by Max Barry

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by The United States of Granbora. . 28 reads.

Wheeled Vehicles

The Granboran Army makes only sparing use of wheeled vehicles, and many of the wheeled vehicles it uses are used for auxilary purposes. However, it does feature a small handful of wheeled combat vehicles. Most of them come from a time before the current military designation system.

The second largest of these vehicles is known simply as the "Hunter", a heavy reconaissance/ light Anti-Tank vehicle sporting a 120mm gun and 4 ATGMs, as well as a turret mounted "Wall Buster" HMG. Its survival rate in the field has been kept up due to ever improving stealth research and development.

The basis of the "Hunter", the "Hound", comes in at only 3/4 the weight, losing the 120mm gun and 2 ATGMs. It fills the role of a Reconaissance/ transport, capable of carrying a squad of Super soldiers, or two squads of regulars.

The smallest vehicle is the aptly named "Overseer" Mobile Command Center. These vehicles are equipped with the best communications and stealth equipment Granbora has to offer. Any other information is considered to be confidential.

The largest, and least used is the mighty K73 "Thunderstorm" Mobile Missile platform. These are currently being phased out for tracked versions, however, at least 10 are still in active combat against Bigtopia

The United States of Granbora
