by Max Barry

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by The Regional Nation of The Northern Light. . 13,538 reads.

Target Lists

Zombie Survival Guide

Now that I have these missile things, what should I do with them?

That's a great question! You should consult the chart below to figure out where you should target your missiles. Look up your survivor population in the left-hand column, and follow the link to your target list.

Please note: Survivor = Number of People on your zombie control page.

Z-Day Cure Teams

Survivor Populations


Smaller than 150 million

Use this target list!

150 million to 500 million

Use this target list!

500 million to 1.5 billion

Use this target list!

1.5 billion to 5 billion

Use this target list!

Greater than 5 billion

Use this target list!

If target lists are based on my surviving population, does that mean that what target list I should use might change?

Yes. If you have a very high total population, the correct target list for you might change depending on how many of your citizens have become infected or have died. Your best bet is to ask to be cured so that you're in peak fighting shape, then start working off that team's list.

If you're actively curing, be sure to join us on LinkDiscord. We will be providing methods to ensure your population is kept alive whenever you have to log off.

~Sponsored by TNP for a cure~
