by Max Barry

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by Gay armies. . 28 reads.



When the first gays came to Gay Armies, they found these strange mushrooms growing everywhere. After a citizen ate one, he got lost in a forest and never came back. They then decided it would be better if these mushrooms were used for currency instead of for consumption. In order to produce more currency, a team of scientists analyzed the mushrooms, and started to develop these fungus cultures in greenhouses across the nation.

The mushrooms were a hit. People were more focused on growing them than building their own houses. It was then declared that a person must cover the mushroom in chocolate and tinfoil if they were to consider it currency. Further down the line, they would start wrapping the mushrooms in tinfoil wrappers with pictures of the leader on it. General Silver's mushrooms are quite popular. He, unlike all the dictators before him, encourages people to eat the mushrooms to battle inflation. Some theorize that he is trying to control the populous with the mind-altering properties that come with the consumption of these mushrooms, but the real fact is, Silver uses these mushrooms recreationally like many of Gay Armies' citizens.

The mushroom currency doesn't really have any drawbacks, except that mushrooms older than a week either have to be consumed or thrown out. This makes inflation impossible, though. The chocolate-covered psychedelic mushroom, therefore, always has the same value. However, the mushroom wrappers that don't get thrown away have given Gay Armies a past time. Many gays love to occupy themselves with collecting old wrappers. A corporation even made a card game out of it, which then evolved into an app where people can walk around and catch various dictators and battle them.

*As a side note, 1 C-CPM is equal to 22.34 US dollars, 17.05 British pounds, or 19.14 Euros.

Gay armies
