by Max Barry

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by The Republic of Ivelboria. . 165 reads.



Liberté, liberté, liberté!
Liberté, liberté, liberté!
English: Liberty, liberty, liberty!
National Anthem of Neviersia

Also known as

De chanson tes grands soldats (The great solders' song)
De chanson patriotique (The patriotic song)


Camden Hauxdeirn, 1951


Camden Hauxdeirn, 1951


1951 (de facto)
2011 (de jure)

Audio sample


Tune: El Salvador Anthem (chorus only)

"Liberté, liberté, liberté!" (English: "Liberty, liberty, liberty!") is the anthem of the Federal Republic of Neviersia. The song was the de facto anthem of Neviersia from the near beginnings of the Second Veropan War in 1951. In 2011, the song was officially adopted as the anthem of Neviersia as declared by the Constitution of 2011.


The lyrics and the melody can be attributed to Camden Hauxdeirn in 1951, notable for leading the Attack of the Neviersians during the Second Veropan War which led to independence from the corrupt Greater Sheplanian regime. The song was one of Hauxdeirn's last patriotic songs before his death in 2018. There are several interpretations of the second verse, which refers to the screams "Liberty, liberty, liberty!" and the 'new, grand nation'. It is generally agreed that this verse is a reference to the Grand Sheplanian militia fleeing Djurma shortly before the Second Veropan War, as Neviersian residents liberated the capital, shouting patriotic chants, ie. "Liberty, liberty, liberty".

Before the implementation of the Constitution of 2011, the line "De République Fédéral tu Neviersie" (The Federal Republic of Neviersia) previously read as "De République tes Personnes tu Neviersie" (The Neviersian People's Republic).

During the rule of the Neviersian People's Republic and the Neviersian Provisional Republic between 1981 to 2011, the de jure national anthem of the country was the Neviersian Psalm (or Nevvy Psalm). The reason for the government choosing the Neviersian Psalm as the national anthem and not Liberté, liberté, liberté! remains unknown. Nonetheless, Neviersian crowds sung Liberté, liberté, liberté! over the Neviersian Psalm at international, official and sporting events. The general disliking of the Neviersian Psalm attributes to numerous reasons such as the government imposing an 'arbitrary change' of the national anthem to a song that 'does not truly represent the identity of the Neviersian people'.

Usage and regulation

Due to the excessive length of the anthem, on occasions such as professional football and rugby games, only the first chorus is played. The remaining verses are usually played for official matters, such as at diplomatic events.

There are currently no legal provisions regulating behaviour during the playing of the national anthem, leaving citizens to conduct themselves how they choose to during a performance. However, by convention, all citizens should stand up before or once the anthem begins, facing a Neviersian flag if one is present. Military men and women in uniform should keep their hats on and offer the military salute during the performance, facing in the direction of the Neviersian Flag if one is present.


The current constitution establishes the national anthem as the first three verses of the song, which are considered to be the most historically significant. There are several unofficial translations in all of the recognised regional languages in the country, as well as in other minority languages.

Excluding the chorus, there are eight other verses that have been originally written by Camden Hauxdeirn, but these are rarely used in performances of the national anthem. Unofficial verses have also been written by other Neviersians, some to convey messages relating to contemporary international agenda.




Chantons de chanson tes grands soldats,
Ceurs actes née dois pas sois sousavoit.
Dais versait fièrement ceur bloude four toi,
Four sauver tout tes filles ét tout tes boix.

Sous protection te drapeau tricolore,
Nous sont tes grands soldats toujour.
Nous pourerai nos vies ét nos amoix,
Four préserver de liberté Neviersien!

Four liberté! Four liberté!
Liberté! Liberté! Liberté!


Let's sing the great soldiers' song,
Their acts shall not be undermined.
They proudly shed their blood for you,
To save all your daughters and sons.

Protected by your tricoloured flag,
We are always your great soldiers.
We will pour our lives and our souls,
To preserve the Neviersian liberty!

For liberty! For liberty!
Liberty! Liberty! Liberty!

Héarez-vous en des montagnes distanciées,
"Liberté, liberté, liberté"?
Coivez-vous héar des sons tes chaines métals broquées,
Ét ceurs cries patriotiqu'aux sacrés?
Donnez vai-t-à de grand, nouveau nation;
Des daimgnées sont shaquées.
Hauvez-vous d'envie fière en vos heartés?
Féelez-vous d'étendard bloude comme dais léve,
Avec vu thundereux comme dais tout scréam?
Des vieux sont réplacées avec des nouveaux:
De République Fédéral tu Neviersie!
Des vieux sont réplacées avec des nouveaux:
De République Fédéral tu Neviersie!

Do you hear in the distanced mountains,
"Liberty, liberty, liberty"?
Could you hear the sounds of the broken, metallic chains,
And their sacred, patriotic cries?
Give way to the new, grand nation;
The damned are shaken.
Do you have fiery envy in your hearts?
Do you feel the bloody standard as they rise,
With thunderous anger as they all scream?
The old is replaced by the new:
The Federal Republic of Neviersia!
The old is replaced by the new:
The Federal Republic of Neviersia!



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The Republic of Ivelboria

