by Max Barry

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by Skymoot. . 5 reads.

Temporary - Manners and Etiquette in Skymoot

Is your nation considered "socially conservative"?

Which of these behaviours are acceptable in public?

[ ] Breastfeeding
[ ] Burping
[ ] Displays of affection
[ ] Dressing provocatively
[ ] Eating
[ ] Intoxication
[ ] Passing gas
[ ] Ranting about personal issues
[ ] Smoking
[ ] Swearing
[ ] Taking photos of other people
[ ] Wearing beach attire
[ ] Wearing sport attire
[ ] Wearing pyjamas
[ ] Yawning without covering mouth


How do people in your nation say "hello" and "goodbye"?

What do people usually do when greeting each other?

Is it expected to greet the owner when entering and leaving a store?

Is it expected to greet the driver when boarding and leaving a bus?

Are titles (Mr/Mrs/Miss) used?

Does your nation's language have familiar and formal forms of "you"?

Table manners

Are good table manners considered important in your nation?

How are utensils supposed to be used?

When is it acceptable to begin eating?

Who pays for the meal at restaurants?

How much is the tip/service charge?

Which of these behaviours are acceptable at mealtimes?

[ ] Asking for seconds
[ ] Checking an electronic device
[ ] Chewing with mouth open
[ ] Discussing politics or religion
[ ] Food left over on plate
[ ] Eating before everyone is served
[ ] Elbows on table
[ ] Hands below table
[ ] Leaving the table to use the toilet
[ ] Not tipping
[ ] Over-tipping
[ ] Refusing to try a dish
[ ] Separating the bill
[ ] Slurping or smacking sounds
[ ] Speaking on mobile phone
[ ] Speaking with mouth full
[ ] Spilling food or drinks on other people
[ ] Taking photos of the food


What is the dress code for most businesses?

Is punctuality considered important in your nation?

What language is business conducted in?

How should bosses and coworkers be addressed?

Is hierarchy a strong part of your nation's business culture?

Giving gifts

Are gifts expected when visiting someone's home?

Are gifts expected between business associates?

Are students expected to bring gifts to their teachers?

When are gifts supposed to be opened?

What are some gifts to avoid?


Are people less or more formal online than in real life?

Which of these behaviours are acceptable online?

[ ] Abbreviations
[ ] Discussing politics or religion
[ ] Not using punctuation
[ ] Provocative photos
[ ] Ranting about personal issues
[ ] Swearing
[ ] Typing in all capitals
[ ] Typing in all lowercase

Using the road

Which of these behaviours are acceptable on roads?

[ ] Cyclist disobeying red light
[ ] Driving too fast
[ ] Driving too slow
[ ] Flashing the headlights
[ ] Hitchhiking
[ ] Honking the horn
[ ] Jaywalking
[ ] Not signalling a turn
[ ] Playing loud music
[ ] Speaking on mobile phone
[ ] Taking up more than one lane
[ ] Taking up more than one parking space
[ ] Tailgating
[ ] Texting on mobile phone

