by Max Barry

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by The Regional Nation of The Northern Light. . 761 reads.

World Assembly voting policy

"[background-block=#265780][hr][center][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=200][color=#dfecff]The North Pacific Handbook[/color][/size][/center][hr][center][b][size=125] [/size][url=/page=dispatch/id=851343][color=#94c248]Welcome![/color][/url] [size=125][color=#dfecff] → [/color][/size] [url=/page=dispatch/id=468684][color=#dfecff]World Assembly voting policy[/color][/url][size=125] [/size][/b][/center][hr][/background-block]

1) The Delegate and the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs will endeavour to create a forum thread for each World Assembly resolution that is At Vote or a World Assembly proposal likely to reach such status. Forum threads will be used for discussion of and voting on the respective resolution or proposal.

2) Forum threads will be located within the [url=]Ministry of World Assembly Affairs[/url]. Forum threads will be created as soon as practically possible after a proposal reaches quorum, and will remain open until either the proposal fails to reach quorum or the corresponding resolution is no longer At Vote.

3) Eligible to submit votes in a forum thread are all persons that: have a World Assembly nation either residing in The North Pacific, or deployed in an official mission of the North Pacific Army; and satisfy this condition for the entire time the forum thread is open. Votes may only be submitted through posts in the forum thread. All votes should include their WA Nation. 

4) Eligible to take part in the discussion in a forum thread are all persons that have forum permissions to post within the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs.

5) In most cases, the Delegate's vote on each resolution will be determined by the running tally of the corresponding forum thread, and will be updated as the tally changes and as frequently as practically possible while not diminishing the regional voting influence. In the event that the Delegate has decided to vote differently to public opinion they will give a reason for it.

6) In the event that a resolution reaches At Vote status without a forum thread having been started, the Delegate will cast a preliminary vote in consultation with the staff of the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs and the World Assembly Legislative League. The delegate's vote will be updated as soon as practically possible after a forum thread has been created and received votes.

[[url=]Forum announcement[/url]]

For any questions, please contact Delegate [nation]Kaschovia[/nation] or Minister of WA Affairs [nation]Magecastle Embassy Building A5[/nation].

[i]This dispatch is updated automatically on a daily basis. Please do not edit manually.[/i]
[b][url=][color=94c248]Forum[/color][/url] [size=125][color=#dfecff] · [/color][/size] [url=][color=94c248]Citizenship[/color][/url] [size=125][color=#dfecff] · [/color][/size] [url=][color=94c248]Executive Staff[/color][/url] [size=125][color=#dfecff] · [/color][/size] [url=][color=94c248]North Pacific Army[/color][/url] [size=125][color=#dfecff] · [/color][/size] [url=][color=94c248]World Assembly Ministry[/color][/url] [size=125][color=#dfecff] · [/color][/size] [url=][color=94c248]Role Play[/color][/url] [size=125][color=#dfecff] · [/color][/size] [url=][color=94c248]Trading Cards[/color][/url][/b][/center][hr][/background-block]"
