by Max Barry

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by The Sleeping Giant of Shizensky. . 1,142 reads.

Things to Do in the RIA

Everything there is to know about NationStates.

LinkChat with us!

The RIA is on Discord! Join us in the chat room to talk about anything, nothing, or everything! Sometimes we get on for a voice chat and to play Cards Against Humanity! This is one of the easiest ways to get to know your fellow Renegades.

LinkSign up on our off site forum.

Our off site forum has more games, the LinkCitizens' Congress, debates, and role playing. This is also where you Linkapply for citizenship to get the most out of what the RIA has to offer!

LinkEnlist in the RIA Special Forces.

The RIASF is the region's defense military, renowned as one of the most historic Defender forces in NationStates. Join us in the fight to protect innocent regions from the threat of raids and invasions.

LinkThe Renegade, the RIA's Newspaper!

News from all over the region! Our writers covers important stories happening in our resident nations as well as breaking news from the region's government.

The Sleeping Giant of Shizensky

