by Max Barry

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by The United States of Granbora. . 127 reads.

Standard Infantry Weaponry

Riflemen, super soldier or otherwise, are equipped with the deadly M47 "Grinder" .357 caliber assault rifle, 2 M22 "Blister" sticky heat grenades for use against light vehicles, and 2 M21 "porcupine" Fragmentation or 2 M20 "Boomer" High Explosive grenades. Alternatively, they can opt for the M62 "Long Fire" .450 caliber Designated Marksman Rifle.

Since the "Scourge" and "Wall Buster" are too big, regular specialists are instead given the M36 "Light Buster", a .408 caliber Machine Gun developed off of the M52 "Wall Buster", and the M5 "Griffin" .50 cal sniper.

All Demolitions experts are gifted the mighty T43 "Thundershock" reusable launcher system and 2-4 M23 "Firebug" Anti-vehicle adhesive/magnetic shaped charges, which can be placed manually, or fired from the "Thundershock".

The United States of Granbora
