, but a painful bite. After dead, the pray is eat by the jibóia. Its digestion is slow, and can take up to seven days, a period where the snake stands still, in a immobile condition. Due to this, is a easy target to hunters.

Sucoral Snake
Serpente Sucorália | (PT)
Cobritvs svcoralis | Scientific Name

Conservation Status: Good

The sucoral snake, in portuguese sucolária, sometimes Marian anaconda, in a marian snake which lives in the dense forestation, mainly in the Cocó Forest, and also present in mangroves. It is a huge and dangerous snake. It was a venerated animal in the ancient Tabajara Empire.

The sucoral have the post of bigger serpent of the country, being capable to reach 7 meters length, although, the most of them have around of 6 meters. A sucoral can live up to 30 years. Females are bigger that males, being also more aggressive. There is common to find histories and stories about attacks of huge sucorals, some are invented, but, in fact, the biggers sucoral ever found, and with a trustable source, had 9 meters length.


Empress Harpy
Harpia Imperatriz | (PT)
Imperatvs harpiarivs | Scientific Name

Conservation Status: Very Good

The empress harpy, in portuguese harpia imperatriz, sometime scalled royal eagle, is the biggest and heavier bird of prey of Dragão do Mar, with wingspan of 2,8 m and weight of 12 kg.

Both sex have a crest of large feathers that are rise up when a noise is heard. As the owls, they have a facial disk with smaller feathers to increase its listening capacities. The empress harpy have as main characteristics small eyes, a crest in the top of his head with two dark feathers in up of it and a grey tail.

This bird of the Eusorikka family have large round wings, short and round legs and claws extremely strong, capable to raise a lamb from the ground. It has 60 to 90 cm of height, and a weight between 8 and 11 kg for a male and 9 and 12 to a female.

These harpies are predators extremely effective, with claws longer that the ones of a grey bear. It is a harpy adapted to acrobatic flying in dense forestal spaces. Its main habitat is the Cocó Forest, but is present in the entire south of Dragão do Mar. It is mostly a predator of mammals.

Araras | (PT)

Conservation Status: Good

The name arara designates a group of bird species, which have big proportions, long tail and a curved hard beak. They belong to the Ararae family.

The blue arara, in portuguese arara-azul, is a bird of the Pittizae gender and lives manly in the biome of the Cocó Forest in the south of the country, it is also present in the bush lands of Parangaba at northwest, but in smaller number. It has blue plumes, with yellow feathers around its eyes and beak. Its big beak is almost bigger that its cranium. Its feeding consists in fruits and coconuts. It has 98 cm of length and 2 kg of weight.

The yellow arara, in portuguese arara-amarela, is a bird of the Pirokkae gender. Its natural habitat is the Cocó forest. It is a noticeable bird, with golden yellow plumes covering its entire body, save for the top of its wings, which are colored in olive green. It has 34 cm of length and 1,2 of weight.

The red arara, in portuguese arara-vermelha, ia a bird of the Pepekkae gender. Its natural habitat is the Cocó Forest, but it is commonly found in any place of the country, save for the small province of Solaria at west. Its feeding is based in seeds, fruits and coconuts. It is covered with red plumes, save for its wings, that are colored with green and blue feathers. It has 90 cm of length and 1,5 kg of weight.

Carcará | (PT)
Passarvs Carcarivs | Scientific Name

Conservation Status: Good

The karkhara, in portuguese carcará, is a specie of bird of pray of the Falconidae family and Sertãomermozis gender. Is has 60 cm of height and its wingspan can reach 124 cm. In Dragão do Mar it habits the Provinces of Parangaba and Solaria, in Northwest and West, respectively.

A karkhara is easily recognized when it lands, mainly for its "hat" made of black feathers in its head, and for its short curved beak white in the point. The bird is covered of black feathers, except for its neck and the middle of his tail. He has long yellow legs.

The karkhara is not an eagle, it is close to the hawks family. He is opportunist, aways waiting for the best chance to attack, generally eating insects, rodents and other easy preys, he also attacks small mammals and sometimes is scavenger. He pass long times in the ground, due to its big legs adapted to walking, but is a excellent flyer and glider.

Larel Parrot
Papagaio Loro | (PT)
Lavrvm papagaivs | Scientific Name

Conservation Status: Very Good

The larel parrot, in portuguese papagaio loro, is a bird specie of Dragão do Mar. It is found in humid or dry vegetation, close to rivers, in dense or bushland vegetation. It can be found in any place of the country, save for the province of Solaria at west.

It has around of 38 cm of length and 0,4 kg. It has blue feathers in the forehead, yellow feathers in the head and green feathers in the other parts of its body. Its eyes are orange yellow in males and orange red in females. Its beak is dark in adults. Its lifespan is of 80 years. It is a extremely intelligent specie and commonly learn and repeat what people say, due to this many persons look for having a larel parrot as domestic animal, even it being prohibited by law.

Dragao do mar
